
Nelly Barykina: biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Nelly Barykina: biography, personal life and interesting facts
Nelly Barykina: biography, personal life and interesting facts

Many remember the famous singer Alexander Barykin, his songs "Bouquet", "On the French Side", "Green Eyes" and others. Many believe that his second wife, Barykina Nelli, is to blame for the death of the singer. There are a lot of rumors and speculations about this woman. Consider her point of view on what happened and find out how and with whom she now lives.

Meet Nelly with Alexander


Nelly Barykina, whose biography before meeting with Alexander was not distinguished by something remarkable, was born in Chita. Vlasova (last name before marriage) worked in the tax office, led a normal lifestyle.

At the time of his acquaintance, Alexander was 52 years old, he was 33 years older than the girl. Nelly Barykina (born 1985, October 14) was a nineteen-year-old girl who, of course, was familiar with his work.

The meeting took place in Bryansk, where Nelly lived. Alexander had a friend who knew Nelly, too, and about the fact that she writes poetry well. He invited the girl to one of the bohemian parties to introduce her to Sasha, to show him the work of a young poetess.

Short acquaintance


At the party, they talked a little and immediately became interested in each other. Alexander was already divorced from his first wife, so he saw no reason not to invite a new acquaintance on a date.

They went to a restaurant, and the next day the singer returned to Moscow, Nelly remained in Bryansk. The couple began to communicate only through messages.

About a month later, Sasha began to visit the girl on dates in her city, and soon took her with him. They traveled a lot together on tour and even sang in a duet.

Creative family


Lovers decided to get together before the wedding, because both understood that they could no longer without each other.

Nelly Barykina wrote lyrics, and Alexander put music on them. They did not live well, as the singer gave almost all of his fees to the first family, where his son and adopted daughter grew up.

As Nelly Barykina later told, he practically did not communicate with his first wife, and his son could not talk to him for six months. Sasha felt guilty about the child (the divorce from the first wife was due to his short romance with one of the fans), tried to soften him with money, to make sure that the family did not need anything.

The situation did not change when Barykin and Nelly became the parents of a joint daughter of Eugenia.

Independent woman


The young mother began to tell her husband that she wants to build her solo career. Nelly Barykina convinced Alexander that this was necessary due to lack of money. But he was categorically against it.

Alexander wanted his wife to depend on him, sit at home, raise a child. Nellie understood that there would simply be nothing to feed her daughter if she did not restore her financial situation. She got a job as a creative director, and left the baby for her unemployed mother.

Soon, in spite of her husband, she began to create her own group "Nelly". Barykina was surprised that the musicians went to her, realizing the complete lack of production. They just believed her, tried to succeed from scratch.

After some time, the woman realized that her husband was not helping her, but was trying to stop her in every possible way. This was the reason that she collected her things and the child and left her husband's house.

Nelly Barykina would never leave her husband, she just had a child in her arms, in need of clothing and food, and her father could not provide a new family, preferring to help the first.

Separation experience

Alexander was worried about the departure of his wife, she also spent a lot of time trying to calm down. Sasha came to visit his daughter, but made no attempt to return his family.

Nelly Barykina says that he was quite comfortable with the current freedom, although she never kept him near her.

She knew about his adventures, while still living with him. He could, without demand, leave for a weekend with friends in another city, or even a country.

The woman says that she would not change her mind with a divorce, even if she knew that soon her husband would not be.

The widow of the singer


March 26, 2011, right during the concert, the famous artist had a heart attack. Doctors tried for 15 hours to save his life, but could not.

Alexander died, not having time to divorce Nelly, remaining after her husband’s death.

Many friends of Barykin claim that Sasha did not endure a break with his wife, and moreover, literally on the eve of the next tour he found her with another man.

Everyone became indignant, they say, he bought an apartment for her and his daughter, and she leads the men there!

Nelly Barykina comments on the fact that Alexander knew about her new relationship. The apartment belongs to her rightfully, since she invested a lot in his work.

Nelly also said that at the time of death, Sasha already had a new love. He told her about the 33-year-old Olga, whom he began dating. Left with his wife in a rather warm relationship, he asked her for advice on a new passion, Nelly never refused him frank conversations.

In defense of the ex-husband

A little later, television programs began to show programs about Barykin, put forward a variety of reasons for his death.

Some claimed that the singer was ruined by alcohol. Nelly began to protest about this. She claimed that her husband had not drunk for more than ten years, and long-standing binges, which had never passed without a trace, were reflected in her appearance.

Then they began to talk about his mistresses. They practically accused Alexander of excessive love of television. Here, too, Nelly said her weighty word: his life, what he wanted, he did. She did not make herself a deceived victim to be pitied. Nelly said that she knew about her husband’s numerous novels both during their life together and after separation. She treated this as a whim of a big child. Well, what to do with him and his amorousness?

Barykina Nelli got married


When Nelli calmed down a little about her husband’s death and stopped discussing so violently, she began to build her future. A woman began to live with that same man, an affair with whom she had been credited for a long time. And here Alexander’s friends rebelled again: she hammered the last nail into Sasha’s coffin with her adventures, she also brought a new husband to her donated apartment!

Nelli took these attacks hard, she knew that Alexander was not to blame for the death, but could not prove it. After all, only they both knew that the family had broken up long before her meeting with another man - Anton.

The wife of Barykin, Nelli, whose biography after meeting with Alexander became difficult, suffered greatly from the death of her husband, because of the slanting looks of his friends.

Relations with the former mother-in-law

Nelly did not stop communicating with Sasha's old mother. The woman was glad when her daughter-in-law and granddaughter came to her, she is one of the few who did not blame Nelly for the death of the singer.

The mother-in-law was on the side of the girl when she learned about the son’s novels behind her. She persuaded Sasha many times to stop a wild life, raise a daughter, love a young wife.

When Barykin’s wife Nelli got married, her ex-mother-in-law didn’t blame her. She understood that a young woman needed male support.

She said that Nellie shared with her all her problems, like with her mother. Nelly told her that with her new husband they live in almost poverty, both of them cannot get a job.

After a while, their relationship ended. Zhenya (daughter of Barykina and Nelly) was visited by her mother-in-law. The woman understood that the new spouse could forbid her to communicate with her mother-in-law, therefore she was not offended.

The son from his first marriage completely stopped visiting an old grandmother, and then Zhenya grew up. The woman in old age was left completely alone. Only doctors and social workers came to her.