
Prominent Italian politician Giulio Andreotti

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Prominent Italian politician Giulio Andreotti
Prominent Italian politician Giulio Andreotti



The famous Italian politician led the Italian government many times as the leader of Christian Democrats. Giulio Andreotti was at the forefront of easing tensions between the Soviet Union and the West. During his long political career, he held ministerial posts 19 times and seven senior posts in the executive branch of the state. And he was always at the epicenter of the country's political events, many times accused of having connections with the Sicilian mafia. An outstanding Italian politician died in 2013.

early years

Giulio Andreotti was born on January 14, 1919 in Rome, in a family descended from the commune of Senha. He lived with his mother on her small pension, because his father passed away early, just like his only sister Elena. Nevertheless, he managed to graduate with good grades from the lyceum. This did not even stop the boy suffering from severe migraines, and he had to take psychotropic drugs.


From his youth, he dreamed of becoming a doctor, but there were strict rules at the faculty of medicine, students had to attend classes regularly. And living on a small maternal pension has become difficult. And in order to have time to work part-time, Giulio entered La Sapienza University of Rome at the Faculty of Law, which he graduated with honors in the fall of 1941.

The beginning of a political career

Giulio Andreotti began to engage in politics as a student, joining the university organization of Catholic students. It was the only public organization authorized by the fascist government of Mussolini. Subsequently, many active members of the University Federation of Italian Catholic Students became prominent figures of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP).

In the summer of 1939, the organization was headed by Aldo Moro, later twice the former head of the Italian government. The young student then also received one of the most significant posts, taking the place of editor of the Catholic student magazine "Azione Fucina". During World War II, Giulio Andreotti wrote articles and notes for the underground publication "Il Popolo". At the same time, his materials were published by the fascist magazine "Rivista del Lavoro".

When Moreau was mobilized into the army in 1942, he became his successor in the Federation and served as president until 1944. At the same time, he was elected to the CDA National Council, and after the end of the war he was appointed to answer in the party and for the youth program.

Becoming a Politician


In 1946, Giulio Andreotti became a member of the Constituent Assembly of the country, which developed the post-war constitution of Italy. Behind his election was the founder of the party, Alcide De Gasperi, who took on his job as an assistant to a promising young politician. Two years later, he was first elected to Parliament (Chamber of Deputies), where he represented the district, including Rome-Latina-Viterbo-Frosinone. He was elected a deputy in it until the 90s.

In 1947, Giulio Andreotti began his career in the highest executive body, taking the post of secretary of the chairman of the Council of Ministers. Over the next seven years, he held this position in the five governments of de Gasperi and one of Giuseppe Pellado.

As a senior official, he had broad powers. His area of ​​responsibility continued to include youth policy, including sports and the film industry. His measures were aimed, as he himself said, to ensure that there were more legs and fewer rags. His undoubted merits of that period include the revival of Italian cinema.

At ministerial posts


At his post, Giulio Andreotti helped reform the country's Olympic Committee, which was dissolved after the overthrow of the fascist government. In 1953, he promoted a ban on foreign footballers. And in 1958 he became the head of the organizing committee of the Summer Olympic Games held in Rome. Subsequently, in 1990, he was awarded the Golden Olympic Order for his services to the development of sports.

In 1954, Andreotti first received a ministerial portfolio. In subsequent years, he held this post 19 more times. In the 60s, while holding the post of Minister of Defense, he was involved in a number of scandals:

  • with military intelligence, which collected files on all prominent political and public figures of the country;
  • the case of "piano solo", the alleged coup d'etat, which was prepared by the Italian secret services on the instructions of the president of the republic.

After each scandal, a photo of Giulio Andreotti appeared on the front pages of local publications. This not only did not harm him, but also added popularity among Italians.

Led by government


In 1972, Andreoti became the Prime Minister for the first time, although it only lasted nine days and became a kind of record in the history of the country. In all, during his political career, he held this post seven times.

Giulio Anderoti has authored a series of social reforms that have improved the welfare of Italian citizens. For example, he established price controls on basic foodstuffs and expanded health insurance.

In foreign policy, he was a consistent supporter of peaceful politics, advocated cooperation with socialist countries. In 2008, the film "Amazing" about Giulio Andreotti was shot. The film tells about the political scandals to which the politician was involved.