
Julia Abdulova, the last wife of Alexander Abdulov: biography

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Julia Abdulova, the last wife of Alexander Abdulov: biography
Julia Abdulova, the last wife of Alexander Abdulov: biography

Alexander Abdulov is a talented actor, with an attractive appearance, who lived a short life, but bright and eventful. The legend of theatrical Moscow, Alexander Gavrilovich was adored by women, so his personal life was always discussed throughout the country. For seventeen years he lived with Irina Alferova. Although before marriage and after him, many novels were attributed to Abdulov. But only six months before his death, he experienced a wonderful sense of fatherhood. Julia Abdulova, the last wife of the actor, became the only woman who gave birth to his daughter Eugene. The actor himself considers her the second daughter, the first he calls Ksenia Alferova (daughter of Irina Alferova), which he accepted as his own.

To remember

Alexander was born in 1953 in the Tyumen region. Parents of the future national artist were directly related to the theater. My father worked as a director, and my mother was a make-up artist in a local drama theater. When Sasha was three years old, the family moved to Ferghana. It was there that he first earned his first fee, playing the role of a five-year-old village boy. He was paid 3 rubles for the work.


Abdulov did not like to study. He was attracted to the football field and fencing. By the way, physical training, acquired in his youth, then helped the actor to play roles in the movie without involving stuntmen. The father of the young man dreamed that the profession of his son was connected with the theater. Therefore, Alexander went to school in the name of Shchepkin. However, in the second examination round, the jury concluded: "Inconsistency of appearance with internal character." The guy was forced to return home. But a year later, Abdulov entered GITIS and, after passing the final exams, was immediately invited by Mark Zakharov to the Lenkom troupe.

Do not part with your loved ones …

Alexander Abdulov was not indifferent to women, just as they did to him. The first feeling fell on the guy in his student years. He fell in love with the nurse of the hospital, Tatiana. But in a relationship he was not faithful. A hasty step on the part of Sasha, marked by his betrayal, turned to him tragically. The girl, learning about the act of her chosen one, reciprocated: she cheated on Sasha with his friend. As a result, Abdulov opened his veins. Then everything worked out, the actor even managed to avoid closure in a psychiatric hospital. By the way, Alexander committed such ambitious acts in his student years. This concerned not only his personal life, but also his studies. They tried to expel him from the institute more than once - the guy always suffered from discipline.

If Julia Meshina, who became Abdulov’s second wife, was little known to the Russian audience, then everyone knew the actor’s first wife. Irina Alferova in 1976 fell into the troupe of Lenkom, where Alexander Gavrilovich played. This meeting was marked by a seventeen-year marriage. They were called the most beautiful couple of the Soviet Union. And what was the disappointment of the fans when they broke up. According to the wife of Abdulov, Irina, Alexander was a romantic hero for all women, and a quiet family life did not correspond to his inner worldview.


After parting with Alferova, the ballerina Galina Lobanova appeared in the life of the actor. There is an opinion that she insisted on formalizing the relationship, but Abdulov was against this. Moreover, he dissolved his marriage with Alferova only when he met his last love, which became Julia Abdulova. But up to this point, Alexander managed to live with Larisa Steinman for two years. She worked as a journalist, and they met when Larisa came to interview the people's artist. It is surprising that they developed a relationship, since Abdulov did not like the representatives of the media.


Another striking event in the biography of the actor, before the wife of Abdulov, Irina Alferova, was a meeting with the dancer Tatyana Leibel. She fell in love with him when he was not yet famous, and Tatyana was already bathed in love with the public. A beautiful relationship ended when Leibel realized that Alexander passionately fell in love with another woman. She became a young actress I. Alferova. Until recently, Tatyana maintained friendly relations with Sasha after emigrating to Canada. Each time, arriving in Moscow, she always called up and met with him.

Life meeting

In 2005, avid fisherman and hunter Alexander Gavrilovich went with friends to Kamchatka. The same flight from Domodedovo on a business trip flew spectacular brunette Julia. On a joint road, a couple meets with the help of mutual friends. Arriving on the peninsula, Abdulov and Julia in the next few days find themselves in the same company.


“When we were sitting at the same table, I looked at Sasha and the thought flashed through me that he would become my husband and we would have a son. And then, delving into this vision, I realized that this cannot be, ”recalls Julia.

Alexander’s friends immediately noticed a change in his behavior. He began to resemble a teenager in love. Later, when Julia was asked in an interview: “What signs of attention did Abdulov give her?”, She recalled the incident. Meeting her on the stairs, he took her hand and began to kiss from the wrist to the elbow. A wonderful feeling inspired their hearts, but they returned to Moscow separately.


Arriving from the Far East, Julia finally decided to divorce her former husband. He was well-known in high circles Alexey Ignatenko - a wealthy, intelligent young man. By the New Year, she completed the divorce proceedings and returned to her native Odessa.

Meanwhile, Abdulov realizes that he wants to meet an attractive brunette, thoughts about which have not left the artist since the moment they met. He instructs his director Elena Chuprakova to contact the girl and invite her to St. Petersburg. What future wife of Abdulov, Julia, refuses. Like, if you want a meeting, then come to me yourself. The female man Alexander Gavrilovich flew to Odessa the next weekend. And the couple celebrated the old New Year together, after which they never parted until the illness of the national artist stood in the way of their happiness.

Julia Abdulova: biography

Little information is available about Julia’s childhood; she never spoke about herself and her parents in an interview. Even the date of birth of Julia Abdulova (Meshina) is covered in mystery. A girl was born in Nikolaev in 1974 or 1975, sometimes the month of birth of the media is sometimes called July, less often November. She received her law degree in Ukhta, where she moved with her mother when she divorced her father. The girl’s uncle, Vitaliy, is an influential person in Nikolaev, for a long time he led the alumina refinery. Julia's father, Nikolai, helped his brother manage the plant.


In 1998, information appeared in the press about the initiation of a criminal case against Vitaly Meshin under several articles. But due to a lack of evidence and a deterioration in the health of the suspect, he was released. Either to avoid such a punishment, or for some other reason, Nikolai Meshin at this moment divorced his mother Yulia and left Nikolaev.

The wedding and the opinions of others about their marriage

In 2006, the couple signed. Julia Abdulova became the second and last wife of the national artist. Only close friends were invited to the wedding. Celebration was celebrated in the favorite restaurant of the Central House of Writers. There was no veil or wedding dress. The family holiday was held without a single photo of the paparazzi. When the couple first appeared in society, the age difference became an occasion for gossip. Pretty brunette began to accuse of commercialism. Julia Nikolaevna Abdulova herself never strove to get into the artistic circle.


In addition, at the time of their acquaintance, the girl's financial condition was much more stable than that of Alexander. When the woman after Ukhta moved to Moscow, she worked for the Russian-Israeli businessman Shabtay Kalmanovich, was familiar with the producer Igor Markov. In addition, she was married to the son of the director of ITAR-TASS. That is, an apartment, a car and other benefits were available to her. Relations between Julia and Alexander from the very beginning were tempered. In addition to unpleasant rumors from the public, the girl was not supported by her parents. They were not enthusiastic about their relationship, the difference in age and acting profession of the chosen one.


Alexander Gavrilovich until the age of 54 did not have his own children. He raised Ksenia Alferova, the step-mother of her first marriage, but never considered her a strange child. Everyone and always, he represented Ksenia as his own girl.


After the death of Abdulov, the girl with her husband E. Beroev made the film “The Fictional”, dedicated to the memory of Xenia's beloved father. In this family picture, the actor’s closest friends starred, and Ksenia Alexandrovna played the main role. She thanked fate and God for the fact that Alexander Abdulov was her dad. Ksenia Alferova even now feels his support in all her creative projects and in her personal life.

The name of the film “The Fictional” was given for a reason. Alexander Gavrilovich friends and relatives remembered a man with great imagination. All his stories were based on some fictitious events, and he narrated them with such confidence that involuntarily those around him began to believe in it. Therefore, in the heart of Xenia, he was remembered by the inventor, storyteller and wizard.

The documentary begins with Xenia’s attempt to tell Duna and Eugenia about grandfather and dad. Interestingly, the babies were born in one year with a difference of a month. In 2007, fate gave Alexander Gavrilovich both a granddaughter and a daughter. The last wife of Abdulov - Julia - the only woman who gave birth to a child actor.


Alexander seemed to feel that he would not live to see his baby’s first birthday, so he insisted on Eugenia’s early christening. He wanted to have time to protect his girl. In the family video from christening, the appearance of the actor was already unhealthy, and Alexander's mother, recalling that day, said that she felt the imminent death of her son.

The fight for a happy life

“He always hid his ailments, the only thing Gavrilovich could complain about was a cold. The medicine for him was condensed. Once, when he got sick, I went to the base, which supplied food to the canteens, and bought 4.5 liters of condensed milk. Sasha ate it all day and the next morning already felt like a healthy person, ”his good friend Leonid Yarmolnik told about him.

In the fateful 2007, Julia Abdulova found her husband an empty box of pills. This time, too, he did not tell anyone about his health. This took place in Balaclava, on the set of the film "Engineer Garin's Hyperboloid." When she asked why he was taking such a dose of pain medication, it turned out that Alexander had stomach problems. Once in the Simferopol hospital, he heard a doctor’s dictation - an ulcer. Operation was required. The disease was so neglected that Julia thought: he would not survive. Fortunately, the operation was successful, but the state of the People’s Artist was not happy with the doctors. At that moment he had a cough with chest pain. He was advised to be examined.

This time, an ordinary miracle did not happen, he was diagnosed with fourth-degree cancer. Julia, telling in an interview about this terrible period in their life, said: “I did not sleep, but all the time I listened to Sasha’s breathing. I was so hurt for him that mentally I asked a higher power to transfer his ailment to me. If it was possible to take the disease and the subsequent death upon myself, then I would have done so. ”

They fought to the last, turning for help not only to traditional medicine, but also to the Kyrgyz shaman. By the way, the medicine man in Kyrgyzstan promised Alexander that he would cure him. Indeed, after shamanistic sessions, Abdulov even went hunting with his friends. This was his last outing to nature, then a sharp deterioration in health and the constant stay of the actor in a hospital bed began. The New Year's Eve 2008 was held in the family circle of the Abdulovs at home. Alexander Gavrilovich again became unwell. He got up to the nursery, took his Zhenya in his arms, kissed, took a picture with his daughter and asked his wife to call an ambulance. Three days later he died. Julia was with him until the last breath.