
All PRC Presidents: From Comrade Mao to Comrade Xi

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All PRC Presidents: From Comrade Mao to Comrade Xi
All PRC Presidents: From Comrade Mao to Comrade Xi

Video: Comrade Mao Zedong 2024, June

Video: Comrade Mao Zedong 2024, June

We are all used to the fact that in the People's Republic of China the head of state is the chairman of the PRC, as they always write in the official chronicle in Russian. But not everything is so simple: it turns out that the traditional name of this post in Chinese is being translated into Western languages ​​(for example, English) as the president of the PRC. So the Chinese decided in 1982.

The first head of China

At the beginning of the twentieth century, after the defeat in the war with Japan, there was a significant weakening of the central authority of the Qing Empire. In 1911, the Republic of China was founded, which included a significant part of mainland China, the island of Taiwan and Mongolia. The main presidential candidate was Yuan Shikai, the first Minister of the Qing Empire. However, as a result of the intrigue, Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Kuomintang party, one of the most respected politicians in China, was elected the first president of China.


After the defeat of the Kuomintang party in the Civil War, the Republic of China managed to defend only the island of Taiwan. And on the territory of mainland China, the People's Republic of China was founded. The actual first president of the PRC was Mao Zedong, then his post was called the Chairman of the Central People's Government of the PRC. In 1954, with the adoption of the Constitution of the PRC, the position of Chairman was established, which Mao took.

First President


In 1982, the country adopted a new version of the Constitution of the PRC, where the post of Chairman of the PRC was reinstated. For the past seven years, the head of state was the chairman of the Standing Committee of the All-China Assembly of People's Representatives. For the first time, the post of the formal head of state, which was translated into all languages ​​(including Russian) as chairman, began to be translated into English as president (president).

So, Li Xiannian, who held this post from 1983 to 1988, can be considered the first official president of the PRC. He was one of the "eight immortal CCPs" - a group of the country's most influential senior leaders of the older generation, who actually solved all the issues of the country's political and economic life in the 80-90s of the last century.

Of course, for a rather long period, the actual head of state and party was the Chairman of the Central Military Council of the CPC Central Committee. Moreover, during these years, Deng Xiaoping, who led China from the 70s to the 90s, held the post.

Tiananmen time


The next formal president of the PRC (chairman) was Yang Shankun, also one of the "eight immortal high-ranking officials." He served as chairman of the PRC from 1988 to 1993. The decline of his career was associated with the suppression of student performances in Tiananmen Square, when he supported the tough stance of Deng Xiaoping. In the early 90s, Goth was removed from office as a result of a conflict with the new head of state (chairman of the Military Council of the CPC Central Committee) Jiang Zemin. Which soon occupied the vacant post. Deng Xiaoping achieved this resignation, fearing the growing influence of Yang Shankun, who was very popular in the army.

Yang became the last Chairman of the PRC, who actually had the authority of Vice President of the PRC. All subsequent leaders of China held simultaneously the two highest posts of the state.

Continued Market Reforms


Jiang Zemin took over as president of the PRC in 1993. At first he was considered as a transitional figure. However, he soon strengthened his position in the army, government and the party. Experts noted that he occupied almost all party and military posts. All key issues of international and domestic life were resolved only with his direct participation.

Zemin continued the economic reforms initiated by Deng Xiaoping. Under him, the country became the seventh in the world in terms of GDP. China has made significant efforts to strengthen influence in the Asia-Pacific region. And, probably, the most significant achievement of the President of the PRC was the introduction of changes to the party program. He managed to equalize the intelligentsia in political rights with the workers and peasants and open the way for Chinese businessmen to the party.

To socialism with Chinese characteristics

The next leader of China was Hu Jintao, who served as chairman of the PRC for ten years (2003-2013). He became the youngest Chinese leader after Mao Zedong. The new president of the PRC continued the policy of broad economic liberalization, which was combined with strict party control and the suppression of any encroachment on the role of the Communist Party.

The main efforts were aimed at strengthening the status of China as an economic superpower. In 2008, Hu was re-elected for a second term, with Xi Jinping as his deputy and prospective successor. In 2011, the country overtook Japan in terms of GDP, becoming the second largest power in the world in terms of economic power. The foreign policy remained moderate, China tried to stay equidistant from the United States and the European Union.