
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Konstantin Khudyakov

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Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Konstantin Khudyakov
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Konstantin Khudyakov

In modern cinema, every year there are fewer directors of the Soviet era, the work of which has grown more than one generation. Konstantin Khudyakov was the first to involve Leonid Filatov in the creation of the artistic tape, with whom he maintained friendship throughout his life.

In his film "It Was in Rostov" starred Bogdan Stupka. This role was the last in the life of a talented performer. The director admitted that acquaintance with the late artist was for him a gift of fate. Khudyakov considers the film "Success" to be his favorite and long-suffering work, which turns 34 this year.


Professional development

The future director, Konstantin Khudyakov, was born at the Moscow couple of doctors on October 13, 1938. From childhood, the priorities in his sphere of interests were cinema and technology. Even while studying at VGIK, he worked part-time with an airbrush. He began his acting career on Central Television. The debut is an episodic role in the family film of V. Azarov “Adult Children”.

The skill of the reincarnation of Konstantin Khudyakov is distinguished by a competent psychological study of the characters' images, the presence of subtle humor and original plastic. Among his best acting works are roles in the films "Two in the Steppe", "Executed at Dawn", "Taiga Romance".

Despite the fact that all the characters played by Khudyakov were distinguished by the wealth of nature, irresistible charisma, at a certain moment the acting ceased to occupy a dominant position in his work.


In new quality

To learn the basics of directing, Konstantin Khudyakov graduated from directors' courses at Central Television. His directorial debut is considered the television play "Actress" based on the works of A. Tolstoy. The filmmaker had the opportunity to hone his skills during the productions of the television shows “Pages of Life”, “Dowry”, “The Game”, “The Sun on the Wall” and others.

His start in a big movie immediately drew public attention to the personality of Khudyakov. The debut drama is “Ivantsov, Petrov, Sidorov …”, where young scientists, despite the death of their like-minded comrade, find the strength to complete the experiment begun by the three.

The premiere screening of the film “Success” secured Konstantin Khudyakov the status of a mature master, a virtuoso director.

Professional growth

The skill of the director increased with each subsequent work. The drama co-produced by the USSR and Israel, Mother of Jesus, was barely released due to religious themes. The criminal film "Death in the Cinema" has not lost its relevance and still shines with its amazing facet - an unsurpassed game on the nerves of the audience. Filmed in the best domestic traditions of theatrical productions, a subtle psychological drama with elements of the tragicomedy “Tango for Two Voices” was included in the golden fund of Russian cinema.

The emotional picture “Another woman, another man” is exemplary among Russian melodramas. The film drama “On the Upper Maslovka” is criticized by film critics as an excellent production based on a wonderful literary work with live acting. Despite a more than modest budget, the quality of the film is the highest, which was achieved due to the professionalism of the director and leading actors.


These and many other films confirm the fact that Konstantin Khudyakov is an artist who paints a screenwriter and playwright with actors on canvas. By the way, often the personality of the director is confused with the equally talented master painter Konstantin Vasilyevich Khudyakov, who creates in the genre of digital art technology.