
Lawyer Treschev: biography and personal life

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Lawyer Treschev: biography and personal life
Lawyer Treschev: biography and personal life

Turning to a lawyer, they are looking for a human rights defender and a sensitive psychologist all rolled into one. Those in need seek legal and moral help. The person is psychologically severely oppressed, unscrupulous scammers, who are driven exclusively by self-interest, take advantage of this. Talk about a recognized professional.


In the center of our article is Treschev Alexander Stanislavovich, a lawyer. The biography is standard: he was born in 1964 in the Urals, childhood as the Soviet children of that time. He graduated from the Military Institute of Translators of the Moscow Region, Law School. By distribution sent to Afghanistan. I stayed there for two years 87-89. A lawyer in a military tribunal: hazing, desertion, hazing - these matters went through him.

Alexander was awarded with state awards: the Soviet Order "For Service to the Homeland of the III Century", the Afghan "Star". The great country was inexorably rolling toward collapse; the approaching disaster was felt. After the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, a decree was issued on the appointment of Alexander Treschev as a judge of the military tribunal. But by that time a firm decision had ripened for him to leave the Armed Forces.

Killer business

After leaving the army, he took up the practice of law. Among the clients are White House defenders, former Afghan veterans. The rivals got jealousy, the media began to harass. Treschev - a businessman, he has the company "Interfeniks", privileges for customs payments. The economic entity of the Afghanistan Disability Fund, according to the agreement, part of the income went to the founders. In July 1994 there was an attempt, an unknown killer shot Treschev in the head. Only a miracle helped to survive. Months of treatment in Russia, then abroad. He underwent complex operations, but did not heal to the end. A split has long been brewing in the War Disability Fund.


Self-interest won, they began to share power and money. Attorney Treschev also poured mud. It was alleged that, having stolen the cashier, he fled abroad. I had to prove the absurdity of these accusations and there was disappointment for the rotten Fund. The main functionaries were interested only in their own destiny, and not in the needs of the disabled and ordinary “Afghans”. And the lawyer left the fund without regret.

Echo of afghan

Attorney Treschev continued to work, created the Vneshurkollegiya, which specialized in the legal support of the business elite, politicians, masters of culture and arts. Customer names were not disclosed. The characters are known by ear: Alexander Lebed, Lev Rokhlin, other colorful figures of the time. Earlier, the lawyer won a lawsuit by Lebed against Anatoly Kulikov. The court ordered the minister at a press conference to publicly refute false words addressed to Alexander Lebed. But the event did not take place, Treschev was taken to a pre-trial detention center, where he spent two months and announced an absurd sentence about embezzling money from the already bored Afghanistan Disabled Persons Fund.


It soon became clear that this was a fee for a contract that Interfenix conducted on the recommendation of the fund. Alexander sat in the overcrowded cell of the pre-trial detention center, knowing that he would stay here for more than one year, awaiting the verdict. Help came unexpectedly in the person of Lebed and Rokhlin, who vouched for Treschev before the Russian Prosecutor General. Freedom fell from the sky. The lawyer plunged headlong into the work.

Meet by clothes

It does not matter what the appearance of the lawyer, whose name is publicly known. The task remained the same - to protect citizens and be a representative in court. “Look” is more suitable for novice lawyers who want to impress. When you have created a name for yourself, dress as you like. Having achieved material independence, having provided needs and desires, there is no motivation to mow under the “uncle”. The master is the one who is - Alexander Treschev, a lawyer. Personal life is not discussed.

In law came by accident. Preparing to become a translator. For example, to find out the problems of the region of residence, it is better to use social networks, where there is always a mass of people. In ten minutes, the pain points of this region will be known, the problems are traditional: the cop's lawlessness, job search, another rise in price, small pensions and more. People are annoyed, unhappy.

Don't be bad yourself

We live in an unreliable world, unpredictable. No one is given to know what the coming day is cooking. People cannot cope with problems that seem complicated. They don’t know how to achieve results; nobody knows what canons are. They do not know the law and how to find the truth. The law is like a drawbar, but justice can be achieved. And another solution to the question. The person is professionally prepared, feels the atmosphere. Versatile skills, interprets and explains the laws. Understands how the bureaucratic mechanism works. He will not allow himself to be conducted. Treschev is a lawyer. Photo for memory.


When an official feels an informed person in a visitor who knows where to file a complaint, he will behave accordingly. I won, I want to try it again. So, a person degenerates into a citizen, becomes better, more independent.

Judicial Prospects

Perestroika took place in the jurisprudence, which most lawyers did not notice, said lawyer Treschev. It seems to many that they are still working: they take a client and expose hourly pay. However, people do not want to help for a ghostly result. Earlier, for the competent preparation of the application, the presence of a lawyer became a necessity. A computer user will make a claim on his own. Soon it will happen, people will stop going to court. Decisions will also be made by the computer.


When sentencing, the highest authority is guided by law, attitude to business, and conscience. Often the judge's mood is spoiled. The hand of justice may not be understood, he has a biased mood, the legalist is corrupt, or other reasons. The computer is unlikely to be susceptible to these sensitive points. For a court, upon sentencing, emotions are not taken into account. Judges are often biased, do not like a person with dignity, who does not bend, does not hide his eyes. Sometimes it’s enough for the judge to go against conscience.

About personal

Does not smoke, does not drink, eats properly, monitors health. He thinks that he lives simply. It is foolish to enrich endlessly; it is better to devote this time to spiritual saturation. Wealth and luxury do not allow to see what is wrong. The cherished goal will move further. I am sure Alexander Treschev, a lawyer. The family is neither better nor worse than others. Two children: the son is 4 years and 5 months old, and the daughter is 19. They call her Tamara in honor of her grandmother. Bye bachelor.


Both classical and current music like it. With books worse, reading takes time, but good samples do not miss. Detectives do not like. He says that he knows this life from the inside, before that, the invented book plots fade. According to the results of the assessments, lawyer Treschev is the leader of the program “Federal Judge”.