the culture

Yaroslavl Youth Theater: when it opened, how remarkable is the building and what is it today?

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Yaroslavl Youth Theater: when it opened, how remarkable is the building and what is it today?
Yaroslavl Youth Theater: when it opened, how remarkable is the building and what is it today?

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Yaroslavl Youth Theater is not just an ordinary theater whose repertoire is addressed to children and adolescents. This is a large complex, the building of which became the home of two theaters at once. The shelter is shared between the Youth Theater and the Puppet Theater.

Dramatic performances await young spectators in the right wing of the building, and puppet shows in the left. In addition to the performances prepared for the audience by their own troupes, the theater complex often hosts touring groups from other cities, as well as various festivals, concerts and thematic events.

A bit of history

The first spectators took their seats in the halls of the theater at the end of the last century, in 1984. Yaroslavl Youth Theater opened its very first season with a rather serious production. It was a long dramatic performance, staged on the play "Eternally Alive." The author of the work was one of the most successful Soviet screenwriters Viktor Rozov. The play itself is familiar to everyone who grew up in the past century; the feature film Cranes Flying was shot on it.

The building of the complex itself was built long enough, with numerous interruptions. Construction began in 1974, and ended in 1983. The architectural project, which formed the basis of the complex for cultural leisure activities by the younger generation, was approved in 1969. Accordingly, at the time of delivery of the finished building, it was already obsolete.


The theater complex is located on the square, the name of which sounds quite symbolic for those who are not familiar with the history of its appearance. This is the square of Youth. But it appeared not before the construction of the building of the cultural complex, but thanks to its construction. That is, the square was created specifically around the theater, for which many pre-revolutionary buildings were demolished.

What is interesting about the building?

The building itself, despite the fact that it was built at the very dawn of the era of "standard construction", looks unique. Although the design of the complex was standard, local sculptors, forgers, decorators and artists participated in the decoration.


Thanks to their participation, the building from the outside is amazingly struck by sculptural compositions executed in the style of postmodernism. And if people look closely at the walls, then in the most unexpected places they will be able to notice ceramic tiles made in traditional folk styles.

The lobby, corridors, stairs, the hall of the second floor and other rooms are no less interestingly decorated.