
Presenter "Revizorro" Lena Flying: biography and personal life, photo

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Presenter "Revizorro" Lena Flying: biography and personal life, photo
Presenter "Revizorro" Lena Flying: biography and personal life, photo

Many people like the talented host of the “Revizorro” program, E. Letuchaya, who regularly delights viewers on the “Friday!” Channel, exposing dishonest owners of hotels and catering.

Life path

Do not get tired to admire the audience Lena Flying. Her biography and personal life excite many people. Her childhood passed in Yaroslavl, where she was born in 1978, on December 5th. At the age of seven, Lena Flying becomes a resident of the Amur Region. Her biography from this moment unfolds in an active vein, because the girl liked to skate and draw. She saw herself as an architect in the future.


There was a very good child and an obedient girl, the future host of the “Revizorro, ” Lena Flying. Her biography suggests that she was inherent at the same time restless disposition. After school, she became a student at the College of Finance and Economics, which made it possible to become a financier and gain a place in Gazprom and Russian Railways. She was given a good job, she showed herself perfectly.

Lena the Flying did not stop her educational process. The biography reports that in 2005 in the capital, she became a graduate of the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University of Russia, which trained specialists working with communication lines.

How did she come to television

It can be seen that the leading “Revizorro” Lena the Flying possesses not only creative, but also technical mentality. Her biography was abruptly transformed with a change in profession. Despite the fact that she did everything, the girl felt that she was living an incomplete life. She wanted not only to go to work and do routine operations, but also to enjoy it. Since she chose the profession on the advice of her parents, she did not match her personal preferences.

In 2007, before her 29th birthday, she thought it over and decided that there was nowhere to put off. You need to change your life if you want to live in joy. Journalism could provide such an opportunity, as Lena Flying thought. Biography, photos of the girl indicate that she has both an assertive character and excellent external data, which is why she is great for a television career. She studied at Ostankino, a television school. In the thesis, she led a program in which the shortcomings of local medicine were exposed. At that moment, she felt her true importance.


At first, television seemed to her a sky-high dream, because it needed a lot of experience and friends. During the year, she had to grab onto any tasks, if only to do what she loved and earn some money. Sometimes she just edited other people's scripts. There was no own housing and money to rent someone else's. Although her parents called her home, Lena the Flying did not give up.

Biography and personal life make it clear that she knows what she wants and will go for the goal, no matter what it costs. And indeed, after all the misfortunes, she managed to succeed when she got on cable TV. She was given assignments for producing documentary films on the most famous Russian channels.

Career peak

The next step was her work at Revisionorro, which the Russians created on the model of the Ukrainian project. This work is unique and of great public importance, since the true essence of hotel and restaurant services is revealed.

The idea was bought by Friday! At the beginning, O. Freimut wanted to make the leading, but then opinions were inclined towards Elena, who made changes in her image and clothes to look like the Ukrainian leading. Currently, Flying takes on the experience of Ukrainian colleagues, she studied and analyzed many issues.


Important topics of the program

She carried out work in many cities, one of which was Tver, where the hotel, cafe and hostel were examined. In the room was discovered dirt, as well as the hair of people who lived there before. The cafe was not happy either, because the products were stored incorrectly there and did not comply with sanitary standards.

The last point was positively distinguished, where it was clean, and good staff were present. Few institutions are happy to meet Elena’s program within their walls, because many have small and large sins. However, the girl does not pay attention to this, because she knows that she is engaged in an important business, thanks to which the services in these institutions will become better and better.



It simply cannot but interest and attract others around such an interesting and vibrant personality as Lena the Flying. Her biography and personal life interest many. Fans follow her, but she takes the relationship very seriously. Hearty affairs for her are a common cause of two persons who are ready to make joint efforts in building their union.

Also, she does not want to follow the stereotypes. Never intended to put a ring on the finger of Lena the Flying. The biography, the personal side of the girl’s life show that in each of her actions she tries to be judicious and carefully weigh each decision.

Now the TV presenter is 37 years old, and gradually she came to the realization that she was ready to meaningfully enter into marriage. She has an idea of ​​a suitable man and the actions that she is ready to take for her part to create a family.