
30 facts that will impress even the know-it-alls!

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30 facts that will impress even the know-it-alls!
30 facts that will impress even the know-it-alls!

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Video: 10 kinds of Flip Resets you NEED TO LEARN 2024, July

We believe that nothing can amaze us. But this is not so. The article presents 30 amazing facts that can impress.

Less than 5% of the ocean studied


There is more water than earth on our planet. The ocean actually covers more than 70% of the Earth’s surface. But people still have to study 95% of its open spaces. What hides its bottom? Who knows?

You never saw your own eyes


Yes, we see eyes in photographs or in reflection in a mirror. We catch the shape of our noses and lips, but our eyes are too complex to fully visualize them.

Japanese man survived the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and lived to be 93

Image Fruit and flower tea in the afternoon! What tea is worth drinking at different times of the day

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He was a 29-year-old marine engineer on a business trip to Hiroshima when the first bomb was dropped. He was in Nagasaki during the second strike. It is noteworthy that Tsutomu Yamaguchi did not die in any explosion. He lived another 65 years and died in the early 90's.

The number of possible permutations of cards in the deck is greater than the stars in the sky


There are about 100 billion stars in the sky, and this is impressive. But this is nothing compared to what you can do with a deck of 52 cards. Each time you shuffle a deck, you almost certainly hold a set of cards that never existed before and cannot exist again.

A five-star American flag was created by a high school student


The new design of the American flag was created in 1958 by Robert Heft, who was only 17 years old. He was a student at the school. Together with classmates, he worked on a project dedicated to joining the United States of Alaska and Hawaii. For the drawing, the teacher put Robert four with the caveat that he would increase the score if the US Congress liked this design. Surprisingly, in 1969 the flag was chosen from one and a half thousand proposed options.

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The husband approached the issue radically and made a diary for his daughter from wood


How to cook food in the mizo tribe: a lost type of Indian cooking

Saudi Arabia imports sand and camels from Australia


More than half of the landscape of Saudi Arabia is desert, but its smooth sand is not suitable for construction. Australia pomegranate sand is ideal for creating materials such as paint and cement.

Australia's wild camels in Saudi Arabia are considered a delicacy. The number of camels in Saudi Arabia has declined due to disease and drought.

Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire


Oxford was founded almost a millennium ago, in 1096. For comparison: the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan was founded in 1325.

Four-year-old girls average 390 questions per day


In any season I bake a black cake and pour it with Irish glaze (recipe)


Ava and Everley just get funnier over the years. Babies are already 7 years old

The nominations for the prize of the Tokyo Anime Festival 2020 became known

This is the average number of questions asked by four year old girls. Parents and teachers answer these questions every minute and 56 seconds while awake.

Google founders tried to sell their company for $ 750, 000


Back in 1999, when Google was considered a startup, the founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin tried to sell their company on one of the original Excite internet portals. Initially, they asked for $ 1 million, but then they were ready to cede to Google for $ 750, 000, but Excite refused the deal.

Once a year in Honduras, it rains with fish


Most of the 93, 000 inhabitants of Yoro (Honduras) live in poverty, with the exception of one special day of the year when it rains with fish. After its termination, local residents leave their homes to collect hundreds of fish that lie on the ground.

Making a bright wreath of spring flowers: a step-by-step master class


You can make a children's play mat from felt: follow the simple instructions

Ethiopians accused me of kidnapping souls, having caught for a simple occupation

The likelihood that you will consume the same water as Cleopatra is 100%


There is no such thing as “new water”. We essentially drink the same water that people used more than 2, 000 years ago.

Our bodies contain more bacteria than cells


The human body contains about 30 trillion cells and about 39 trillion bacteria. The ratio of human cells and bacteria is 1: 1.3.

More chickens than people


There are 19 billion chickens on Earth. For comparison: there are only about 7.4 billion people on the planet. We are three times less.

If sound waves passed through outer space, then the sound from the sun would be louder than from a chainsaw


If this sound emanating from the Sun could somehow reach the Earth, then, according to astrophysicists, its intensity would be about 100 decibels. After about eight hours of auditory perception of this range, we would all be deaf.

There's an Texas-sized garbage spot in the ocean


A Pacific trash spot runs between Hawaii and California. It contains about 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic bottles, the total weight of which is the weight of 500 giant aircraft.

Native Americans could speak English before meeting the colonists


It is a fact that the Squonto Indian of the vampanaoga tribe learned English long before the first colonists appeared on his land. Ten years earlier, in 1614, he was captured and sold into slavery in Spain. The Indian was bought by a Spanish monk who treated him well and taught him English. Squonto then worked for John Slaney, who out of sympathy sent him back to America.

There are 200 dead bodies on Mount Everest


The upper part of Everest is known as the "death zone." Since 1953, 200 people have not returned from there. The most famous corpse is known as "green boots." This man died in 1996. Climbers often saw his body on the main route of the northeast ridge until it was removed in 2014.

One out of every 200 people is associated with Genghis Khan.


You may be associated with a legendary person in history. An international team of geneticists found that the Mongol leader has about 16 million descendants with the same Y chromosome.

People die more often from lawn mowers than from sharks


Every year, an average of 69 Americans die from a lawn mower. For comparison: last year only five people died from sharks.

There are more public libraries in the US than institutions like McDonalds and Starbucks


There are more libraries in the US than McDonalds and Starbucks. To date, there are 119, 487 libraries in the United States and only 14, 146 McDonalds and 8, 222 Starbucks.

George Morgan offered $ 100, 000 to someone who would explain the reason for the redness of his face


George Morgan, an extremely successful banker and financier of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, received almost everything in his life, except for the answer to his question. He wanted to know why his face was red. The rich man offered a reward of $ 100, 000 for the answer. Morgan died in 1913, long before his condition was diagnosed as rhinophyma.

Russia and Pluto are about the same size


Pluto has a surface area of ​​only 16, 647, 940 square kilometers, which is slightly less than the area of ​​Russia, which is 17, 075, 200 square kilometers. But in 2015, NASA employees found that Pluto was only 0.1% larger than Russia.

British teens believe in Sherlock Holmes more than in Winston Churchill


According to a 2008 survey, 20% of British teenagers were convinced that Winston Churchill was a fictional character, and 58% expressed confidence that Sherlock Holmes was a real person.

If you put your finger in your ear and shake your head, you will hear a sound like in Pac-Man


Try this, and you will see that it is. Be prepared to argue with friends about whether the creators of Pac-Man were inspired by the sound coming from the ear, or if it's just a weird coincidence.

Alabama is the only US state in which whiskey is considered an official state drink


Conecuh Ridge Whiskey was recognized as the official drink in Alabama in 2004. Then its creator was arrested for violating the law on alcoholic beverages.

Knight Tournaments - Maryland Official Sports


Maryland was the first state to declare jousting as a state sport in 1962. In Maryland, tournaments have been held since colonial times. The rules have not changed.

Squirrels inadvertently grow hundreds of new trees


On average, the protein does not find 74% of the nuts that it hides. Some of these nuts, especially acorns, grow in new trees.

People suffer from obesity more often than from hunger.


About 1.5 billion people in the world are obese, while only 925 million people are undernourished. We are a society that for the most part will never experience hunger.

Mars is full of robots


There is no life on Mars, except for robots. In 1997, Mars-Pathfinder successfully landed on the red planet, sending a robotic device on wheels called the Sojourner to explore a planet that was already full of robots.