
What time do polling stations open? Working hours

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What time do polling stations open? Working hours
What time do polling stations open? Working hours

Video: What happens at a polling station? 2024, June

Video: What happens at a polling station? 2024, June

On election days, public attention is focused on polling stations. Some go to vote with entire families, others are annoyed at the mere mention of the event. Only a small part of the electorate remains indifferent to the process.

Voting at your polling station

Each settlement is divided into sections. It also includes the premises where the PEC (precinct election commission) is located. The number of residents attached to it can vary significantly. It all depends on the population density on it. On average, this figure varies between 1, 500-2, 000 thousand people. Regardless of what time the polling stations open, PEC working hours are optimally designed so that most of those who work in shifts have time to vote.


In large cities, several PECs can be housed in the same school or House of Culture. In such cases, voters should not worry - they will not get into their own precinct. Only in one book of voters can there be a surname of a citizen - the one to which he is attached. A ballot can be issued only if the data of the presented passport coincides with the surname and address indicated in the book. For sure, this information cannot be on a foreign site.

How to exercise your will in advance?

It often happens that on election day a citizen is several hundred kilometers from his place of residence or has daily duty, according to his schedule. In this case, you need to find out what time polling stations open on the days preceding the vote. In all PECs, several weeks before election day, fruitful work is ongoing. Voter lists are checked, consultations are held, and home voting applications are accepted.


To make your choice in advance on completely legal grounds gives such a rule as early voting. In this case, what time polling stations open on September 10, as on the day of a single vote, you can not find out. It is important to have information about the working hours of the PEC, the parent body above it - the TEC (territorial election commission). Depending on the time when the voter decides to vote in advance, he will be given such a right in one of these precincts.

Electoral Commission to assist the electorate

Work in PECs a few weeks before election day is designed to help people make sure in advance that on the appointed day, for their convenience, the process will be organized at the highest level. For voters for the first time, it is important to familiarize themselves in advance with the premises where the elections will be held, to personally check the availability of their data in the voters book. If the procedure is unfamiliar to the citizen, members of the precinct election commission will advise him on how to avoid errors in the procedure, with which documents the ballot paper can be issued, and with which it cannot.


On election day, how many polling stations open in Moscow, at the same hours they open throughout the country. Both in the capital, and in Kaliningrad, and in Khabarovsk, the time for the start of voting is the same for everyone. It can be seven or eight in the morning. For each specific election, the law develops a specific mode of operation of PECs. He also regulates the closing time of sites.

Do not give a vote. Why?

Having found out what time polling stations open, but having arrived there in advance, a citizen may be denied the right to express his will. One of the reasons for this decision of the PEC is the failure to provide a document proving the identity of the citizen. In this case, the members of the commission have the right to express doubt that he is the person who is listed in the book of voters of a particular PEC. Sureties from neighbors, relatives, and even government officials do not play any role. The voter must provide either a civil passport of a citizen of Russia or a military ID if he is a regular soldier.


The assurances that he has it, he just forgot to go far home and will not work either. The working hours of PECs end late in the evening, regardless of what time the polling stations open - at seven or eight in the morning. And the PEC premises are, as a rule, a few hundred meters from the place of residence of a citizen attached to the station. The only exceptions are PECs located in rural areas or in such remote areas as mining stations.

If the polling station is closed

Sometimes you may encounter a situation when the polling station is closed on election day, and a group of people wishing to exercise their voting rights is standing in front of the door. This can happen only in one case - an event occurred in the polling station that violates the natural course of elections.


This concept means any reason: the threat of a terrorist act, the drunken rowdy of a bully voter, which the policeman on duty, attached to the precinct, cannot cope with. The course of elections can be disrupted by candidates' competitors, observers, and the press. If a certain group of people wants to disrupt the elections, she knows thoroughly what time polling stations will open on September 18, how to destabilize the work of the polling station, and how to behave so that it does not resume as long as possible. Respectable voters should show rest and patience, as members of the commission are ready for such situations, and after making certain decisions, hooligans are expelled from the premises and voting continues.

Not to the site

Consideration should be given to cases in which a citizen cannot be present in person at the polling station, therefore he asks the commission members to come to his house with a portable ballot box. The first reason that gives the right to such a challenge is illness. The second - patient care, from which you can’t get away even for the shortest time. Call members of the commission at home can be done both in advance and on the day of voting until a certain time. Such appeals are no longer accepted five hours before the end of the voting period.

For all regions of Russia, these time boundaries are defined identically. It does not matter what time a polling station opens in Nizhny Novgorod or Kamchatka. Five hours before the closure of the polling station, requests to do so at home are no longer accepted. For regions with different time zones, the dates are the same, without reference to Moscow. The landmark is local time.
