
Types and concept of crisis situations

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Types and concept of crisis situations
Types and concept of crisis situations

Video: Crisis Management Principles 2024, June

Video: Crisis Management Principles 2024, June

In practice, it is clear that each new crisis situation is not similar to its predecessors, and subsequent ones will also differ quite significantly from it. All crises are different from each other, each with its own causes and consequences. And even the essence itself is different. The crisis situation does not fit into any, even the most branched classifications, and therefore there is no way to fully manage it. Of course, with all kinds of differentiation of funds, some opportunities appear in order to reduce the severity of the disaster, reduce the time of its course and make the consequences less painful.


Scale and Issues

The scale of the crisis may be local or general. The latter covers literally the entire social and economic system, and the local one - only part of it. But this division is very conditional. A specific analysis should take into account the boundaries where a crisis situation occurs, unravel its structure, and also examine the environment where it operates.

From the point of view of problems, microcrisis and macrocrisis can be distinguished. One covers either one particular problem or a group of them, while the other is characterized by much larger volumes. But the most important feature is that the crisis situation is similar to a terrible contagious disease: even if it is small - a local crisis or a microcrisis - a pandemic begins with a chain reaction, spreads to the whole system, where each element is organically connected with the others.

Types of crises

Not a single problem can be solved independently of others; usually its appearance affects the problem system in its entirety, and therefore help in crisis situations is most often late, moving a few steps behind. Especially if it is poorly organized, and the worse the organization, the farther the help from the afflicted. Crisis management is to some extent possible if measures are taken to localize them, reducing their severity in every way.

However, it also happens that the development of a crisis is deliberate, and there is always a certain motivation for this (“the fish is well caught in troubled waters” or “for some the war is like the mother is native”). Assistance in crisis situations should come immediately and targeted, depending on the structural component of what happened. It may be an economic, social, organizational, psychological, technological crisis. Next, we consider each variety in more detail.



Crisis situations in Russia (and in any other country) related to the economy primarily reflect contradictions in this area, and such cases can be distinguished only by scale. Or it is an economic crisis in the state, or in a separate industry, or in a separate institution.

The latter is happening almost constantly now: the crisis situation at the enterprise is a distinctive sign of today. These are difficulties in selling products, production crises, lack of specialists, misunderstanding between economic agents, defaults, losses in competitive advantages, bankruptcy, and much more.


Closely related to economic and financial crises, although they are a separate line in the classification. However, they are the essence of the monetary expression of the same economic processes. They are characterized by the same contradictions, only in the state of capabilities of the entire financing system. The crisis situation of an organization belonging to the financial sector will not surprise anyone today.

If Belarus still recalls the bankruptcy at Delta Bank (Ukrainian subsidiary) that happened a long time ago, in Russia the Central Bank sometimes withdraws licenses from several banks a day. Moreover, the Belarusian neighbors did not have negative consequences - the state completely satisfied all the depositors, but one cannot be happy for the Russian investors.



When the interests of different social entities or groups (employers and workers, entrepreneurs and trade unions, managers and personnel, or simply workers of different professions) collide, crisis situations occur. The Ministry of Emergencies will not help here, since this is not a flood in Krymsk, which was a real natural disaster, here the crisis, as it were, continues and complements the economic and financial crises.

But one cannot say that he is less painful. Most often, the scale of the social crisis is local, but as it grows, it may well cover large areas if measures are not taken at the very beginning. So there are revolutions and coups. Before my eyes is the Ukrainian example, when the not very pronounced discontent of individual social groups was picked up and inflated to an incredible extent by people who just did not mind fishing in troubled waters.



A social crisis does not always arise on its own. If a crisis situation arises due to dissatisfaction with the management style in the company, working conditions, they disappear as these factors change. But crisis situations regarding dissatisfaction with land use are permanent, due to environmental problems, society has a lot of common causes for alarm, and patriotic feelings also mean a lot.

This can also be observed everywhere. In a special place in the group of social crisis situations are political crises, when the structure of society and power are not satisfied, the interests of individual social groups or classes are violated. This crisis is wholly and completely under the control of society, and it usually affects absolutely all aspects of the life of the state and almost always goes into a crisis situation of an economic nature.


The manifestation of organizational crises can be seen in the division of activities, in integration, in the distribution of functions, in the separation of administrative units and entire regions, in the arrangement of branches or subsidiaries, in the regulation of the work of some units. Organizational relations are exacerbated in absolutely any social and economic system, if adverse conditions develop. This is manifested in the appearance of confusion, irresponsibility, in business conflicts, in the exceptional complexity of control.

It’s impossible to even list all the manifestations, but surely every adult has repeatedly seen such crisis situations live. Nationwide, we are witnessing this with our own eyes: the prevalence of corruption, the impunity of some social groups and prejudice against others, very strange things happen in the judicial system. Experts are sure that such crisis situations of an organizational type always occur with an excessively rapid growth of the economy, with changes in the conditions for its development, as well as errors in system reconstruction or reinsurance, when bureaucratic tendencies are born.



Modern conditions for the development of most segments of society and the socio-economic state of the country as a whole are increasingly forced to face psychological situations of a psychological type. These are manifestations in the form of stresses, which are becoming widespread. Then society is seized by feelings of fear regarding the very near future, panic, insecurity.

There is a feeling of dissatisfaction with one's own activities and the results of labor, the lack of legal protection and the poor social situation. Such crises can happen both in a separate team and in a large social group, it all depends on the socio-psychological climate in society.


The crisis of the technological plan is the lack of new ideas, when the need for new technologies is clearly expressed. This is a very serious crisis for society. When, over and over, efforts not only to conquer outer space, but also to process the caught herring, cannot be performed on their own, when products created for one unit are incompatible at different enterprises, when new technological solutions appear somewhere outside of us.

Such crisis situations, speaking generally, look like a crisis of scientific and technological progress, contradictions between opportunities, trends, consequences. An example is the idea of ​​a "peaceful atom." To use it, too, in general, is poorly obtained: either Chernobyl or Fukushima. Nuclear power plants and nuclear warheads, ships and submarines, the construction of huge tokamaks - all this threatens the planet with terrible death, and society clearly feels this way to nowhere.


Crisis Management Center

The MCC was established in 2009 at the Headquarters of the All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine and was taken into its structure by the Unified State System for the Prevention and Response of Emergencies. The creation of the CCMC pursued the following objectives: to increase efficiency in managing the assets and forces of the VSMK with constant interaction with the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation and other departments in cases of threat of emergency situations and to eliminate consequences. As a result, agreed decisions regarding victim assistance and evacuation are made much faster.

Only the passing 2017 brought our country more than two hundred emergencies. This is slightly less than last year, but still a lot. The Center for Crisis Situations in every possible way helped the National Center in forecasting and modeling the development of each situation, in monitoring events, in timeliness of the promotion of funds and forces, in attracting both regional and federal groups. As a result, the number of people killed as a result of emergency situations in 2017 is much less than in 2016.

Psychological help

In crisis situations, new approaches to the activities of the psychological service of the department are applied, and the importance of this work is noted everywhere. It was not psychologists who extinguished the fires; in road traffic accidents, they also did not deal with the consequences of the road, but working with an injured person who has survived disasters and accidents can be more difficult. Psychologists support the families of the dead and injured, passing their pain through their own heart.

In 2017, 577 specialists were urgently called about twenty thousand times to provide psychological assistance. A hundred times they worked to eliminate the largest emergencies in the country. This is a TU-154 plane crash (Sochi), an explosion in the St. Petersburg metro, a hurricane in Moscow, an accident at the Mir mine. There were floods, and fires, and traffic accidents in various parts of the country. Thus, twenty thousand emergency calls came about.
