
Snakes in Thailand: description, photo. Dangerous snakes of Thailand

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Snakes in Thailand: description, photo. Dangerous snakes of Thailand
Snakes in Thailand: description, photo. Dangerous snakes of Thailand

Video: Deadliest Snake in Thailand! ??Thailand Living 2024, July

Video: Deadliest Snake in Thailand! ??Thailand Living 2024, July

If you have never been to Thailand, but plan to spend your vacation there, it will not hurt to find out some features of the region. Local resorts attract tourists with their exotic, which has its pros and cons. I must say that snakes in Thailand - this is the most common phenomenon, because they are the usual inhabitants of the jungle. You can meet them in the country even in crowded places. Therefore, be careful when walking and excursions. Reptiles appear even near hotels. There are many snakes in Thailand, and they are dangerous.

Dangerous reptiles

Currently, there are more than 160 varieties of snakes, among them only 60 pose a danger to human health and life. In the resorts of the region you can find only a few species of especially dangerous snakes. Thailand also has marine reptiles. Snakes live not only in forests, but also in cities. Bites of some of them can lead to undesirable consequences.

Poisonous snakes

Among the large number of poisonous snakes in Thailand, only four dangerous species can be found. All other reptiles prefer to live in the jungle, away from civilization.

Krayts and cobras have the most powerful poison, so they are incredibly dangerous to humans. Data snakes in Thailand are very numerous. Reptile venom contains neurotoxin, which causes paralysis of the limbs. It can only be neutralized by the timely administration of the appropriate drug. If this is not done, the probability of death increases to 50%.

The second place in terms of danger is occupied by the Malaysian muzzle and chain adder. The venom of these reptiles causes swelling near the bites. With untimely help, tissues can begin to die.

King Cobra

King cobra is one of the largest snakes in Thailand (photo and description are given later in the article). In length, it reaches 5.5 meters. Her poison is very dangerous. A reptile at a time can inject up to 7 ml of a toxic substance. If a person is not given an antidote, he dies within a quarter of an hour. Cobra is one of Thailand's most dangerous snakes.


However, for all its threat, a reptile does less harm to people than other varieties. The small number of human casualties is explained very simply. Cobra skillfully doses the amount of poison during a bite. The fact is that the snake does not perceive a person as a potential victim, since it cannot be used as food. Therefore, the snake does not consider it necessary to spend precious poison. She bites, but does not inject a dangerous substance.

Krayt tape

If you are interested in the question, which snakes in Thailand are the most dangerous, then the ribbon kraft is definitely included in the lists of terrible reptiles. It can be easily recognized by alternating wide yellow and black rings. The length of the snake reaches two meters. Porat's poison is so strong that just one dose is enough to kill ten people. It is worth noting that the poisonous toxin does not withstand even the viper, which is immune to most of the poisons of other snakes.

Malaysian muzzle

Another snake in Thailand (photo is in the article) is an incredible danger. In length, it reaches only one meter, but it is considered the most dangerous in all of Southeast Asia. In addition, there is no antidote to its toxin. A person who is bitten by such a snake will die in half an hour. Sometimes antidotes to toxins of other reptiles save people, but this does not always work.


Malayan muzzle generates extremely toxic poison, which destroys the blood cells of any victim, corroding tissue. In addition, the snake is dangerous in terms of insidious behavior. If all other reptiles warn about the presence of an approaching person, then the muzzle hides motionlessly in the grass or foliage, after which it rushes at the victim with lightning speed, glaring at fangs that reach two centimeters in length.

Chain viper

The chain viper is another dangerous snake in Thailand. Photos and names of the most dangerous reptiles will allow you to get an idea of ​​who should be feared in this exotic country. The chain viper is also called Russell's viper. It is considered the most numerous in South Asia. More than half of the snakebite cases that are recorded in the region are precisely this dangerous reptile. On average, the length of the snake reaches 1.2 meters. It lives on the mainland of Asia. She was named Viper Russell in honor of a herpetologist from Scotland, who first described her.

White-chested keffiyeh

The white-lipped keffiyeh is a representative of vipers. In length, it reaches a meter. The snake lives not only on earth, but also on trees, preferring to settle not far from people's homes.


For this reason, in Thailand there are a lot of cases of bites of a white-lipped keffiyeh. I must say that snake bites are very painful, but most often not fatal. In addition, Thailand produces serums that neutralize the poison of this species, and other kufiyas too.

Monocle Cobra

A distinctive feature of the snake is the sign of a monocle on its hood. Cobra is distributed throughout Thailand and even beyond. It can be found in forests and fields, on rice plantations and on pastures. Cobra can be seen even near cities. She behaves actively not only during the day, but also at night. But prefers to hunt in the dark.


In case of danger, the snake takes a defensive posture, spreading its hood and hissing. If a person behaves calmly, after a while the cobra flees. The color of the snake may be different, depending on the habitat. Cobra is very poisonous, so it should beware.

Spitting cobra

Some species of cobras are able to spit saliva, aiming in the eyes of the victim. In Thailand, a snake lives, which can be three meters from its victim during the attack. If snake venom gets into your eyes, immediately rinse them in a stream of running water. In this case, the eyelids must not be rubbed. Eye wash should be necessary, otherwise you may lose sight. It is worthwhile to understand that the spitting of a cobra is only the initial stage of the attack, after which the snake can bite. Therefore, care must be taken.

Poisonous snakes

Only a novice tourist can ask the question: "Are there snakes in Thailand?" Experienced travelers know that the exotic of the country is not limited to palm trees and the sea. An incredible number of snakes are the realities of Thailand.

However, not all reptiles encountered are as dangerous as the representatives we listed earlier. Among them are poisonous snakes. These include net python. He is very large, by the age of seven years, the length of his body reaches seven meters. There is a known case when the captured python reached 12.2 meters. Such snakes are very aggressive, so they can bite a person. The poison of pythons is not dangerous, but its large jaws and powerful body pose a danger to people. It is better not to face such reptiles face to face.

Tiger python

Tiger python is more modest in size than its fellow (reticulated python). The snake has a calmer disposition. But she, too, can be found in Bangkok. It is worth noting that such a reptile is able to swallow an animal that has the size of a German shepherd. As for man, in relation to him, the snake behaves peacefully and almost never attacks.

Green whip

Green snakes in Thailand most often scare tourists because they regularly come across in their way. One of them is the green whip, it is also called the eastern whip and bronze snake. She often falls from palm trees to the heads of tourists, creating a panic in the ranks of vacationers. Green snakes in Thailand are not uncommon. There are a lot of them, besides they behave quite relaxed. They make their way to homes and scare people with their poisonous green color.

The whip reaches two meters in length. She is able to inflate the skin in the neck, which gives her an even larger and threatening appearance. The snake is poisonous, but to humans its toxin is not dangerous.

Flying kite

A decorated flying kite is a frequent visitor to Bangkok and other places in the country. The reptile reaches 1.5 meters in length.


At the same time, the snake crawls perfectly along vertical surfaces, due to which it easily penetrates people's homes. In the daytime, she is awake, hunting lizards and rodents. When faced with people, the snake rushes to the attack. But its poison is not dangerous to humans.

Radiant snake

In length, a radiant snake reaches 170 cm. It is found everywhere in Thailand, including in cities and small towns. The snake moves very quickly, in case of danger, he tries to escape by flight. If the snake is driven into a corner, then at first it will start to frighten a person with aggressive attacks, after which it will pretend to be dead. The snake is completely non-toxic, and therefore safe for humans.

Big-eyed snake

This snake in length hardly reaches a meter. It is also called the Asian rat snake. Such a reptile name has earned its ability to ruthlessly deal with rodents on its territory.


Snakes usually avoid encounters with humans. In a hopeless situation, a snake can bite the enemy, but its poison is not at all dangerous for us.

Indochinese Wolfhawk

Wolfhawk is a small snake whose length reaches only 50 cm. It is very common throughout Thailand, it can easily be found in residential areas. Sometimes the snake is aggressive, although in terms of poison it is not dangerous.

Fishing angler

The reptile reaches a length of 120 cm. Snakes settle near ponds, because they like to swim. During periods of heavy rainfall, they are often seen on city streets. They are peaceful, but in critical situations they try to fend for themselves. They do not pay attention to people in the water and do not touch them.


Not a single case of an attack by a snake on a bathing person has been recorded.

Sea snakes

There are 25 sea snakes in Thailand, some of which are poisonous. But most of them live in the depths, so it does not pose a danger to tourists. For the rest of the reptiles, the structure of the pharynx is such that it does not make it possible to harm a person. Therefore, sea snakes in Thailand are practically not dangerous. They tend to prefer not to encounter people. And they bite very rarely.

Rules of behavior

If you read the reviews, then many tourists write that they encountered a black snake in Thailand. In fact, people are not able to describe which particular reptile scared them. Most often, a collision occurs on the street in the evening and at night. Naturally, any reptile seems black. Moreover, frightened tourists are simply not able to describe the snake.

All travelers are warned about the rules of conduct when faced with reptiles. It is worth remembering that snakes usually do not attack first. It’s just that when they come into contact with people, their instinct for self-preservation works. Therefore, you must always look under your feet. You should never step on reptiles, especially on the tail, which is the most sensitive part. Very often people themselves provoke snakes. No need to scream or wave your hands. Excess noise provokes reptiles to attack. It is best to freeze and stand still until the snake crawls away. If she does not retreat, you can slowly move away on your own. Since at first glance it is difficult to determine how dangerous a reptile is, it is necessary to behave with maximum caution.