
A star that went out too quickly: the unenviable fate of Natalia Bogunova

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A star that went out too quickly: the unenviable fate of Natalia Bogunova
A star that went out too quickly: the unenviable fate of Natalia Bogunova

Natalia Bogunova is among the actresses to whom beauty did not bring happiness. Unfortunately, there are many of those. Famous throughout the Soviet Union in the image of Svetlana Afanasyevna in the serial film "The Big Change", Natalya actually remained an actress of one role. Despite the external attractiveness of Bogunova, the directors did not seek to shoot her in their paintings. As a result, over 30 years of her acting career, she starred in only 15 films, most of which appeared in episodic roles.

Fragile flower


Natalia was born on April 8, 1948. A radical Leningrad girl, from a young age she made an impression of a sublime intellectual not from this world, although she came from the simplest family. It differed from other Bogunov not only in its behavior, but also in appearance. She possessed a special, non-stereotypical beauty - a tender and fragile girl with expressive eyes attracted the attention of everyone around her. Later, this external and internal softness will prove fatal for Natalia - the fashion that has come for brisk, wayward girls will literally drive the actress off the screens.


From ballet to shooting

Bogunova's acting career began when she was 11 years old. As a student of the ballet school, Natalia possessed special plasticity and grace. In combination with the appearance of the girl, this attracted attention - she began to be invited to various events, where a great responsibility lay on the young beauty. She was to present honored guests with bouquets of flowers. A little later, director Talankin noticed her and invited her to appear in his film "Introduction". Young Natalia agreed.

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The world of cinema dragged her from the very first appearance in front of the camera - the girl no longer thought about the career of a ballerina. Natalia’s desire for acting was further strengthened by the invitation to new shootings that followed shortly after the debut. On them, Bogunova finally tied up with ballet - having lost her desired shape, she could not regain her former weight and decided that it was fate.

Beloved teacher


Further events in the life of Natalia developed rapidly. She went to study at VGIK, there she met the future director Alexander Stefanovich, married him, received a diploma, got a job in the theater and starred in several films. It seemed that life would be only good. And it really was, but only one - a role in the "Big Break." Natalia became famous throughout the USSR. There was nothing more good in the life of Bogunova. The oncoming black streak lasted until the end of the actress's days.

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