
Military clashes, writings, and other historical coincidences that surprise

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Military clashes, writings, and other historical coincidences that surprise
Military clashes, writings, and other historical coincidences that surprise

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Video: Top 10 Generals Of All Time (according to math) 2024, June

It is common for mankind to believe in various mystical coincidences and predictions, which often in fact are just a tragic coincidence of a series of events and characters. Nevertheless, there are such examples, the study of which nevertheless makes us think of something irrational even for the most inveterate skeptics. We will consider such episodes in this article.


Prophet himself

The well-known writer Mark Twain was born in 1835 only two weeks later, when Halley's comet flashed over the earth in space. Years later, the master of the literary word, which, incidentally, was sometimes very strange, wrote: “I came with Comet Halley, she is coming again, and I expect to leave with her …” In the end, it happened: April 21, 1910 Twain died when the comet once again reached Earth.

Mysterious Edgar Allan Poe


The legendary writer is the author of a work entitled "The Story of Arthur Gordon Pime of Nantucket." The essence of the novel is that there is a rebellion on the whaling ship, and as a result, one of the rebels named Richard Parker was eaten by his comrades in the literal sense of the word. This author’s creation was published in 1838, and in 1884, already in real life, a real case of cannibalism occurred on board a yacht that was traveling from England to Australia. And what do you think was the name of the killed and eaten person? That's right, Richard Parker!


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Secret code disclosure


Lenard Dow was the usual director of a school in Surrey. And who would have thought that his hobby would create problems for him - compiling crosswords for the newspaper. In the summer of 1944, he was detained by MI-6 officers, and a little later released. However, he did not want to give any comments to anyone. Only 14 years later, he was able to tell what happened then. As it turned out, one of the intelligence officers was solving the crossword puzzle and found in it a lot of words that are code for one of the secret plans of the special service. And Dow became an accomplice of this involuntarily: he gave the task to his students to compose a crossword puzzle, and those, in turn, having talked with the military and hearing a lot of new words from them, made up a riddle, which in the end barely cost their director freedom. Here is such a curious historical fact.

Simultaneous death


Margaret and John Nylon - an ordinary married couple, who died in an amazing way in one day. On April 29, 1916, the head of the family heroically died in the trenches in France, receiving fatal gas poisoning. It is incredible, but true: on the same day, his wife also died from a shot in her native land during the Irish Revolt for Independence. Thus, on one day, all three children of this couple were orphaned.

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Shipwreck prediction


The legendary "Titanic" went to the bottom of the ocean in 1912. It is noteworthy, but at the same time, when the ship was just setting sail, the story of Thornton Jenkins Haines about a luxury liner colliding with an iceberg in the North Atlantic was published. Moreover, the description of this crash exactly coincided with the details of the deaths on the Titanic. But that is not all. 26 years before the tragedy with the Titanic, a British journalist published the invented book Sinking Modern Airliner. Amazingly, this ship also sailed from England to America. Well, how can one not believe in prophecies after this?

Curious date


November 9 in the history of Germany is a kind of tragic number. To understand how this day is ambiguous for the country, we will simply give a few facts. It all starts in 1848, when Robert Blum (a sort of crusader) was executed to establish democracy throughout the German-speaking world. Further, on November 9, 1918, the Weimar Republic was established.

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And on the same day, but already five years later, Hitler tried to overthrow this state regime. And although he did not succeed, nevertheless, we know his future life path. Incidentally, November 9, 1925 is the founding day of the elite SS troops. Well, the real hell - November 9, 1938, when the Nazis in one night, which went down in history as Crystal, staged a real massacre of Jews. And finally, the same day in 1989 - the fall of the Berlin Wall.



Everyone knows that Abraham Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth. However, not many people know: the president’s family crossed with the killer’s family a year before the tragedy, and then the criminal acted as a real hero. The thing is as follows. The son of the head of the United States Robert Todd Lincoln was at the railway station and almost fell under the wheels of an approaching train. Saved by his actor Edwin Booth.

But Booth himself did not recognize the presidential son. A little later, in a letter from a friend who once served with Robert, he read that Booth had saved the life of the younger Lincoln. This message came from a colonel named Adam Bado. By the way, the officer himself nearly died in the midst of the riots that swept New York in 1863. And who saved him? Exactly - John Wilkes Booth!


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Capitol Rescue


US schools teach the most all kinds of things about the American Revolution, but they still don't shed light on everything. On August 25, 1814, the British walked along Washington without any obstacles, while the then incumbent President James Madison and his wife intended to leave the city, which the soldiers wanted to burn. The soldiers lit torches and tried their best to inflict maximum damage. But at some point, when it seemed that the tragic ending was already near, a tornado hit the city. Moreover, the center of this hurricane was in the middle of the city, and the storm itself hit the British troops, killing soldiers and destroying their artillery pieces. The tornado brought with it a thunderstorm that raged for several hours and extinguished all the fires created by the British. Moreover, after 26 hours, the British left the city altogether. And what was that? Mysterious coincidences or Providence of God?