
Is it possible to send troops to Ukraine?

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Is it possible to send troops to Ukraine?
Is it possible to send troops to Ukraine?

Video: Will Russia Attack Ukraine? 2024, June

Video: Will Russia Attack Ukraine? 2024, June

The situation in Ukraine continues to escalate. The farther, the more flammable the situation becomes. How will it all end? Will there be foreign intervention? Opinions differ. Some believe that the entry of troops into Ukraine is a foregone conclusion; others think that there is still a chance to save the situation on their own. Who is right? How will events develop? Let's get it right.


What causes the severity of the situation

Ukraine is the center of Europe. This is not only a geographical, but a geopolitical concept. On both sides of the country there are partners seeking to drag it to their

side. Now it is no secret to anyone that Ukraine has become a hostage to its geographical location. The interests of West and East clashed on its territory. There is an undeclared war. Cruel and implacable. The battle is being fought more by information and political methods. The positions of the parties, staggering in one direction or another, remain approximately the same. From this point of view, the introduction of troops into Ukraine seems to be the only way to gain a geopolitical advantage. But who will decide? It’s not even that there will be a terrible noise in the world community. Any destabilizing step of one of the parties can literally blow up the planet. As noted by several political scientists, the world is once again in the balance of a nuclear conflict. And this means the death of civilization in its present form. An instant bilateral nuclear attack can destroy almost the entire population of the planet. Naturally, nobody wants this. But the rhetoric of nuclear guarantors is getting hotter, no way out yet.


Briefly: what is happening in the country

The change of political power that took place by the democratic forces of the Western

areas, stumbled upon the solid resistance of southeastern Ukraine. The country has never been united. Yes, and a leader who wants and knows how to begin the process of consolidating society has not been found in twenty-three years. Power was simply torn from each other by warring elites. The electorate was watching. This could not continue indefinitely. The country was constantly torn by conflicts, one way or another affecting every citizen. Once again, representatives of the West seized power. The first very quietly rebelled Crimea. This is a bit more detailed.


Crimean events

The peninsula has always felt rooted. A small territory, which was treated only as a source of summer income and a place of entertainment, is not

has its own heavyweight oligarch. There was no one to defend his interests in Kiev. Events began to develop rapidly. Independence, referendum and accession to the Russian Federation. Traditionally, pro-Kiev forces are represented on the peninsula by the Crimean Tatar people. Its leader, Mustafa Dzhemilev, made a statement that the Russian troops had entered the Ukraine, namely the Crimea. To which Moscow argued its actions with agreements on the Black Sea Fleet. She had the right to increase the contingent. Everything is determined by an interstate agreement. The scandal gradually subsided. Crimea firmly stood on its positions: local self-defense acts on its territory.

The aspirations of the new Ukrainian authorities

The inability to hold on to the situation is becoming increasingly apparent. Attempts to mobilize and organize their forces to give a fitting rebuff to Moscow ended, to put it mildly, with nothing. In order for a combat-ready army to exist, it was necessary to take care of it all the years of independence, and not when the “rush hour” came. Did not work out. Turchinov addressed the leaders of Europe. His desperate message said that only the entry of NATO troops into Ukraine can stabilize the situation. At the same time, the media launched an unprecedented in strength and deceitful campaign about Russian aggression. The people need to explain why the strangers in the country



Europe, having thought it over well, did not dare to take such a step. Official explanation: Ukraine is not a member of NATO, so the entry of troops into Ukraine is impossible. NATO protects only its members. Yes, and Russia is at hand. And she made her statement ahead of time, not waiting for the development of the bloody scenario.

Russian position

President Putin received permission from the Federation Council to send Russian troops to Ukraine. Senators unanimously took the side of their leader, supporting his desire to protect compatriots in the event of the massacre. Despite the assurances of Kiev, a peaceful scenario in Ukraine is becoming less and less likely. Turchinov announced the start of an anti-terrorist operation. Donbass’s activity does not suit the current authorities. Armed repression is the only way to fight the separatists, in their opinion. The fact that the residents of the southeast do exactly the same as the Western Ukrainian citizens is not taken into account. There was a popular uprising, here - separatism. With every hour, the entry of troops into Ukraine is becoming more likely. The world, regardless of political position, is unanimous in one thing: it is impossible to allow the start of shooting and mass killings.
