
Stars that are not in demand today in Hollywood: the failed roles of Jessica Alba, personal problems of Hugh Grant, the burnt bridges of Katherine Heigl

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Stars that are not in demand today in Hollywood: the failed roles of Jessica Alba, personal problems of Hugh Grant, the burnt bridges of Katherine Heigl
Stars that are not in demand today in Hollywood: the failed roles of Jessica Alba, personal problems of Hugh Grant, the burnt bridges of Katherine Heigl

Hollywood is a place where they do not forgive mistakes and do not always give a second chance. Like “ordinary” people, celebrities make mistakes. And the most unforgivable oversight for any star is the failure of the film, which means a decline in demand, which, in turn, can lead to the destruction of a career. To stay afloat, you need to respect film production and the management of the studios. But not all stars, unfortunately, understand this.

Jessica Alba

Having an imperfect track record can make it difficult to get a job anywhere, even in Hollywood. Take, for example, Jessica Alba, who has five nominations for the Golden Raspberry Award for the worst play in films such as Fantastic Four, Narcosis, and Eye. She later tried to blame the bad script and the new directors, but when the game began to be called “stupid” in the high-profile publications of The New York Times, this, of course, did not look like a scriptwriters mistake.

The experience with bad films seemed to have a big impact on Alba. In 2010, she admitted that she was ready to start a career after the director asked her not just to cry, but to “cry beautifully”. The actress added that at the age of 27 she practically stopped acting, and the acting profession is not her main priority. Today, most of Alba's attention is devoted to raising children and managing her own brand The Honest Company, which is engaged in the production of goods and food products for newborns. In 2015, Jessica Alba's business was valued at 1 billion annual turnover. However, not everything is going smoothly. A class action lawsuit was filed against the company, where it was accused of using harmful ingredients, which led to the payment of compensation in the amount of $ 1.5 million.


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Hugh grant

You might think that the fall in his popularity was caused by the notorious scandal of 1995, when he was caught in his car with a girl of easy virtue. In the comedies Notting Hill, Bridget Jones's Diary, and Real Love, he remained the lead star. Perhaps it was a huge success in the genre, in which, after many years, Hugh was unnecessary. The actor admitted that he had always been for romantic comedies, and today he feels "too old for the like." Instead, he is content with genres like “Cloud Atlas” and “Agents A.N.K.L.”

Grant's personal life has always been entertaining. He became the father of five children from two different women, and they became pregnant in turn. What can we say about the serious career of an actor if he is too busy with personal problems to seize on the best offers.


Katherine Heigl (main photo)

The Hollywood crash of Katherine Heigl can be summarized in two words: burnt bridges. In 2008, she “walked” on Judd Apatow’s comedy “A Little Pregnant, ” which began her film career. The actress admitted later that the film is “a little sexist and portrays women as obstinate, carefree and irritable. In the days of filming, it was hard for me. I had to participate in all this nightmare and it was difficult to love my film. ”


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Is that what they say about the first big picture that opened the way to the top? In the same year, Heigl criticized the “Anatomy of Passion” and its show runner Shonda Rimes, who was nominated for an Emmy, but did not pick up the award. Since then, directors have begun to shun Heigl, but the studios still gave her roles. For the most part, these were more or less successful romcoms, until the name of the actress became a synonym for the worst genre. Despite all this, rumors about her behavior on the set circulated in the press, which could not but lead to some decisions related to the replacement of Katherine with other actresses. Heigl's last work on the big screen was the Thriller “Obsession” (2017), the box office of which barely reached the budget spent.

Jennifer Love Hewitt

The growing popularity of Love Hewitt was almost parallel with her colleague in the movie “I Know What You Did Last Summer” by Freddy Prince Jr. Unfortunately, their Hollywood fates took the same turn. After the explosive mid-90s and early 2000s, Hewitt's career began to decline with the release of the comedy with Jackie Chan “Tuxedo”, which failed to get to the same results as the previous comedy with Jennifer - “Heartbreakers”. Two parts of “Garfield”, as well as the failed animation “Delgo”, forced to take a break in his career on the big screen.

But it is not all that bad. The actress successfully starred in the series “Talking with Ghosts, ” followed by the less successful “Client List”. Then there was the series “Think Like a Criminal” (2014), another seemingly successful turn for Hewitt, until the fans literally opened a petition to get the actress out of the show after the pilot season. Then the actress got a role in the TV series "9-1-1", but she is not called to the big movie. So it is unlikely that we will see her on the red carpet in the near future.

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Julia Styles

The youth movie star crashed in the mid-2000s. After “The Bachelor Party” and “Mona Lisa Smiles”, Julia is actively filming, including the remake of “Omen” and the low-budget thriller “Lucky Edmond”. But nothing lets Stiles stay afloat like the Jason Bourne franchise.

In 2010, Julia announced her intention to return to the big screen after a two-year break: “I think that the audience, including producers and directors, “ light the stars ”of actors and actresses, and then lose interest in them and choose new faces. There are several actors who support spectator interest. It is interesting to observe their development when they do not stop in place. I want to be one of those actresses. ” With the completion of the story of Jason Bourne, the actress was lucky to join Jennifer Lopez in “Strippers” and get the main role in the thriller “Riviera”. The show is still on air.

Even if Julia does not manage to linger longer on the screen, she can earn on a wave of nostalgia. For example, to star in a remake of the musical melodrama “The Last Dance Behind Me”, one of the best works in her career.

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Cameron Diaz

For two decades after her debut in The Mask, Diaz maintained the status of one of the highest paid actresses. Nevertheless, her inconsistency in both the box office and in the reviews of critics proved that although she was extremely in demand, she did not always clutch at the best offers or gave out the best performances on the screen. A case in point: her critically acclaimed works “Being John Malkovich”, “Vanilla Sky”, “Gangs of New York” gave rise to a grim sequel to “Charlie's Angels”.

In 2014, Cameron's career burst with a bang with the release of several unsuccessful paintings: “Another Woman”, “Annie” and “Home Video”. Around the same time, Diaz was preparing for some personal rebranding - she co-authored the book “Body Book: Feed, Move, Understand and Love Your Amazing Body”, a best-selling lifestyle book, followed by “Longevity Book, ” another volume in a similar subject. Cameron's departure for authorship coincided with her marriage to rocker Benji Madden, which together contributed to a three-year break in his career in the film industry. In June 2017, Diaz delivered a speech at the Goop Wellness Gwyneth Paltrow Summit on the need to make himself whole. Still rebranding benefited? Recently it became known that Diaz became a mother. And although her career track record includes the comedy thriller Agent: Age 21, which has been awaiting production for more than five years, it's still hard to believe that the actress will return to the profession so quickly.


Who else: Megan Fox

This girl with an incredible appearance had every chance of achieving wild popularity, and she is an example of how an extra word can put an end to her career. It is known that she began her career with the first parts of Transformers. When the actress called director Michael Bay “Hitler on the set”, she was hastily fired from the third part of the franchise and tried to cling to a worthy project for several years. Her recent film projects include such films as Zeroville and Ninja Turtles.


Elijah Wood

He was one of the most talked about actors of the 2000s thanks to his lead role in Peter Jackson's films The Lord of the Rings. He was very afraid of Typecast - a term in the cinema, meaning commitment to one image. As a consequence, Wood rejected many subsequent projects that would allow him to quickly forget his Frodo. Although these days the actor can rarely be seen on the screen, over the past years he starred in several films.
