
Journalist Bozena Rynska - biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Journalist Bozena Rynska - biography, personal life and interesting facts
Journalist Bozena Rynska - biography, personal life and interesting facts

The biography of Bozena Rynskaya, the infamous Russian journalist, is full of mysteries and conflicting facts. Their origin is also unclear - either the girl’s ill-wishers are throwing information in the media, or she herself, wanting to always be “on the lips”. Be that as it may, understanding the secrets of Bozena is very interesting.


Childhood and youth

Bozena was born on January 20, 1975 in Leningrad. Her mother, Alla Konstantinovna, taught mathematics, and her father, Lev Isaakovich, was a power engineer. Parents divorced when the girl was still in school, since then her father has not been present in the life of Bozena. Her relationship with her mother also did not work out, her parents seemed to be deleted from her biography.

By nationality Bozena Rynska is Russian, although there are people who doubt this. As it turns out, in vain.

All her childhood Bozen spent in her hometown. She graduated from the physics and mathematics school, but always dreamed of becoming a journalist.

To try herself in this profession, the girl immediately after graduation got a job in the newspaper "Change". Bozena’s expectations were not met, the journalist’s everyday life was not only gray and boring, but also very difficult.

Without thinking twice, the girl quit and flew to America. Rynska also could not find herself there and returned to her homeland with a clear desire to try herself in another profession.

Bozhena submitted documents to the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, to the directing department. After graduating from the institute, the actress with great ambitions was able to get only a miniature role in the series "Streets of Broken Lights". Not seeing the prospects for development in her native city, Bozena went to conquer Moscow.


The long-awaited glory

Moving to the capital was a turning point in the biography of Bozena Rynska. Her career began to develop rapidly:

  • she began working as a freelance correspondent for Kommersant in 2003;

  • a year later, she went to the Izvestia newspaper, where she conducted a section of social affairs for 5 years;

  • In 2008, she published the book “Thank God I am VIP!”, Which tells about the author’s impressions of the characters in her reviews;

  • Since 2009, the journalist has been leading her column in the online edition of Gazeta.ru.

But the most famous Bozhene brought her blog on LJ, which she runs under the pseudonym "becky-sharpe", in it she is not embarrassed to express her opinion. Nick Bozena was not chosen by chance. Taking the name of the heroine of the Vanity Fair novel, she seems to draw parallels between Becky’s biography, which tried to “make its own name” in secular society of the 18th century Great Britain and the biography of journalist Bozena Rynsky, who longs for fame in modern Russian society.



Bozena Rynska - a very scandalous person, which is why she "became famous".

  • In 2010, a journalist in front of all her subscribers sorted out her relationship with Tatyana Tolstoy. The host of the School of Slander compared Bozena to an old woman from the Golden Fish. Tolstaya said she allegedly volunteered to help Bozhena after she underwent surgery on her leg. Tatyana Nikitichna claimed that Rynsky’s wishes grew exponentially: first buy medicine, then boil buckwheat, and then serve Maasdam cheese. In response to the insult, Bozen provided correspondence with Tolstoy, from which it became clear that she had reimbursed Tatyana for all expenses, and there was not even any talk of any cheese.

  • Another public scandal occurred between Bozena and Nikita Dzhigurda on the air of the program "Midnight" by Vladimir Molchanov. Peaceful talk about social life almost escalated into a fight. Dzhigurda, who accused Rynska of behaving like a socialite at all, insulting and dousing everyone with dirt, was almost doused with hot tea right in the studio. Only the host managed to prevent the fight.

  • A similar situation occurred on the air of the "Forecasts" program. Bozena, who interrupted the star of "House-2" Olga Buzov, did not want to give her a word, throwing phrases like "There will be some more to interrupt me here!" The girls could not figure out to whom the host actually gave the floor. But Bozena suppressed Buzova with her assertiveness and turned everyone's attention to herself.

  • At one of the social events, the journalist hit with a stun gun a certain Sergei Stishov, believing that he was "dissolving his hands." The tipsy man did not give offense and "gave" a good slap to the journalist.


Conflict with NTV

In the fall of 2013, another unpleasant incident involving Bozena occurred. Moscow law enforcement agencies reported that Rynska and her husband Malashenko attacked an NTV television correspondent, beat him and took away a microphone.

The couple put forward their version of what happened, according to which annoying journalists literally harassed them, not giving rest and daily "on duty" near the entrance.

After 8 months of litigation, a decision was made to recognize Bozhena guilty of beating a journalist, she was sentenced to a year of corrective labor, and withholding 10% of her income to the state treasury.

Horrific trick

After the incident, Rynska often made unflattering remarks about NTV channel employees, however, the most scandalous and terribly unpleasant was her publication related to the Tu-154 plane crash over the Black Sea in 2016, where she was happy about the death of the channel’s journalists and thanked God for it.

The reaction of the indignant public immediately followed, people signed a petition on depriving Bozhena of Russian citizenship for her statements, pasted photos of dead journalists on the windows of her apartment and posted posts on the network on this subject. But Rynska never received punishment for her inhuman act.

Personal life

In one of the interviews, the socialite complained that she spent her youth "not on those." She really often changed men in his youth. Until 2012, the media often published rumors about the new lovers of the journalist. However, in February, it turned out that finally a serious man appeared in the biography of Bozena Rynsky. Malashenko Igor Evgenievich, her new boyfriend, was Channel One CEO, led NTV, and now runs the international television channel RTVi. He is older than Bozena by almost two dozen, for the sake of a young passion, he left his wife and two children (they live in America). However, relations with Bozhena were not at all an accidental fleeting novel of a young girl and a wealthy “daddy”. The couple have been together for 5 years and it seems they are quite happy.

The official marriage of Malashenko and Rynsk is not registered. Bozena declares that she does not need it, she feels comfortable next to a real man and she does not need to think "about her daily bread".



Bozen has no children. She has been trying to get pregnant for several years, but nothing comes of it. IVF procedure in 2013 ended in failure.

Rynska believes that the NTV’s “bullying” is to blame for everything, and at every opportunity, wishes the perpetrators of their misfortunes the worst. Media rumored that after the miscarriage, Bozena felt so lost that she even attempted suicide.

Let's hope that Bozena can still become a happy mother. Maybe then she will become a little kinder and more humane.

Zhenya Kuritsyna?

In 2012, Komsomolskaya Pravda published information that the real name of Bozena Rynskaya was Kuritsyna. The biography of a socialite is fraught with many mysteries, and Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists tried to unravel the key of them.

However, they were mistaken in their assumptions. The surname of Kuritsyna was not worn neither by our heroine, nor her mother, nor any other relatives. The real surname of Bozena Rynsky, many try to change their biography, is Rynskaya, and the name is Eugene, she wore it in her childhood, before emigrating to America.

Sometimes it seems that the secular lioness is a very secretive lady, because speaking about her biography, Bozena Rynska's age and real name never advertise. And if it were not for the scandalous publication "about Evgeny Kuritsyna", no one would have thought that Bozena Rynska is a pseudonym.


Political Disorder in the Family

Bozena could not ignore the news that Ksenia Sobchak was going to run for president. On her Facebook page, Rynska published a post about Ksenia, where she stated that Sobchak was a very vile person and was only after money and popularity.

But more recently, it became known that her husband Rynsky will head the campaign headquarters of Ksenia Sobchak.

Bozhena reacted to this in a very restrained manner, not characteristic of herself, and said that this was his decision and she did not want to comment on him.