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The meaning of phraseology "Mind Chamber"

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The meaning of phraseology "Mind Chamber"
The meaning of phraseology "Mind Chamber"

Video: The Brain 2024, June

Video: The Brain 2024, June

Phraseologism is a single phrase that is perceived as lexically indivisible, whole, can have not only a direct meaning, but also a figurative one. The phrase “mind chamber” is a phraseology that denotes an intelligent, capable, educated person with high intelligence. Nowadays, the phrase has acquired a completely opposite meaning.

What does “mind chamber” mean?

“An intelligent person is one to whom God has given a clear, understanding, insightful mind, comprehending not everything accessible. Thoughtful, reasonable, reasonable, concluding correctly, directly, sensibly, ”- this is how one of the main qualities of a person is praised, the mind, in the entire explanatory dictionary of the Russian language V.I. Dahl. Clever and educated people at the time this expression appeared could be counted on the fingers, even the boyars were illiterate, to say nothing of ordinary people! Therefore, this quality was highly valued, and the breadth of mind and education were compared with high and bright boyar mansions, because the chamber is a palace, a large, richly decorated residential building of the sovereign, nobles. There was another meaning of the word “chamber” - this is a special building, the official place where the judicial authorities or authorities were located. It is enough to recall the Faceted Chamber (this is the front hall for receiving foreign ambassadors, the state chamber, the chamber of the civil, criminal court), and it becomes clear that they treated an intelligent person with respect and reverence in Russia.


Variants of phraseology

Another thing is that phraseology “mind chamber” has options. For example, "the mind is a chamber, and the key to it is lost, " "the mind is a chamber, but the mind is not enough." Truly great and powerful Russian language! Only two words are nearby, and how the meaning of phrases changes: even the most educated person is often confused, busy with his thoughts and unsuitable for solving practical life issues. The bright great heads of famous scientists could explain the natural phenomenon, but these people couldn’t take care of property wealth, therefore they died, as a rule, in poverty, and became famous after death. Therefore, there is a playful, condescending attitude towards intelligent and educated people. It seems to be how they treated the royal jesters: it seems to be smart, but it is not known where to apply this mind.


Modern expression

A more stringent version of this expression has appeared in the modern world. Today, the indicator of practicality and fitness in our world is money, and therefore new options are tied to the golden calf. For example, “mind chamber, but not enough money”, “mind chamber, and the back is a hunchback”. Today, people are valued not so much smart in the sense of education as smart in the sense of practicality. Education has become available, a near-minded person can get it, if parents had money. But not everyone can turn life so that the wildest dreams come true. It is no coincidence that there is an opinion that the former school “troechniks” are best placed in life. Not because they gained knowledge, but because they learned to adapt to changing living conditions.
