
Amazing virgin nature of the Valley of Flowers. Positive National Park of India

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Amazing virgin nature of the Valley of Flowers. Positive National Park of India
Amazing virgin nature of the Valley of Flowers. Positive National Park of India

Video: Valley.Of.Flower 2024, June

Video: Valley.Of.Flower 2024, June

In order to preserve and restore natural objects, state institutions having the status of a national park are organized. On the territory where any human activity is limited or completely prohibited, favorable conditions are created for recreation and acquaintance with local attractions.

Our article will talk about the Indian National Park, located high in the mountains, in the state of Uttarakhand. Famous far beyond the borders of the country for its picturesque landscapes that change depending on the time of year, it attracts the great attention of ecotourists from around the globe.

House for Flora and Fauna

The Valley of Flowers is a national park of India, located on the territory of the biosphere reserve, so official permission will be required to visit it. The World Heritage Site, created in 1982, has become a home not only for unique plant species, but also for animals and birds that disappear from the face of our planet.

One of the most beautiful places in the world.

About a small park area, surrounded on all sides by the Himalayan mountains, for a long time there are legends. The population believes that fairy-tale fairies live in a place with bewitching beauty. And the fame of rare medicinal plants made this corner truly sacred to India.


In 1931, an previously inaccessible unique natural attraction was discovered by an English climber, amazed at the virgin beauty of a bright carpet. After that, scientists began to study the flora and fauna, which is famous for creating a unique pattern Valley of Flowers.

The national park, exuding a delicious fragrance, is modest in size, but this does not prevent it from being known as one of the most beautiful places in the world. Untouched by civilization, flower meadows surprise with a riot of colors.

According to the latest experts, more than 500 species of flowering plants grow in the valley, pleasing the eyes of visitors to the park from the beginning of June to October, the rest of the time, unfortunately, the territory of the Indian attraction is strewn with snow.

Geographical position

Considering the climate of the reserve, scientists say that it has no analogues in the whole world. The exceptional geographical position created favorable conditions for a sharp transition from one biozone to another; therefore, a huge number of animals characteristic of different latitudes feel at ease here.


Almost year-round, the Valley of Flowers pleases with a beautiful floral cover, playing with millions of shades. The Himalayan National Park is unique in its endless cycle of successive plants.

Valley Biozones

Biologists divide a popular attraction into several zones. The first - subalpine is known for the forest kingdom with birches and rhododendrons.

Lower Alpine - the second zone, located above the first and pleasing with the brightest colors. Fantastically beautiful orchids, snow-white lilies, unusual dark blue poppies, Himalayan thyme, blue daisies, cute daisies - there are no plants here!


In the third alpine zone with severe climate conditions, located at a distance of about 3700 meters, lichens and mosses appear along with flowers.

Endless flowering cycle

It is impossible to list all the plants living in the valley and becoming its main decoration. It’s difficult to convey in words this fascinating picture - it must be seen! Due to the short period of vegetation, new flowers immediately appear on the site of wilted plants, creating an endless cycle and an example of the amazing harmony in nature that the Valley of Flowers is famous for.

The National Park, which holds true flower treasures, is of great interest to botanists who learn a lot about rare plants.

All shades of the rainbow

The symbol of the Alps has always been considered edelweiss, growing in the most inaccessible places. The only place where you can see it not at a mountain height, but in a lowland is the magical Valley of Flowers.

The National Park in its meadows has collected the entire palette of the rainbow, changing over time. But, probably, the most common color was blue and its various shades. Each year, guests of the protected area are delighted with natural fantasy, painting a huge number of plants in bright or delicate shades.