
Valery Storozhik: actor and master of dubbing

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Valery Storozhik: actor and master of dubbing
Valery Storozhik: actor and master of dubbing

For a while, Valery Storozhik lived with his parents in a small military town. Every evening new films were brought to the Officer's House. He really liked the French, Italian, adventure with Marcello Mastroianni and Alain Delon in the lead roles. I watched hard these movies every night. The life revealed in them seemed to the young man a window to the new world. All love of art was directly connected with the cinema and originated at that time.


Having matured and became a professional artist, Valery gave preference not to cinema, but to theater - the Moscow City Council theater, to which he devoted his whole life. He became his home, his family. Valery played many roles, including the famous ones - Jesus Christ and Pontius Pilate in the legendary production of Pavel Chomsky. Cinema heroes also accumulated a lot in the performance of an aristocratic handsome.

Creative self-determination

Born December 1, 1956 in the Poltava region of the Ukrainian SSR. The mother of the future actor is a gifted person, from childhood gravitated to the world of art, played well on several musical instruments and sang. Mom shared her son’s craving for movies, encouraged his interests. Father found the Russo-Japanese War, all his life connected with the army.


In his youth, he studied at the music school of the city of Kalinin (now Tver), he wanted to go to the piano direction, but failed exams. The woman who taught vocals suggested going to the conductor and choral department. He was accepted, was known as one of the best students, tried to show himself. I got into a class with a caring teacher who organized amateur groups, skits. The young man joined the team, played the first role and received tremendous pleasure from the game. Some kind of spark lit up.

Studying in Moscow

Upon arrival in Moscow, he gave documents to the Gnesinsky Music and Pedagogical Institute, and gradually became interested in the world of theater. He submitted documents to GITIS, but could not get through, reaching the 3rd round. I got to the Shchepkinskoye school almost by accident - I liked the woman agent who was gaining applicants. The first years he was actively involved in stage activities, played in extras, there were roles in which it was necessary to perform romances and play music. Already in the 3rd and 4th year he played in small episodes.

Valery Storozhik graduated from the Shchepkin Theater School, was admitted to the troupe of the Moscow City Council theater, whose leading actor is to this day. Initially, there was a choice between work in the Maly Theater and in the Moscow Soviet. There were worries about the wrong way.

Filmography Valery Storozhik

One of the first notable roles in the cinema was played in 1982 in the musical picture of Alexander Mitta's “Tale of Wanderings”. Also starred in the films "Beach", "Tales … tales … tales of the old Arbat", "Boris Godunov", "Joker", "Testament of Stalin" and many others. Valery is a master of dubbing and dubbing. His voice is spoken by the main characters of foreign paintings: Gone With the Wind, The Magnificent Seven, Scam, Die Hard. From the last works - voiced by Benjamin Linus in the sensational series "Lost", Lucius Malfoy in "Harry Potter".

Star role in "The Tale of Wanderings"

The film, which glorified Valery Storozhik, is “The Tale of Wanderings”, shot by Alexander Mitta. According to the actor, he dreamed of working with the master. In those days, the picture was so extraordinary, with the first "special effects." After the release of the screens, the picture was forgotten, it was not seen on time. However, ten years later they began to show on television again.


The role was written specifically for actress Lyudmila Kuznetsova, who played in the Snuffbox. Mitta wanted to see her in the image of Martha. It was necessary to find a partner for her, the director saw in one of the performances of Storozhik, offered to play along with Lyudmila. Oddly enough, the actress was not taken on the role, and Valery just approached the master.

It is interesting that Valery was voiced in this picture by Yuri Vasiliev, an actor of the Satire Theater.