
Abramovich’s wife: is it easy to be the wife of an oligarch

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Abramovich’s wife: is it easy to be the wife of an oligarch
Abramovich’s wife: is it easy to be the wife of an oligarch

Video: How Roman Abramovich Made His Billions - Russian Billionaire Documentary 2024, July

Video: How Roman Abramovich Made His Billions - Russian Billionaire Documentary 2024, July

His controversial figure is of constant public interest. He made a fast career, achieved success in the field of entrepreneurship, became the owner of a multi-billion dollar fortune. Many people are interested in what women surrounded this man and who Abramovich’s wife is now.


First marriage

With Olga Yuryevna Lysova, that was the name of the first wife of Roman Arkadyevich, he met when he returned from the army. It was gossiped that their marriage was the revenge of Abramovich’s first love. The girl's name was Victoria Zaborovskaya. The future oligarch would be happy to associate his life with her, but Vicki's wealthy relatives opposed the marriage. Therefore, she never became the first wife of Abramovich. Expelled from the Ukhta Industrial Institute for academic failure, Roman joined the army. When he returned, he learned about the impermanence of his beloved: the girl very quickly found a new boyfriend and even managed to get married.

At first, Roman and Olga made a living by trading in the market. After Abramovich met Vladimir Tyurin, the business took a different look: young people started selling rubber toys.


But this was not enough for a novice businessman, and he became interested in oil trading. Of course, during this period, Abramovich’s wife (we posted the photo of the couple above) supported her husband in everything. The love between them was sincere. Roman officially adopted the daughter of Olga from her first marriage, Anastasia. Unfortunately, for health reasons, a woman could no longer have children. Roman Abramovich, an early orphan, dreamed of a large family. At the time of the divorce, the young family did not have a substantial condition, the one-room apartment passed to Abramovich's ex-wife. In the future, Roman did not communicate with her.

Stewardess Irina Malandina

In the early 1990s, the future oligarch often had to go to Germany on financial matters. So he accidentally met his charming stewardess Irina Malandina.

Irina's family lived modestly. Parents worked as waiters. At two years old, the girl was left without a father, so it was not easy for mom to raise a child alone. At twenty-three, the girl, thanks to the help of her aunt, was able to get a job on international airlines.

Second marriage

The development of the couple’s relationship was rapid and turbulent. After a couple of months, Abramovich filed for divorce from his first wife and began to prepare for marriage with Irina. They got married in 1991.


The second wife of Abramovich realized his dream of becoming a father. Over the years of family life, this couple had five children: Anna, Arkady, Sophia, Arina and Ilya. The strength of their marriage, which lasted sixteen years, for a long time there was no doubt.

Reasons for Divorce

Abramovich’s wife, Irina, managed to become a real guardian of the family hearth. But … and this idyll is over. In 2005, Roman Arkadevich met with a new love - clever and beautiful Daria Zhukova.

Irina refused to believe the rumors reaching her about this novel. Well-wishers tried their best. It lasted about a year until she saw a photo of the couple in the press. Between the spouses there was a serious conversation. The decision of Abramovich’s wife was a divorce. Until the last moment, the press hoped for a different outcome. Only this did not happen. After the official divorce that followed, Roman Abramovich pledged to allocate enough funds to support the old family. He stopped hiding his meetings with Zhukova from prying eyes. By the way, the couple were able to leave without a stormy division of property. The relationship between them was warm and friendly. Among secular gossip there were rumors that Irina had hope for a family reunion and could forgive her husband for treason.


After breaking up

The eldest children of Roman Abramovich live independently. The two younger ones - Arina and Ilya - with their mother. The father is actively involved in their lives, tries to meet with them more often and does not skimp on expensive gifts. So, he took charge of the expensive hobby of the daughters of Arina and Sofia - riding.

Wife Abramovich got almost six billion pounds, half of the real estate of the former spouse in the UK, a French castle. She can use the Pelorus yacht and the Boeing-737 private jet indefinitely. Thanks to the received "dowry" the woman was on the list of wealthy English brides. She has several places of residence: London, the south of France, Switzerland and Russia.