
Viktor Anatolyevich Ryzhakov: biography and creativity

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Viktor Anatolyevich Ryzhakov: biography and creativity
Viktor Anatolyevich Ryzhakov: biography and creativity

Honored Worker of Culture, Viktor Anatolyevich Ryzhakov is a recognized theater director, actor and teacher, screenwriter and winner of numerous awards in the field of theater art. His name is well known to the true connoisseurs of the theater and the ministers of Melpomene. But few are familiar with the biography of this talented person.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Anatolievich Ryzhakov was born on May 25, 1960 in Khabarovsk. He grew up a fun, mischievous and creative boy. He studied well at school, took an active part in the public life of the class and school, was the soul of the company.

After school, the boy moved to Vladivostok (Primorsky Territory) and entered the Far Eastern Institute of Arts at the faculty of directing. Viktor Anatolievich Ryzhakov was a promising student. On the recommendation of his teachers, a DIK graduate decided to submit documents to the famous Schukin School. Having successfully overcome the introductory campaign, Victor moved to Moscow and mastered the program of the theater school named after Schukin.

The young man did not stop there and continued his studies at the graduate school of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts.

First steps in a career

After graduating from GITIS graduate school, the young actor and director got a job in the Moscow Youth Theater. A large role in the biography of Viktor Ryzhakov was played by his mentors - G. Yanovsky and K. Ginkas. It was under the leadership of these masters of theatrical art that Ryzhakov became a professional. It was they who helped the guy believe in his directorial talent.

Victor Anatolyevich Ryzhakov gradually began to stage plays on his own, acting as a director. Performances under his leadership win the love of Russian and international public.


Theater life

In 1993, when actor Viktor Anatolyevich Ryzhakov was already professionally matured and established himself in the theater circles with the best hand, he became the initiator and main organizer of the creation of the 1st festival of independent theaters in Russia, which brought together many young and talented actors, directors and scriptwriters in Lazarevsky. The festival was called "Theater in Search of Theater." Indeed, many names were revealed to the theater world as part of this event.

In 1995, Viktor Anatolyevich Ryzhakov moved to Kamchatka, where he headed the Drama and Comedy Theater. As the artistic director of the institution, he initiated the creation of a board of trustees operating at the state theater. It was the first of its kind board of trustees in Russia.

Developing as a director, in 2000 Ryzhakov brought to life the project “Guard No. 8”. With this production, the actors of the Kamchatka theater traveled half the world. She was represented at international theater festivals in Los Angeles, Tbilisi, Vienna, etc.

During the six years that Ryzhakov worked as an artistic director, he raised the quality of Kamchatka theater productions to a high professional level, and significantly improved his reputation.


Viktor Ryzhakov managed to stage the shortest performance, which blew up the hall and received a huge response from the public. The production “The Gods fell, and there is no more salvation” lasted only 26 minutes and confirmed the well-known saying “Brevity is the sister of talent”. Nobody dared to doubt the talent of the director Ryzhakov.

Educational activities

In 2001, Viktor Anatolyevich received a job offer at the A.P. Moscow Art Theater Chekhov, where he took the post of director.

In the same year, he began his teaching career, becoming a professor and director of directing at the Theater School-Studio. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov. And in 2012, Viktor Ryzhakov was appointed head of the acting course at this theater school.


In 2002, he became the co-founder and leader of the Five Evenings - a theater festival dedicated to the memory of A.M. Volodina.

In addition, Ryzhakov regularly opens up new talents, gives a kind of ticket to life for young and unknown, but promising directors.

Ryzhakov was repeatedly invited to Harvard to give a lecture on directing. He deeply studied and developed the theme "The Stanislavsky system and the modern theater." His lectures cause delight among students and eminent colleagues.

Since 2012, the professor heads the Center. Sun Meyerhold.