
Yaroslav Boyko: filmography, biography and interesting facts

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Yaroslav Boyko: filmography, biography and interesting facts
Yaroslav Boyko: filmography, biography and interesting facts

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In the 90s, Yaroslav Boyko could be expelled from the Moscow Art Theater School for indiscipline. His life is a story of serious experiences and difficulties that he was able to overcome. Today, he is a sought-after actor. For many, he is the embodiment of masculinity and charm. In the article we will talk about the best films of Yaroslav Boyko (the complete filmography is quite impressive) and how his personal life has developed.

Hooligan childhood

Yaroslav Boyko was born in mid-May 1970 in the Ukrainian capital. He grew up without a dad. And, accordingly, the education of little Yarik was exclusively dealt with by my mother, who worked in one of Kiev photo shops. Also, if possible, his grandfather and aunt raised him. Note that many relatives were representatives of military professions.

They tried to educate the future artist in severity. But at the same time, he himself was never distinguished by good and diligent behavior. If he had free time, he chased football with peers.

Studying at school was rather difficult for him. He was interested only in mathematics, geography and physical education.


Military service

Yarik's mother and his relatives hoped that he would choose a military career. And when his son graduated from the eighth grade, he tried to enter one of the Suvorov schools. But unimportant school preparation could not but make itself felt. Young Boyko failed entrance exams.

Thus, he applied to the college. He studied there for three years, after which he dropped out of training and joined the army.

The future actor served in the KGB. Its part was based on the border with Romania. At these times, he showed an interest in reading. Moreover, their outpost had an excellent library. Thus, by the end of the service, he turned into a real book lover.

Demobilized, Yaroslav was at a crossroads. He did not know what to do in the future.


In Moscow

Quite by chance, he met his classmate at the school. She was determined to enter the theater institute in Kiev. Yaroslav decided to go with her. As a result, almost without preparation, he became a student.

He was quite interested in learning. The only problem was that the university taught in Ukrainian. It is for this reason that the future actor, having studied for a year, left the institute and left for the capital of Russia. He wanted to become a student of the legendary Moscow Art Theater School. He prepared for this event more than seriously and thoroughly. A lot of effort went into mastering stage speech. Be that as it may, he was enrolled in the course of Alla Pokrovskaya. And he studied on the same course with Vladimir Skvortsov, Dina Korzun and other famous future actors.

He studied smartly just superbly. In 1994, he was even awarded a national prize. But his behavior, as before, he could not boast of. He received reprimands, and Oleg Tabakov, who was then the rector of the school, repeatedly called Yaroslav for educational conversations. And once he was nearly expelled.


On the theatrical stage

On stage, Boyko made his debut in his first year. At first he was in the crowd, and three years later he received the main role. We are talking about the play "Biloxi Blues."

When he received a diploma of higher education, the aspiring actor began to look for work. By this time, Tabakov was looking for an actor for his next production. And Yaroslav approached on this type. But the director perfectly remembered his lack of discipline, and therefore was rather skeptical about him. However, he seriously talked to the actor. As a result, Boyko was nevertheless in the coryphaeus troupe. True, Tabakov warned him that he would play until his first “puncture”, which, in fact, did not happen.

Boyko worked in this theater for about two decades. Over time, he became the lead actor of The Snuffbox. He took part in such productions as “Champions”, “Crazy”, “Idiot” and in many others.

In addition, the actor worked at the Drama Theater. Chekhov. So, he played in the performances “Love in Crimea” and “Ondine”.

The first movie successes

As a student, Boyko starred in Oksana Bayrak's film entitled “Cruise, or Adjustable Travel”. It was his film debut. One year later, the filmography of the actor Yaroslav Boyko was replenished with the television series ABVGD Ltd.

A few years later in the serial film "Kamenskaya" he reincarnated as Major Boytsov. A little later, he participated in the project "Turkish March". Also, in the film "In August of the 44th …" he perfectly played the role of captain Anikushin.

But his first major role and great success occurred when he was busy filming a series called "Ambulance." In this television project, he had to play a key character.

Work on the film took place in the capital of Tatarstan, but Boyko had to rehearse in the theater in Moscow. Monthly, he was obliged to play in 10 performances. As a result, during the nine-month filming process, he came to the station almost every day and got into the railway carriage. Moreover, he did not always already understand where he was going specifically - there would be shootings or a performance.

Despite the hard rhythm, he did an excellent job with this role. He was able to reliably play a doctor. Most viewers believed that he once worked in a hospital. But in fact, at the sight of blood and injections, the actor literally lost consciousness. He struggled with himself for a long time to play in this picture.

The series turned out to be highly rated, and it was supplemented with completely new series. By and large, "Ambulance" made the actor a real star.


In addition, the project "Always say" always "has become a popular series. Key roles were played by Yaroslav and Maria Poroshina. In those days, the rating of this project even exceeded the figure of the famous film "Brigades".

In 2004, he began showing the continuation of this melodrama. There were a total of nine seasons. Note that many viewers were sure that Yaroslav Boyko and Maria Poroshina (the filmography of the actor is presented in your article) actually live together. They played a married couple … But in fact, the actors are familiar from the student bench. Moreover, they work together in productions and in films.

In general, about 100 vivid roles include the filmography of Yaroslav Boyko. List of the best films:

  • "A stone's throw from the sky."

  • "Clean Monday."

  • "Count Krestovsky".

  • "Block".

  • "Star of the era."

  • "Sky. Aircraft. Girl."

Favorite Roles

According to Yaroslav, the picture of the Team players is one of his favorites. He played Volodya. A friendly and warm atmosphere reigned on the set. But the most important thing - after the premiere, the actor continued to communicate with D. Dyuzhev, A. Shevchenkov and V. Gostyukhin, who played in the film.

Also in the filmography of Yaroslav Boyko there is the series “Priisk”. He believes that this work is generally significant in his career. In it, he played a geologist who arrived from St. Petersburg with the goal of finding a gold mine.

A little later, the actor was involved in the next multi-part film “Your Honor”. Once again, he was entrusted with the main role. He played the prosecutor Murga.

In 2009, the sequel to this series was released. It was called the "Court."


Last works

In the 2010s, the filmography of Boyko Yaroslav Nikolaevich was replenished with the painting "Brother for Brother". He played the main role - the police captain Svetlov, who gave himself the vow that he would find the killers of his bride. It is also worth mentioning about the next film adaptation of Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina”. This time, the director of domestic directing S. Soloviev put it on. Vronsky played smartly. Subsequently, he admitted that this experience with the director is truly invaluable.

In 2017, Yaroslav visited the United States, Israel, Canada and several Russian cities. It was there that he, along with M. Poroshina, presented a production called "Unfinished Novel." During this period, he was involved in the play "Passion of Apollo."


In searching of love

Yaroslav Boyko, the filmography, the main roles of which were presented to your attention in the article, always knew how to beautifully care for the fair sex. In his youth, he began to meet with his friend at the technical school. However, when he went into the army, she informed him that she loved a completely different. Then he had a rather serious relationship with N. Busygina. She studied with Yaroslav and is familiar to viewers on the television series Closed School. Another affair was with actress O. Potashinsky.
