
Military policy: tasks and goals. State and Army

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Military policy: tasks and goals. State and Army
Military policy: tasks and goals. State and Army

Video: Reserve Soldiers Conduct Army Warrior Tasks 2024, June

Video: Reserve Soldiers Conduct Army Warrior Tasks 2024, June

Wars have long been known to mankind. They have claimed millions of lives over the centuries. Military policy is a concept that arose later than the hostilities themselves. Although its principles and essence have been used since the first armed clashes. What is military policy? What is it used for, what are the mechanisms? Let's get it right.


Historical background

It should begin with the fact that the military affairs of ancient people seemed to be a special, useful art community. The ability to create and use weapons made the tribe stronger. It was able to defend its own and seize foreign territories, therefore, it was more viable. Military affairs developed in different ways. Some nations refined their attack strategies, while others came up with defense mechanisms. The essence remained approximately the same. The people faced an important task of protecting the life of their fellow tribesmen and the territory, allowing the community to reproduce. According to historians, the issue gained the greatest importance with the creation of the state. This education needed a mechanism to uphold the very right to exist. In the interstate relations, military policy came to the fore in the twentieth century. Some countries have embarked on militarization, putting the power of weapons at the forefront. In this case, ordinary residents of these and neighboring states suffered. They had to bear on their shoulders the hardships of numerous local contacts and two world wars. With the development of technology, military policy acquires more sophisticated mechanisms of influence on "neighbors on the planet." Today, it is no longer necessary to use weapons. Enough threat of putting it into action.


The essence of military policy

This term hides a whole mechanism consisting of government bodies, and sometimes private structures. Such a policy is used, as in ancient times, to protect the interests of the country and its citizens. After the Second World War, the preservation of the sovereignty and integrity of the state comes first in the goal-setting. After all, methods of influencing countries are changing and improving. Now it is not necessary to send troops to achieve the destruction of the state. We all read and analyze news from Ukraine. Nobody attacked her, but the system of power in this country, public life is deteriorating rapidly. It cannot be denied that this is the result of a special political game played by the world hegemon. The system of influence associated with military art is divided into external and internal sides. If there are threats from other powers, it is necessary to apply political instruments in their regard. Internal instability forces us to use military policy to resolve issues in society. That is, with its help, the state solves a number of tasks to preserve its existence.


Russian military policy

Peacefulness is the principle position of the Russian Federation. Politics in this area was not created anew, but was based on the system that was created in the USSR. Russia took all the best from it. At the same time, the experience of other states was studied, advanced technologies and new methods of influence were introduced. Naturally, their practices were passed through the prism of the development features of the Russian Federation and its interests. The military politics in Russia are the president, government, parliament. Many institutions are working in this direction. It is necessary not only to improve weapons systems, but also to monitor changes in neighboring countries. For example, the situation in the Middle East has been a concern for all previous years. The development of radicalism and terrorism posed a threat to Russia. DAISH operates not only on earth, but also on the Internet, recruits supporters, attracts resources. And this is dangerous for the territorial integrity of neighboring countries, and those that are far away too. People’s dissatisfaction with living standards gives rise to thoughts about the injustice of the system, and this leads to the spread of radical views in the most active sections of society. It is necessary to develop methods for suppressing this wave.


Hegemonic methods

It is impossible to talk about what military affairs mean for world politics without affecting US activities in this direction. Everyone knows that the hegemon has the strongest army in the world (it was until recently). However, modern history does not contain data on its victorious applications. The Americans could not defeat the people of Vietnam, showed little efficiency in the Middle East. They did not build up their military power for the practical use of weapons. It was an instrument of pressure on "neighbors on the planet." The troops were actually used only against small countries in which the army was absent as such. Recall the history of Grenada. The island was really captured by military force. But there wasn’t much resistance because of the lack of elementary weapons systems comparable to the American ones. This case is a clear example of the use of military power as a means of pressure. Like, whoever does not obey us, the sixth fleet is sailing.

On the objectives of military policy

We will return directly to our topic. Armed forces are mandatory for modern states. Not everyone has a national character. For example, EU countries are protected by NATO. That is, not all of them have their own armies. They contain a common. However, such institutions fulfill the tasks of military policy. They are as follows:

  • ensuring the integrity, inviolability of the state, society, territory;

  • protection of citizens outside the country;

  • creation of conditions for the safety of fleets.

The tactics of solving these problems in countries are different, as in the historical past. The United States created powerful fleets in order to rule the vast expanses of the sea. Continental countries, including the Russian Federation, pay more attention to defense.


On the objectives of military policy

It should be noted that defense power is a serious factor in the influence on the world stage. We have one planet, and there are so many means of destroying it that you can kill everything several times. Therefore, for decades, disarmament issues have been raised in society, and negotiations on this topic are constantly being held. Incidentally, they are another instrument of pressure from states on neighbors. Everyone is trying to defend their interests. This takes into account the stated objectives of military policy. The Russian Federation declared them this way: creating favorable conditions for society, the state, and citizens to develop dynamically and progressively, without experiencing concern about military security. This principle is proclaimed by any democratic country. The army is necessary in order for society to develop quietly. On the other hand, military structures are a tangible part of it.

About the relationship with the economy

In the modern world, it is impossible to consider military policy separately from other areas of state activity. The processes of globalization objectively lead to the fact that all spheres of public life are intertwined. Arms are created by developing science and industry. Enterprises pay taxes and give jobs to residents of countries. They compete for markets. The military policy of the state is very tightly connected with its economy. One has only to look at the news feeds. It constantly provides information on how manufacturers are fighting for contracts. Moreover, arms sales bring the country not only profit, but also political influence. In this regard, it is necessary to point out the importance of developing our own military-industrial complex. The defense policy of strong countries takes this into account. To buy weapons on the side means to become completely dependent on the manufacturer. The leadership of the Russian Federation takes these risks into account in its policy.


Sources of military danger

This is a very broad question. It affects the position that Russia occupies in the modern world. The military policy of the state is primarily aimed at maintaining conflict-free relations with other countries. In addition, there are a number of problems associated with interethnic and interreligious disagreements that arose in Russia. All these complex issues have to be addressed with political instruments. Military threats are divided into levels. The probability of using nuclear weapons is global. The threat of using armies by neighbors is regional. Local conflicts include the subjects of the Russian Federation on religious, interethnic, interfaith, and other foundations. Apparently, in the modern world, economic wars should also be attributed to global threats. Especially when you consider that the President of the United States does not shy away from expressing ideas on the need for pressure on the currencies and industries of other countries.

About the new weapons of the Russian Federation

It should be noted that the conditions for the implementation of military policy by countries are changing rapidly. So far, not all partners have managed to respond to the famous salvo with Caliber missiles from the Caspian Sea. But the meaning was understood. These new systems put an end to, as experts say, the relics of the NATO and US navies. American political scientists point out that aircraft carriers turned at one point from an excellent mechanism of influence into a pile of scrap metal. Their high cost in production and maintenance does not correspond in any way to the lack of efficiency in the new conditions. Today, NATO generals without hesitation point to a critical lag behind the Russian Federation in the development of armaments.


Who is Russia threatening?

Considering issues of military policy, it is impossible not to touch on this topic. The fact is that officials of NATO countries are constantly talking about threats from the Russian Federation. However, Russia's military policy in the system of modern international relations remains balanced, peaceful, predictable and effective. The participation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the fight against terrorism in Syria, this fully proves. But, despite the presence of videos of attacks on militants and their bases, cries of a threat from Western partners do not stop. Apparently, they are afraid of the demonstrated power of the Russian army. And they extrapolate their own goal-setting. They are afraid of what they themselves would do if they had such armed forces. The Russian Federation through the mouth of President V.V. Putin has stated quite frankly and bluntly that she is threatening only those who are trying to undermine her security. No need to encroach on the taiga bear, then he will not offend anyone.