
Actor Boris Dobronravov: biography, personal life, photo. Top movies

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Actor Boris Dobronravov: biography, personal life, photo. Top movies
Actor Boris Dobronravov: biography, personal life, photo. Top movies

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Boris Dobronravov is a talented actor who has played many vivid roles on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. “The Story of a Real Man”, “Virgin Soil Upturned”, “Battle of Stalingrad” are famous films with his participation. He left this world in 1949, but his name forever entered the history of cinema. What is the artist’s story?

Boris Dobronravov: the beginning of the road

The master of reincarnation was born in Moscow, it happened in April 1896. Boris Dobronravov was born in a family far from the world of art, his father was a clergyman. It is not surprising that the boy received his education at the seminary. However, Boris was not going to follow in his father's footsteps.


Dobronravov was easily given exact sciences. In 1914, he became a student at Moscow University, choosing the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Boris could have lived a completely different life, if not for the intervention of providence. In 1915, he stumbled upon an advertisement in the newspaper Early Morning. Thanks to this, the young man learned that the Moscow Art Theater is inviting new actors. Dobronravov proposed a joke for the sake of sake: he argued with his girlfriend that he would be able to win the competition.

First successes

Unexpectedly, Boris Dobronravov became a candidate for the staff of the Moscow Art Theater. The selection committee appreciated the external data of the young man rather than his acting talent. For a while, the young man tried to combine the game on stage with classes at the university. He even moved to law school to make it easier for him to study.


In 1916, Boris Dobronravov was forced to leave the university. The game on stage dragged him on, the young man constantly missed classes. He did not regret it at all, since he had already realized that the acting profession was his vocation. In 1918, the aspiring actor joined the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater.


Actor Boris Dobronravov performed his first notable role in 1918. The newcomer embodied the image of Apollo in the play "Provincial." Then for some time he played secondary roles, then more responsible tasks began to be entrusted to him. “At the Bottom”, “Inspector”, “Freeloader”, “For every wise man”, “Tsar Fedor Ioannovich”, “Mistress of the hotel”, “Brothers Karamazov” - the actor played in one play after another. Critics noted his stunning technique, the ability not only to play a role, but to live the life of his hero on stage.


In the 30s and 40s, Dobronravov also did not suffer from the lack of vivid roles. Performances with his participation became a real event in the world of dramatic art. “Bread”, “Thunderstorm”, “Fear”, “Plato Krechet”, “Dead Souls”, “Love Spring”, “Cherry Orchard” are just some of them.

First roles

Playing on stage is a matter to which Boris Georgievich Dobronravov devoted his life. This does not mean that the actor completely ignored the cinema. He first appeared on the set in 1920. Boris made his debut in the drama Domovoy Agitator, playing one of the secondary roles. The picture talked about the events that took place in the era of the Civil War.


A talented actor had a chance to return to the set only in 1931. Dobronravov embodied the image of the stoker Tyushkin in the film "Storm". Then he brilliantly played a major role in the drama Petersburg Night. His character was the gifted violinist Yegor Efimov, who, ironically, is a serf. The landowner, subdued by the talent of the hero, sets him free. The violinist goes to Petersburg with the firm intention to conquer him. However, soon his illusions were dispelled.


Perhaps the actor Boris Dobronravov, whose photo can be seen in the article, played his most famous role in the drama “Virgin Soil Upturned”. He embodied the image of Semyon Davydov, the protagonist of the story. The film tells about collectivization in the Don, the plot is borrowed from the work of the same name by Mikhail Sholokhov.


What films did Boris Georgievich manage to star in? A list of paintings with his participation is proposed below.

  • "Brownie-agitator."

  • "Storm".

  • Petersburg night.

  • "Aerograd".

  • "Prisoners."

  • "Virgin Soil Upturned."

  • "Masters of the scene."

  • "Life in the Citadel."

  • "The Story of a Real Man."

In 1949, the last film with Dobronravov was presented to the audience court. We are talking about the painting "Battle of Stalingrad." The military drama tells about the events of the Great Patriotic War, and more specifically about the heroic defense of Stalingrad. Boris Georgievich in this tape is assigned the role of old Stalin.

Personal life

What happened to the personal life of Boris Dobronravov, did he find his love, did he manage to start a family? The actress of the Moscow Art Theater Maria became the chosen one of the star. After the wedding, the actor’s wife took his last name. This woman never acted in films, she preferred to create vivid images on stage. Husband Maria Dobronravova survived for more than twenty years, she died in 1972.

In 1932, the wife gave Boris Georgievich a daughter, the girl was named Elena. The heiress went in the footsteps of parents, connected her life with the world of dramatic art. “Moscow, my love”, “Tehran-43”, “Shield and sword”, “Big family”, “Commander of the happy“ Pike ”are famous paintings with her participation.