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The meaning and origin of the surname "Davydov"

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The meaning and origin of the surname "Davydov"
The meaning and origin of the surname "Davydov"

Video: Mikhail Davydov - Back to Text UI at react-europe 2015 2024, July

Video: Mikhail Davydov - Back to Text UI at react-europe 2015 2024, July

Last name for a person means not just a line in his passport, it means a story of a whole kind. By the history of the surname, you can find out not only the nationality and immediate family, but also a whole family tree.


People who study history, the “tree” of their family, so to speak, recognize by their surname who their ancestors were, who did what, who moved where, etc. Many families even have their own individual emblems.

This article will discuss the meaning and origin of the surname "Davydov".



If we are talking about origin, then, as always, several versions are revealed.

The first version of the origin of the surname "Davydov" states that in ancient times, King David was in Palestine. He was so loved that many subjects began to call themselves the people of David - David or David. This prefix to the name remained in the form of a surname for many, many years.

According to the second version of the origin of the surname "Davydov", as well as in the opinion of many historians and people studying the surname, the word "David" among the ancient Jews meant "beloved." The surname originating from the name is also endowed with the same meaning.

There is a third version of the origin of the name "Davydov". It is believed that this surname could come from the Tatar peoples, where the name Daud existed.

There are also versions that the name "Davydov" came from the word "house". There is an assumption of Armenian origin. In addition to these similar versions of a lot. But there is, so to speak, the most widespread, “official” one.

"Noble" story of the origin of the name "Davydov"


The pair of gentry families of the Davydovs is truly known. The ancestor of one of them is the nobleman Minchak Kosaevich, who left in the XV century. from the Golden Horde to the famous Prince Vasily Dmitrievich and converted to Orthodoxy with the name of Semyon. The offspring of Minchak was called Davyd. Undoubtedly, his name became the basis for the surname "Davydov". We emphasize that the baptismal male name "David" has Hebrew roots and, in translation into Russian, means "adored."

In Russian saints, the main root of the origin of the Davydov surname is the name of David Solunsky (Thessaloniki), a monk. St. David first worked in the monastery of Pafnutius Borovsky, then for many years he decided to remain in solitude, renouncing earthly turmoil and ascending prayers to the Lord, inviting him to protect him from all sorts of fun and human difficulties. He lived at the charity of the parishioners, but avoided meeting them. In 1515, he appeared as the founder of the Ascension-David Wasteland, which was located in the Lopasna River, 23 miles from the village of Serpukhov. The saint died in 1520.

Armenian and boyar origin

Another family of the Davydov nobles is the owner of the Armenian genesis and leads the race from the Tsimak ruler of Name-Bey, who lived at the beginning of the XVI century. A number of families come from the boyars and landowners who bore this surname. In 1910, the surname, in accordance with B. Unbegaun’s calculations, occupied the 51st position in St. Petersburg, and in 1973 V.A. Nikonov, in personal calculations, showed that in the capital it ranks 93rd among the most frequent. This surname takes about the same place now.