
Vladimir Rakov - dancer from Yevpatoriya

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Vladimir Rakov - dancer from Yevpatoriya
Vladimir Rakov - dancer from Yevpatoriya

Television shows have opened up many talented people to the world. Dancers, singers, gymnasts, musicians from all over the world rush to auditions to change their lives for the better. Among them was Vladimir Rakov, a shy guy from Yevpatoriya, who conquered not only the jury of the show "Everybody Dance", but also millions of viewers' hearts. What tragedy happened in the childhood of our hero and how his life happened after the project, read the article.


Vladimir Rakov became known to the public in 2013, when the guy was 19 years old.

Our hero was born on the twenty-fourth of November 1995 in the resort city of Yevpatoriya. Vova is the second child in the family; he also has an older brother. The father of our hero is a builder, mother works as a cook.

Vova grew up the most ordinary boy - went to kindergarten, then to school; ran with the guys in the yard, drove the ball. Vova studied mediocre. As he admitted in an interview, he was simply not interested in school.

Vladimir came to dance at the age of twelve. His attention was drawn to acrobatic rock and roll. Incendiary dance required excellent physical preparation, and the guy began to work hard on himself. He went in for sports, developed muscle flexibility and plastic. It was more a sport than a dance. Therefore, in 2012, when Vova decided that he would go to a choreographic school, he left the team and entered a ballet show, where he mastered the style of contemporary music. But Vova was very shy to perform on stage, the whole reason was the mutilation he received in childhood.


Childhood injury

When Vladimir Rakov was a nine-year-old schoolboy, an accident happened on the street with him, which significantly affected the future life of the guy. On the way to the store a glass fell on the boy - a balcony window knocked out by someone. As a result of the fall, it crushed Vova’s nose. Vladimir was taken to the hospital, where he was actually collected nose in parts. About a week, the boy was not at all allowed to look at himself, since the sight was not for the faint of heart. When Vladimir finally saw himself, he was horrified. Vladimir Rakov recalls this period of his biography with particular sadness.

From that moment on, the boy’s life changed dramatically. He closed himself, very shy of his appearance, tried to be among people as rarely as possible, fearing ridicule.

Only dance helped to cope with the complexes and feel full-fledged Vova.


When the project "Everybody Dance" started on the STB channel in 2008, Vladimir Rakov became his fan. The guy was only 13, so there was no question of participating in the show. But the goal was set, and Vova began to work hard on himself.

In 2013, the casting of the sixth season of the talent show was announced. Vladimir Rakov, who was barely 18, immediately applied for participation in the casting.

Vladimir prepared for the performance sparing no effort. He took keys from the trainer and studied in the gym for 4-5 hours every morning. And in the evening he hurried to rehearsal in his show ballet.


Speech by Vladimir Rakov at the casting delighted not only the audience, but also the jury. Francisco Gomez named him the best contempo dancer for all seasons of the show, and Vlad Yama dubbed Vladimir a dance tiger.

Our hero set his number on his own, taking as a basis the unique dance style of the American Chase Buzan. It was quite risky, but Vova did everything in the best way. He received a ticket to Yalta and became an Internet star.

Tiger dance

Such a high assessment of eminent dancers, members of the jazz dance "Everybody Dance" made Vladimir Rakov work even harder. Once in the show, Volodya did not expect the load to be so great. The hardest thing for him was to sleep three hours a day. The fatigue was so great that the participants literally fell asleep on the go. Nevertheless, Vladimir Rakov brilliantly coped with all the tests and entered the top twenty dancers of the season. But the organizers prepared additional tests for the participants, which the young dancers were not even aware of. They had to dance knee-deep in water, perform with fire and fight with the forces of nature. Vova admitted that such innovations only pleased him, as they made the competition even more exciting.

In preparation for the first live broadcast, Vladimir received a knee injury. Therefore, he prepared the next five performances with a knee pad, undergoing constant pain.


But difficulties only tempered our hero. Each of his numbers was brighter and more interesting than the previous one, and the guy quickly became a favorite of the audience.

Triumphal finale

Vladimir Rakov reached the finals among the favorites of the show. For the title of best dancer, he fought with Nikita Kravchenko, Dima Twitter and Yana Zayets. The preparations for the super finals were very stressful. The participants were in a stressful situation, fatigue was added by endless exhausting training and the expectation of a spectator's sentence.

When in the finale of the gala concert, the host Lilia Rebrik announced that Vladimir became the winner of the sixth season, the guy hardly understood what had happened. He did not count on such success and was stunned. As a prize, our hero received half a million hryvnias and the right to study in America.


When the gala concert came to an end, the participants went to a restaurant to celebrate the end of the season and the victory of their friend. And only there, Vladimir realized that he had become the best. Although, as the guy admits, the only thing he dreamed about at that moment was a good night's sleep.