
Did you see a woman with a spoon at the airport? Call the police, it can save a life

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Did you see a woman with a spoon at the airport? Call the police, it can save a life
Did you see a woman with a spoon at the airport? Call the police, it can save a life

Violence against women can take many forms, but they are all completely unbearable. Forced marriage is one of them. Unfortunately, such things still exist in the 21st century. Even today, young women, sometimes just girls, are forced to marry against their will.

Forced Spouse

To avoid this, in many countries marriage without the official permission of the parents and the explicit consent of both spouses is illegal, and marriage to minors is prohibited by international law. However, some people still find loopholes in the law, give bribes, or in any other way convince parents to give their daughter in marriage. These illegal marriages are often contracted abroad - many problems can be avoided there. Later, the couple returns to the country of the newly-married spouse, where the wife is unlikely to be able to find help.

Help campaign

Due to the fact that forced marriages and abuse of women have not yet eliminated themselves, a campaign has been launched to help such unfortunate people. Experts have suggested using an ordinary … spoon.


Yes, it may seem ridiculous, but only at first glance. How can a girl use a simple metal spoon to protect her rights and prevent an unwanted marriage? Of course, the cutlery will not help to repulse the attacker. The idea is to hide it in underwear or any other convenient place before going to the airport.

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The spoon is alarming for metal detectors, after which the airport guards deliver an involuntary bride or wife to a separate room where she can tell them her story without the presence of a tormentor. The security department, in turn, informs the relevant authorities which should intervene in order to protect the rights of the woman or child.

The campaign was originally launched in Europe, where the number of people traveling abroad to find women is growing at an alarming rate. But now it saves lives around the world.


Today, women who are forcibly trying to take them out of the country are increasingly contriving not only to bring a spoon to the airport, but also quietly show it to someone who is trustworthy unhappy.