
The reserve of the Kirov region "Nurgush". Reserves "Pizhemsky", "Bylina" and "Bushkovsky forest"

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The reserve of the Kirov region "Nurgush". Reserves "Pizhemsky", "Bylina" and "Bushkovsky forest"
The reserve of the Kirov region "Nurgush". Reserves "Pizhemsky", "Bylina" and "Bushkovsky forest"

Now in the Kirov region of Russia there are 201 natural sites under state protection and of great environmental value. Federal significance is the Nurgush reserve of the Kirov region. Regional - three more reserves, which will be discussed below. Other natural monuments located in the region are also important.

Nurgush reserve of the Kirov region

Nurgush is a state reserve, a specially protected area. It was created in 1994. Every day there is painstaking work on the inventory of the animal and plant world, the study of anthills, counting the number of all living creatures (including birds, invertebrates, and so on), forest pathological monitoring. The biological diversity that the Nurgush Reserve provides people with is impressive. There are almost 500 species of vascular plants, more than a hundred species of mosses, almost 600 - freshwater algae, a huge number of lichens and mushrooms. The species diversity of the fauna is also impressive: more than 2430 species of invertebrates (spiders, insects, mollusks), a large number of fish, reptiles, birds. 50 species of mammals live here. The rarest animal Russian desman is found in the local rivers and lakes. The pride and decoration of the reserve is the white-tailed eagle.


Tourists can explore all the splendor of nature, walking along special ecological trails.

Pizhemsky Reserve

The Pizhemsky Reserve, created in 1990, was originally only hydrological. Only then did its significance expand. Now it is a large reserve of regional importance. 159 species of birds live here, among them there are the rarest: tufted titmouse, burial ground. It is the birds that are the object of the main study of the fauna in this place.


The reserve of the Kirov region has its own special decoration - the Nemda River. It stores objects called Vyatka Switzerland. Array "Stone" is very popular with tourists practicing mountaineering. Grottoes, niches, caves attract many people with their mystery. Beresnyatsky waterfall and Bourzhatsky cliff also gather a lot of tourists around them.

"Bushkovsky forest"

The Bushkovsky Forest Reserve began its existence back in 2007. The purpose of its creation was to maintain the ecological balance of the southeast of the region. Spruce, fir, pine, birch, elm and many other species grow on the territory of the forest. The reserve contains the famous hydrological monument - Lake Shaitan, which will be discussed below. A large number of plants grow here, among them there are rare and very vulnerable (pulmonary lobaria, long-legged mesia).


There are rare species of animals, such as mountain aena, big bittern and so on.

The nature reserve "Bylina"

1994 is the date of foundation of the Bylina Nature Reserve. The goals of its creation were to preserve the ecological balance of the northwestern part of the region, forests and marshes on the watershed of the Caspian and the Arctic Ocean, as well as to protect endangered species of flora and fauna along with their habitats. Siberian lamprey, whooper swan, magpie, magpie, Asian chipmunk - all these are residents of the reserve. In general, as it has already become clear, all reserves and parks of the Kirov region contain a considerable number of rare species of animals and plants. A huge number of mosses and lichens were found here, some of them are included in the Red Book of Russia.

Lake Lezhninskoe

In the Pizhansky district of the Kirov region, Lezhninsky Lake is located. This pond is famous for its unusual appearance: its shape is regular, rounded, and the banks are steep and high (up to ten meters). Thanks to this, the lake itself looks like a huge funnel. In the region, the lake is the deepest body of water. Its depth reaches almost thirty-seven meters. The water is clean and clear, a tourist can view the bottom a few meters inland. Pike, roach and a lot of crayfish live here. This unusual place is very loved by divers.


Maybe they are looking at the bottom of the lake for a chapel and an ancient village? Indeed, according to legend, the reservoir appeared 4 centuries ago, right before the eyes of the villagers and absorbed part of the wooden buildings!

Shaitan lake

The reserve of the Kirov region "Bushkovsky Forest" stores a unique lake called Shaitan. Its hollow is surrounded by dense forest on three sides. Karst pond has a depth of twelve meters. Shaitan feeds on precipitation and groundwater. Locals say that underground discharges occur even in winter, so that bizarre pillars of various shapes form on the surface of the ice sheet. The lake is also famous for its small islands drifting along it, densely covered with vegetation. Some islands are even able to support human weight!


The water in the lake is opaque, muddy bottom. But crucians live here, the taste of which is appreciated by all tourists who are here.

Atar Luke

In Lebyazhsky district, on the right bank of the Vyatka, there is a wonderful beach with a rather large area of ​​snow-white quartz sand. If you walk along the dry sand, it will “sing”, that is, it will make creaking and hissing sounds. This territory is the reserve of the Kirov region “Singing Sands”. The bend of the river in this place is called Atarskaya Luka. Water tourists are very fond of this place. Hilly outlines, exposed tree roots, landslides of rocks make the coast very picturesque. Atar Luka is famous for its clean air, pine forests, a variety of flora and fauna. A rare flower grows here - a venus slipper. There are many species of mammals, birds, insects. Paleontologists are very fond of the Vyatka bend, because the remains of ancient mammals were discovered here: mammoths, bison and other, smaller animals. Frequent guests on the river and fishermen. An excellent catch of pike, ide, and perch is provided to experienced fishermen and lovers who have recently begun. In general, Atarskaya Luka has great potential for organizing tourism and recreation in the summer. The authorities of the region are seriously busy developing this place.