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Yakut ornament: meaning, classification and types of symbols

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Yakut ornament: meaning, classification and types of symbols
Yakut ornament: meaning, classification and types of symbols

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In the culture of every nation there is art, the relevance of which is not lost, but increases over the years. This is exactly the case with the Yakut folk art, which is also called ornamental. And all because the unique Yakut ornament predominates in it, unique and unlike any other drawings and images. What is he like? What happens? What does it mean?


A bit from the history of ornament

This type of art has a long history, rooted in ancient times. However, due to a certain confusion in the general concept of folk ornament, the art of needlework in Yakutia remained invisible for a long time. It was not singled out as a separate type of folk art, in vain introducing it into the national ornament as a whole. And, of course, no one tried to study and decipher it. For the first time, the significance of the Yakut ornament was attempted by the Yakut folk artist M. M. Nosov.

The artist was one of the first to generalize and single out several classifications of this drawing. According to his observations, the material used can be divided according to a number of signs. For example, he identified a specific chronological sequence.

In the samples studied there were ornaments characteristic of the prehistoric era (ancient Yakut ornaments), elements of a religious nature, images of public importance (carriages, harness). The drawings were present not only on body jewelry, but also household items, utensils, furniture.

Moreover, the Yakut ornament present on the studied objects was applied in completely different ways. For example, it was forging for metal, chasing, engraving, embroidery, etc.


How did other scholars and ethnographers classify the ornament?

After Nosov’s publications, other researchers and ethnographers became interested in Yakut national patterns and ornaments. They also examined these drawings and offered their versions of their possible classification. So, the German ethnographer W. Johansen proposed to distinguish two main areas in Yakut art: spiral and geometric.

Another researcher and archaeologist A. I. Gogolev tried to divide art according to the existing stages of ethnic Yakut history. According to him, the ornament included elements of folklore, ethnography, painting, archeology and history. At the same time, he actively compared the drawings of the peoples of Yakutia with ornaments of other peoples. As a result, he managed to identify an interesting pattern.

It turns out that the Yakut ornament has several common features with drawings of other Turkic-speaking peoples. However, there is no meander motif, as the Mongolian people. The material used and the patterning method are also different.


Classification of ornament according to the traditional principle

There were ethnographers who classified the Yakut ornament according to the traditional principle. In the course of the study, they identified two groups of patterns: plant and geometric. Over time, zoomorphic (depicting representatives of the animal world), anthropomorphic (with human figures), ornithomorphic (with bird symbols) were added to this classification.

However, many ethnographers believe that thematic patterns themselves are often difficult to read. This is especially true for people who are faced with the significance of the Yakut ornament for the first time. In addition, often the image of animals is closely intertwined with floral or geometric patterns, which greatly affects the overall perception of the picture. This further confuses and complicates the interpretation of such a pattern.


The presence of animal traces in the ornament

In ornamental paintings of the peoples of Yakutia, drawings are often used that mimic the traces of an animal. For example, on some interior items you can find traces of an elk, bear, mouse, duck and other representatives of the animal world. Many researchers suggest that this image is directly related to popular beliefs of the so-called hunting magic. It is for her that reverence for animal tracks is characteristic.


What types of Yakut ornaments are there?

There are many different interpretations and classifications of types of ornaments of the people of Yakutia. However, among the numerous versions, the geometric appearance of the pattern is distinguished. As a rule, it contains various geometric shapes arranged in a certain sequence. Moreover, such motives can be simple and complex. A simple combination of skillful lines can be attributed. They can be long, short, single or double.

Such types of Yakut ornament are used for woodcarving, in the process of engraving and beadwork. It is noteworthy that the most diverse material is used to apply such lines. For example, wood, cloth, birch bark, silver, bone.

Straight lines play the role of both the main and transition patterns. They seamlessly connect one or more elements with different patterns.

Unusual "comb" ornament

In addition to straight and long lines, in the Yakut patterns there are short and frequent lines resembling a dotted line or strokes. This pattern is also called "comb". A striking example of such a picture is the image of the lines on the sides of the cups intended for drinking koumiss. The meaning of this type of Yakut ornament is to create smooth transitions between patterns, giving the effect of completeness.

Modifications of the “comb” pattern

In addition to the standard dotted pattern, the “comb” pattern is often replaced by a checker pattern. This picture is a special alternation of short strokes with small square gaps (they are called caesuras). The crest itself, which is present in the name of the pattern, is symbolic. It is associated with fertility and wealth. It is often used in the manufacture of koumiss goblets. Yakut folk metal ornaments also often contain similar patterns.

Cross motifs

In folk drawings, a cross motif is often found. Moreover, this figure is equilateral. Therefore, it is easy to fit inside the square, circle, rhombus and even a triangle. Moreover, the cross is often tilted. The result is an X-shaped element that fits easily into almost any pattern. Usually use it when creating wood products, ivory.

Rhombic motifs in the picture.

Among other drawings, it is quite realistic to consider such an element as a rhombus. As a rule, it is associated with fertility and femininity. Rhombuses are often combined with arched elements, which are considered symbols of a baby cradle, motherhood. These motifs are present on jewelry made of metal, wooden utensils, on koumiss leather bags.


The use of zigzags in folk art

Looks great in patterns and the so-called zigzags. These elements are easy to find on jewelry, wooden and metal household items, in interior decoration. For example, with the help of zigzags decorate decorative doorways and partitions called hapahchi. They also take an active part in masking the seams and joints that occur in the process of creating an ornament.

These elements are used to create a talisman called Kharyshal. Yakut ornaments in this case will carry not only aesthetic beauty, but also a certain magical protection. It is believed that such a talisman is able to protect children and your family from the negative effects of otherworldly forces. It brings good luck and saves from evil eyes, misfortune and bad luck.


A few words about other geometric motifs.

In the drawings of the Yakut people often there are simple elements, for example, circles, rectangles and squares. With their help, artisans and craftsmen create beautiful belts. In addition to the circle in the ornament there is an image of dots. According to experts, craftsmen borrowed this element from artisans of Ancient Egypt. The interpretation of this tandem (circle and dots), connected with divinity and the sun, also came from there. The circle is also considered a wonderful talisman and a symbol of fiery power.

Most often, circles with dots can be seen on a wide variety of products from wood, leather, ivory, silver, clay, birch bark. Circles of different diameters are present on the elements and details of clothing: hats, outerwear, belts, dressing gowns.

Why is a human figure not realistic?

In addition to geometric images, on the ethnic ornament of the people of Yakutia sometimes there are images or figures of a person. However, they are far from portraying real people. The reason for this schematic is directly related to the Yakut faith in spirits. Such prejudices slightly impeded the development and modernization of the human figure.

Later it became more clear and graceful. Ornaments with human figures found distribution on the products of their textiles, wood, bone. They were also depicted on the front of the saddle, where mostly women sat.

Even later, the figures of people (in the form of a shaman playing on a tambourine) were depicted on koumiss bowls. The outlines of an explicit female figure can be seen in Yakut embroidery. Such a figure signified fertility, the feminine, and was a talisman of the family hearth.

Mythical motifs in art

Among the most famous mythical characters who smoothly migrated from Greece to Yakutia, there was a centaur. His figure could be seen on various metal jewelry, utensils, decor items, vases. But, according to experts, this element has not taken root too much. Therefore, it was not used too often.

It is quite different with the image of real and mythical birds. They symbolize freedom, joy, the elimination of all kinds of barriers and borders. The most popular pattern is, of course, an eagle. He is considered the patron saint of hunters and a kind of male mascot.

The second most popular bird, which the Yakut masters included in their ornament, is a raven. It is a totem of strength, wisdom and endurance. Swan - was considered a symbol of innocence, purity. He brought happiness to the house.

Images of plants in drawings

Floral and floral ornaments have also become an integral part of Yakutia’s folk art. In various variations you can find a beautiful curly stem, reminiscent of a loach or wild ivy. From this stalk stems, leaflets, buds and flowers can depart. Such plant motifs are easy to notice on silver items, dishes, belts, hats, saddles, shoes.

Among the varieties of floral ornaments, one can really find motifs of fruits, berries and herbs. In the drawings there are also trees with a large and spreading crown.