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Female Sign - Beginning of Beginnings

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Female Sign - Beginning of Beginnings
Female Sign - Beginning of Beginnings

Video: Deaf Beginnings: A story of girl with no real native language | Krystal Sarcone | TEDxBrownU 2024, June

Video: Deaf Beginnings: A story of girl with no real native language | Krystal Sarcone | TEDxBrownU 2024, June

It is necessary not to respect yourself strongly, if you consider that your ancestors did not think about being and could not notice that life stems from two principles. Each of the principles is self-valuable, but, only when connected, have a continuation and a new quality. This principle is present in every, even the smallest, manifestation of life. Even microbes and bacteria, although they divide in two during reproduction, but pierced by a certain impulse, which is like love, begin to show their ambivalence.

Of course, our ancestors did not know much about the depths of life into which modern microbiologists look. But just look at the patterns of the steppe mounds that were created 7-10 thousand years ago on our lands to see the sign of the female and male (where would it be without it). They were not raked, as a hand put on the soul. No, they have a clear architecture. And they were arranged in pairs, and between them a love affair was indicated by symbolic additions.


Signs and symbols spread around the world

Papontida is a geographical region: the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov. The modern female sign - the “mirror of Venus”, is nothing more than a simplified symbol of the beautiful half of humanity, which was created by our distant ancestors. It is a conditional image of a regular circle below, which is adjacent to a small cross (analogy with a mirror on the handle).


By analogy with him, in our time, they also painted a male sign, calling it "the spear of Mars." But he suffers from the primitivization of understanding the essence of men. It would be better if they took an ancient ornament, and then they would not have to weave rings in order to symbolically indicate the love of a man and a woman.

Not all, but some steppe mounds have burials. But these are not burial grounds of kings, such as mounds of Scythian (Skolotsky) times. This is a symbolic image of the bosom of mother earth, in which the seed is placed - the corpse of a person laid in the fetal position. That is, our ancestors understood that the resurrection from the dead is a reality, another 7-10 thousand years before the birth of Christ.

It looks like the female gender sign in all its symbolic fullness, give an idea and ornaments with which women still love to decorate their clothes, subconsciously choosing them from many others. These are oval meanders folded into an oval, which is open in one place - the entrance; two petals lead to this entrance.

You do not just need to take clothes with the image of the square meander of the labyrinth of the Minotaur, which is closed. It symbolizes the creation of mighty ugliness. The expanded meanders, which are intertwined and untwisted, forming patterns, but do not close the spaces, you can draw on clothes. These are symbols and signs of invisible waves of love that men are attracted to women.

Simpler but more meaningful

The male sign in symbolism is a set of gentle lines that form a fungus. Everyone can see them on the domes of St. Basil’s Cathedral and in ornaments that adorn the architecture of the famous Kizha. This sign even has an anatomical detail, but no vulgarity.


These lines symbolize male restlessness and determination. And only falling under the influence of waves of love, this sign finds what it lacks. Therefore, the twin mounds of Pontida are located exactly as anyone can easily guess: the lines came together in a fungus, which is aimed at the entrance of a closed oval meander, from which open meanders diverge - a symbol of love spilled in the Universe. The female sign in this complex of two barrows dominates the male sign. But this power is not dominant.

When rituals took place in ancient times, it was precisely along the lines that converge into a fungus that people went to worship the maternal essence of the Earth. That is, in a symbolic ritual form, everything that happened between male and female entities in real life was displayed.

Simplification and departure from meaning

When the race of Aryan farmers began to disperse around the world, they carried away with them the female sign on their ritual things and jewelry. This was the time that is now called the term "matriarchy." In the view of modern inhabitants, matriarchy is as follows: a woman sits in the house and periodically chases her husband with a stick in the yard, directs everything and takes away the money he earned.

The union of two entities in love begets life


The same simplification occurred in the understanding of signs and symbols. Why was the female sign taken with me? Yes, because motherhood should not run and look for something. If it starts to run and look for something, then the genus will simply die out. And the male essence in those days, the female essence was elevated to the rank of deity and shrine. And with the help of this simple moral imperative, the race of Aryan-farmers received a great advantage in civilizational development.