
FPG vocalist Anton Pavlov: biography, creativity and interesting facts

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FPG vocalist Anton Pavlov: biography, creativity and interesting facts
FPG vocalist Anton Pavlov: biography, creativity and interesting facts

In the nineties of the last century, the direction of punk rock gained great popularity among young people. Consider the biography of one of the soloists of such a team, which continues to successfully tour and record new albums. The starting lineup of the musical group FPG was formed in 1993. It included:

  • Vocalist Anton Pavlov (Pooh).

  • Bass player under the pseudonym Korean.

  • Drummer "Gray" and guitarist Jones.

In the new punk band, nobody really knew how to play and sing. Initially, the team did a rehash of English songs. The band’s first appearance on the stage took place in 1995. The performance was almost spontaneous, an engagement was arranged by a member of the Black Cultural Enlightenment team, while the full-time sound engineer was absent. The performance of the second song was interrupted due to mute.

In the fall of 1995, changes took place in the team. The composition includes: bassist Mikhail Murashov, guitarist Dima Seleznev (Dimasty), as well as Vladimir Gurenko (1997), known under the nickname Gerasim. Musicians begin more professional work, organize and give concerts in the Nizhny Novgorod region, and later in other major cities of Russia.


Singles release

Anton Pavlov remains as a soloist of the FPG group. The team releases compositions included in various domestic collections. Among them: “Punks in the city”, “Punk shelling”, “Punk revolution” and international counterparts called World Wide Noise Attack and Boots On The Streets.

The discography of the collective is three full albums:

  1. "Homeland is waiting for heroes" (summer 1999). The disc was released in early 2000 by Sound Age Productions in Moscow.

  2. The second album "Racers" was released in the summer of 2001. It differs from the previous one by the presence of various musical styles and the thematic focus in different branches. The producer was the same team that recorded the first disc.

  3. In the spring of 2003, Anton Pavlov and his team recorded the third album, Gavnorok. The new drummer of the band Pavel Bravichev participates in the recording. Among the songs of the collective you can find covers of Frank Sinatra, The Motorhead and My Way.

The style of the FPG group includes hard rock, psychedelic music and street punk.

Stages of development

The Gavnorok record is considered the most experimental work of the FPG group. It includes 12 tracks, recorded at the Tonmeister studio by arranger Maxim Sazonov, who participated in the recording of the previous album Racers. In the creation of this disk participated:

  • Anton (Pooh) Pavlov.

  • Dmitry "Gray-haired".

  • Albert Rodin.

  • Igor "Small".

  • Gennady Ulyanov (Hans).

  • "Dilyara."

Two live DVD discs were also released in February 2005 and November 2006. The tour of the group took place in many cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, including St. Petersburg, Minsk and Kiev.


Concert activity

Anton Pavlov with the team performed on the same stage with popular and extravagant groups. Among them: "Naive", "Cockroaches", "Orgasm of Nostradamus", "Hives", "All-in", "Psyche" and many others. In the winter of 2005 and the fall of 2006, punks played several concerts together with the idols of their youth - The Exploited.

Anton Pavlov, whose biography is closely associated with the FPG group, in 2006 participated in the recording of the single “Rock and Roll”. The management of this project was carried out by Konstantin Kinchev with the participation of the most famous Russian rock musicians. In 2008, the team held a series of concerts with an original acoustic program, and also released a new album called Punk-Jazz. Support for the creation of the disc was provided by Navigator Records.


Excerpts from the interview

Anton (Pooh) Pavlov, whose biography is replete with extraordinary acts, is considered a star of provocations. At the same time, he remains an open person, easily contacting. In one of his interviews, the artist admitted that he is often evil. At the same time, he does not keep the negative in himself, but spills it out on others, but then he quickly calms down.

About his childhood, the musician says that it was bright, not sharing the positive and negative aspects. According to the artist, his maturity appeared in his youth with the development of punk rock. This direction includes not only impudent and brutal behavior on the stage, but also the expression of those feelings that accumulate in the soul, albeit not in a completely traditional, but quite affordable way.


Below are phrases that serve as the answer to some journalistic questions with Anton Pavlov:

  1. "Why are nicknames popular in punk rock?" Answer: "Because it is a subculture with its own specifics."

  2. "How do you see yourself in twenty years?" Answer: "I do not see so far as I did two decades ago."

  3. "When to wait for the release of a new album?" Answer: "Always."

  4. "In the last songs, there is less mat and more eternal ones, so what to expect next?" Answer: "Provocations."

  5. "How to determine that the time has come to stop working on a record so as not to spoil it?" Answer: "Heart".

  6. "How can one explain the appearance of inspiration?" Answer: "The inspiration of the lived is due to the fact that this cannot be obtained from the future."


It is worth noting that the biography of the FPG artist is based on peculiar principles. For example, the main motto of the group is “Insolence and youth”. Nevertheless, the artists are thinking about creating a musical story with artistic visualization and are looking for a talented screenwriter for this.

Interesting Facts

The creation of a punk group, we can say, began with joint drinking parties. In 1993, after another booze with Jesus from Black Cultural Enlightenment, the idea was born to engage in the engagement of one of the team’s songs on stage. Not the least role in this was played by the temporary absence of a regular sound operator.

In 1995, the group included drummer Alexei Lozhkin (Myakish), and a year later - guitarist Dima Seleznev (Dimasty). At the same time, alcohol is still held in high esteem. In 1997, Vladimir Gurenko (Gerasim) took the place of the bass player. As a result, the renewal of the composition had a positive effect on the team. Active concert tours and studio recordings begin.

What now?

Today’s band includes the following musicians:

  1. Pavlov (Pooh) Anton - since 1993

  2. Guitarist Seleznev Dmitry - since 1996

  3. Bassist Uralov Evgeny - since 2008

  4. Drummer Pasha Bravichev - since 2003

  5. Trumpeter Volgushev Sergey - since 2008


The following is a discography of the FPG band:

  • The album, created in 1999, “The Country is Waiting for Heroes. And pi ** and gives birth to fools."

  • "Racers" - 2001

  • Gavnorok - 2004

  • "Element" - 2010

  • Through Hate - 2015.

  • The singles "Element", "Where you are, " "Strive."

  • Live recordings: “At The Point” (2007), Punk Jazz (2008).

  • Split album "Punk Brotherhood" (2007).

Anton (Pooh) Pavlov: personal life

This moment is almost shrouded in mystery. As far as we know, the musician is not yet married, has no children. He managed to graduate from a music school in 2000. Most of the artist’s life takes place in the studio, on stage or in rehearsals. He has a sister, his parents are ordinary people. By the way, when releasing the first albums, Anton tried to isolate loved ones from listening to his songs, since the compositions contained a lot of obscene language.
