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In the Caribbean Sea is an island where even tourists can become taller. Scientists unraveled the secret of this phenomenon

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In the Caribbean Sea is an island where even tourists can become taller. Scientists unraveled the secret of this phenomenon
In the Caribbean Sea is an island where even tourists can become taller. Scientists unraveled the secret of this phenomenon

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Would you like to become taller? Most likely, many people had a desire to "grow up" or stretch out. However, only residents of an interesting island in the Caribbean, Martinique, have such an opportunity. The discovery of their growth was made by scientists recently and plunged the whole world into shock.


True or fiction?

For a long time, people did not pay attention to the fact that the natives of Martinique are taller than other people on the continents. Men 190-200 cm tall and women taller than 174 cm - this is quite normal in this state. The answers to the origin of such mysterious growth should be sought at the source.


Geography of Martinique

Martinique is a small state in the Atlantic Ocean (Caribbean Sea) with a population of just over 400, 000 people, which is surrounded by the Lesser Antilles. The terrain of the island is mountainous and has a heterogeneous texture. It is difficult to get to Martinique from the water, because its banks are indented, and the sea is fraught with many reefs. The island itself is divided by a plain into two parts, in one of which is the active and highest volcano "Lysaya Gora".


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The lands of Martinique are not rich in minerals, there is scarce flora and fauna. There are a lot of fish and crustaceans in the waters. The island is used mainly for tourist purposes.

Unusual phenomena on the island

Martinique is famous not only for its beauties, but also for unusual phenomena. The thing is that the lands of this state contain a large number of radioactive elements. This happened as a result of the eruption of several volcanoes over the centuries.

As a result of natural disasters, plants, animals, insects and people began to grow faster and higher. Currently, even ordinary rats reach the size of a standard cat. This has been happening for many years. That is why in Martinique you can meet unusually large ants, flies and people.


Men here have an average height of 190-200 cm, and women about 174-180 cm. If the male sex of Martinique is below 180 cm, then they are called "dwarfs".

This island attracts many tourists every year, including those who are not tall. Local residents believe that if you live on this land for a while, then you can "grow up." Of course, travelers are attracted by the beautiful landscape, the sea, delicious food and other attractions. However, many people also want to be surrounded by "giant" people.

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