
What are the differences between a leopard and a jaguar?

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What are the differences between a leopard and a jaguar?
What are the differences between a leopard and a jaguar?

Video: What are the Difference Between a Jaguar and a Leopard - Comparison and Hidden Facts 2024, July

Video: What are the Difference Between a Jaguar and a Leopard - Comparison and Hidden Facts 2024, July

It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between similar animals. But those who decided to put an end to misunderstandings and knowledge gaps will surely find our article useful. In it, we will consider the main differences between leopards and jaguars, as well as some other large representatives of the cat family, which also have spots.

Who are panthers?

There are not so many differences between the jaguar and the leopard, since they are close relatives. Both species belong to the genus panther. In addition to them, the genus also includes tigers and lions, which it is clearly impossible to confuse with anyone. The word panther has another meaning. Often this is the name of all large cats of a dark color. It should be remembered that in this case we are not talking about the species - this is a characteristic of the color.


An increased amount of melanin causes the growth and darkening of the spots, as a result of which the animal gets a thick dark color, sometimes almost black. This happens with jaguars and leopards.

Sizes and shapes

The main difference between a leopard and a jaguar is the size and structure of the body. The following photo will help to visualize this.


The jaguar is larger and more massive, against the background of a light-legged leopard, it may even seem fat. And he does not have a very long, unlike a leopard tail.


In the wild, it will not be possible to put these animals nearby and compare, because they live on different continents. Therefore, we will consider other differences. But first, we note that the jaguar is the only representative of the genus panther that live in South and North America. Leopards also inhabit Africa and Asia.

Head structure

The jaguar is larger and its head is more massive. If you look in profile, you will notice a sloping, slightly convex nose. Some say it resembles a pit bull nose. Unlike a jaguar, a leopard has a more elegant head. He has a typical cat profile with a concave nose. The part of the muzzle from which the mustache grows is also different: the jaguar is pear-shaped, lowered to the mouth, and the cheetah has a knocked-down, diamond-shaped one.


Attention to spots

The American beast is not only larger, but also significantly brighter than its African and Asian counterparts. The color of his skin is red, not light yellow. Another characteristic difference between a leopard and a jaguar is spots. In the jaguar, they are large, in the form of black rosettes with spots inside, while in the leopard, they are smaller, with a colored center, but without spots.

Behavioral Features

In terms of lifestyle, there aren't many differences. Leopards and jaguars are wonderful dart frogs and hunters. They attack the victim from an ambush, kill almost instantly. Carrion these species do not feed. Injured animals can attack people, but cannibalism is uncharacteristic for them (although history knows several fierce predators who kept entire settlements in fear).

But there are still differences. Leopards do not really like water, and their American relatives swim beautifully. It is also believed that the jaguars are more aggressive.