
The magnificent Jihangir - actor Tolga Sarytash with a cheerful disposition and an open lifestyle

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The magnificent Jihangir - actor Tolga Sarytash with a cheerful disposition and an open lifestyle
The magnificent Jihangir - actor Tolga Sarytash with a cheerful disposition and an open lifestyle

Tolga Sarytash - singer and actor, Dzhikhangir from "The Magnificent Century", is known today around the world.

More recently, he made his fans nervous: journalists and fans noticed stitches on the face of the actor who appeared in the toothpaste video. What happened? Operation? I had to explain to reporters that a dog attacked the Tolga during the filming of the series. There were no serious injuries. But how damn charming is this Jihangir-Tolga! Even with scars!

Tolga the Magnificent


"Magnificent century". The grand series have not been heard only on other planets. Tolga's bright, laid-back game as an adult shekhzade Jihangir won the hearts of a good half of the female (and male) population of the planet.

It was this fascinating epic about the difficult life in the palace of Suleiman the Magnificent, who has ruled the Ottoman Empire since 1520, with a famously twisted plot, luxurious costumes and high-quality decorations, gave the Tolga a ticket to life. The actor became known throughout the world not only for his brilliant dramatic play, but also for his beautiful face with bright blue eyes and a disarming smile.

“The Magnificent Century” gave magnificent acquaintances to the Tolge-Dzhikhangiru: the actor sincerely made friends with many colleagues on the set, including Engin Ozturk, who played his screen brother Selim.

Tolga and girls


Not much is known about the personal life of the actor who played Dzhikhangir, Tolga Sarytash. His name was associated with actress Hande Erchel, they say that they had a romantic relationship, and the actors who starred in the 2015 series “Daughters Gunesh” were in no hurry to disappoint the audience.

Tolga was credited with an affair with Aubuke Pusat, a partner in the series Promise. There were rumors that Tolga was seriously carried away by the stylist Ilknur Seref, who worked with him on the set of the advertising of Ipana toothpaste. Ilknur helped the Tolga with the choice of the image for the Golden Butterfly 2017 Award. But something did not work out for them.


Meanwhile, fans continued to believe in the reunion of the hearts of Tolga and Handa. But they also failed, and so far they will no longer appear together on any set. Recently, the actors were offered to star in one film, Hande Erchel read the script and agreed. But you need to know the stubborn Dzhikhangir: actor Tolga Sarytash flatly refused to take part in the filming, something he really did not like. Fans of the couple experienced great disappointment.


And recently, often, often began to flicker photos of happy Sarytash and actress Busra Beijing.

The Tolga speaks very warmly about Bushra and sees no reason to hide their romance. They appear together in public places and attend various events. It has long been no secret to photographers and journalists that, most likely, their relationship can develop into something serious.


Let's see who is hiding under the radiant smile of the handsome Jihangir. The biography of the actor Tolga Sarytash began in Istanbul on May 30, 1991.

Little Tolga loved music, sincerely believed that this could be one of the most important activities in his life. He plays the guitar very well. But only after the movie! A career as an actor has always been his number one dream.

Istanbul is a city that favors art. After graduating from high school, Sarytash gets a job at the Esenyurt Belediye Theater.

The starting point of Tolga's career growth can be considered 2008, when the actor began to actively appear in TV shows and films, and before that he actively participated in theatrical productions. The actor was separated from his "finest hour" - the role of Jihangir - 5 years.

The first film work of Sarytash was the drama "Black Cloud", which, like the vast majority of Turkish films, tells of the difficulties in relations between family members and the intricacies of fate. Later, the actor appeared in episodic roles.


And then came the same 2013, which was a turning point for the actor - he began acting in the series "The Magnificent Century" and woke up famous. In the role of the son of the ruler of the Ottoman Empire, Shehzade Jihangir, the actor was so fond of the audience that his ratings simply went off the scale after the first episodes where the Tolga appeared. He emphasizes that if it were not for the friendly, warm atmosphere on the set, it would be more difficult for him to get used to the role. Mythic series, sunken character …

But Tolga does not give up his musical career, speaking in various shows. He became the author of the soundtrack for the TV series "Daughters Gunesh", and in that same tea advertisement he sang his own song.

7 million for tea

A young Turkish handsome man who played the shekhzade of Dzhikhangir, actor Tolga Sarytash today is a welcome face for many advertising brands and brands. From the projects proposed to him, he chose the advertisement of tea, became the face of the brand and has already starred in the video. According to media reports, the actor received a considerable fee for his work - 500, 000 Turkish liras (about 7.4 million rubles).

Prize 2016

On February 2, 2016, the 23rd İTÜ EMÖS BAŞARI ODÜLLERİ award ceremony was organized by medical students. This award marks the best representatives of the Turkish film industry. In the nomination “Best Actress of the Year”, Hande Erchel won, and the actor of the “Magnificent Century” Sarytash, who played Dzhikhangir, received a similar male award. Young people just love the Tolga! They say that he is a very cheerful open-minded guy who loves warm company of friends, and in numerous interviews he often frankly said that in life he is a completely non-conflict person and does not know how to be offended.
