
5 incredibly strange things that people have ever stolen

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5 incredibly strange things that people have ever stolen
5 incredibly strange things that people have ever stolen

Video: Biggest Things Ever Stolen 2024, July

Video: Biggest Things Ever Stolen 2024, July

From childhood we have been taught that stealing is bad and wrong. Such an act is considered unacceptable not only by the law, but also by morality. But at the same time, many of us understand why some people steal certain things. For example, thieves who steal gold, money, and any other valuable thing do it for the purpose of profit. But there are situations when people abduct things that seem so strange that it’s hard to understand why they did it. Below are five strange things stolen by criminals.



Many people dream of spending time lying on a beach in a hot country, but not everyone decides to take a piece of this beach with them. However, back in 2008, such an incident occurred at the beach resort of Coral Spring in Jamaica, as thieves took so much sand from the beach that they could fill 500 trucks. Five people were eventually accused of stealing sand.

Albert Einstein's Brain


Theft of the brain is obviously abnormal behavior, but in a relative sense, taking the gray matter of a scientific genius such as Albert Einstein is less strange than stealing, say, Logan Paul’s brain. The motivation for this particular act of robbery is not profit, but science. The kidnapper was a doctor who did an autopsy when Einstein died. Stolz Harvey wanted to find out if there was anything unique in his brain. This would explain his genius, but the problem was that Stolz Harvey did not have permission from the family to cut Einstein's head and remove the organ. Stolz Harvey did not return the brain, as he was convinced that he could learn something useful from it. Stolz Harvey published a series of studies in the following decades, claiming he found evidence that differences in brain structure made Einstein a genius.

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If you are the owner of your own home, most likely it will be insured. But, unfortunately, this will not protect you in case someone decides to steal your entire house while you are away. This is exactly what happened to the Hempel family in Spokane, Washington. While they were on holiday in Stevens County, their house was gone. Thieves with the house were quickly discovered, since it is very difficult to steal the entire building and go unnoticed.



Glaciers amaze many, but this does not mean that we have the right to take one and leave with it, as if it belonged only to us. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this.

In 2012, one person from Chile decided to steal a large piece of one of the glaciers. The place for his crime, he chose the remote South American region of Patagonia. He stole five tons of ice from a glacier, taking it out by truck. Upon learning of the theft, the police immediately began decisive action. The truck was detained by law enforcement officers in Cochrane and the driver was arrested. It is believed that he planned to deliver stolen glacial ice to Santiago, the capital and largest city of Chile, to try to sell it in prestigious restaurants and bars, where it would be cut and used as ice cubes for drinks. If he had time, it could bring him thousands of dollars. The truck driver was charged with theft.