
"I chose life": the revelation of a woman who disappeared for 17 days in the jungle

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"I chose life": the revelation of a woman who disappeared for 17 days in the jungle
"I chose life": the revelation of a woman who disappeared for 17 days in the jungle

For two weeks, a wanderer woman named Amanda Euler was in the dense jungle of Hawaii. The struggle for survival and the choice between life and death - that was what the tourist trip hid, which ended for her with a test of strength. It was extremely difficult for her in this difficult period of time to believe in her own salvation. However, Amanda managed to survive.


Fatal failure

The American woman had to survive in the wild for more than 2 weeks after she broke her leg while hiking in the Hawaiian jungle. Amanda moved away from the main group, because she wanted to catch a lobster. While she was hunting, the tour group had already moved far. As luck would have it, Amanda stumbled, and broke her leg. For the whole 17 days she was in the jungle. And only after this time they could be found near the river bed.


Now she is in the hospital, and her voice breaks when she begins to speak. “These days were the hardest in my life, ” says the 35-year-old traveler, and at that time tears flow down her cheeks. “Sometimes I wanted to give up and just die.”

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However, she did not do this. A woman who, in ordinary life, worked as a yoga teacher and physiotherapist, continued to believe that she would still be found. She went astray, trying to find a way out of the Hawaiian jungle. But in the end, the rescue team found the traveler. At this time, she ate berries. In addition to lifeguards, several groups of enthusiasts also went in search of the woman after she was reported missing. And friends posted a special ad on a social network so that as many people as possible would find out about the missing girl.


Happy Finale of Searches

Last Friday, Amanda was discovered by a helicopter search team. This happened almost at the last minute of the search. The rescue team reports that at that time the helicopter was already low on fuel, but they still decided to look for a little more missing. When a woman was found, a leg fracture was discovered in her.


Also, a tourist was discovered without shoes. She took off her shoes one night to dry them. However, at that time it began to rain tropical, which washed off the shoes and carried the shoes into the vast expanses.

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The opinion of others about the state of Amanda

The mother of the woman, who was very happy to finally see her daughter, notes: "My Amanda is now in amazingly good shape, given the days spent in the jungle."


The attending physician reports that, despite the fracture, the woman feels well. He notes the courage of the tourist: “I can’t believe that she was able to survive with this type of fracture. But now you can definitely say that she will recover. ”

A choice worthy of a strong personality

Amanda herself says that at some point she consciously made a choice in favor of the struggle: “It was a matter of life or death, and I had to decide which principle to keep on. The temptation to surrender was extremely great. But still, I chose life. I didn’t want to go the easy way, even if it did me more harm. ”


Now Amanda thanks those people who nevertheless found her: “I am glad that I have so many friends, and also around us there are caring people who are ready to help even a complete stranger in a difficult life situation."

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A similar story, but with our compatriot

By the way, cases of survival in the wild occur not only abroad, but also among our compatriots. An example of this is the story of a mushroom picker who got lost in the taiga last year with a faithful dog.

Viktor Vinogradov, a resident of Krasnoyarsk, spent three weeks in the taiga last fall and lost 16 kg during this time. He was also looked for by a rescue team, police, close people and volunteers. The announcement of the missing was posted on social networks. Vinogradov disappeared during a mushroom trip with a dog named Thor. Relatives did not even rule out his death.

As a result, the man managed to find. He was found to be dehydrated. “I went to the forest to pick mushrooms. The day was rather cloudy, and I did not plan to stay in the woods for particularly long. I also knew the forest well, guided by the sun. But at some point he lost his way, because the clouds covered the sky, mixed up the road and got lost. ”