
Actor Jan Makhulsky: biography and filmography

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Actor Jan Makhulsky: biography and filmography
Actor Jan Makhulsky: biography and filmography



Yan Makhulsky is a talented actor who made himself known through the film "The Last Day of Summer." In this romantic melodrama, he embodied the image of a young man who is afraid to lose his beloved. “All-in”, “Deja Vu”, “Kingsize”, “Manuscript Found in Zaragoza” - other famous films with the participation of the Pole. What is the story of the hypocrite, what to tell about his creative achievements?

Jan Makhulsky: the beginning of the road

The actor, who became famous thanks to the melodrama "The Last Day of Summer", was born in Poland. It happened in July 1928. Yan Makhulsky was born in an ordinary family, the professional activity of his mother and father was not related to the world of cinema and theater. He showed interest in dramatic art as a child. By the time he finished school, Jan no longer doubted that he should become an actor.


Makhulsky graduated with honors from the State Higher Acting School. The novice actor performed his first roles in the Drama Theater named after Stefan Yarach. Further, for some time he collaborated with the Theater of Opole Earth, and then with the Juliusz Osterwa Theater. It is difficult to list all the sensational productions with the participation of Ian. “Romeo and Juliet, ” “The Barber of Seville, ” “Cunning and Love, ” “Romulus the Great, ” “The Quail Flew from Me, ” are just a few of them. Critics and viewers praised his role in the play "Do Not Play with the Archangels."

First roles

On the set, Jan Makhulsky first appeared in 1952. His role in the film "Three Stories" was so insignificant that the name of the debutant did not even get into the credits. Then he embodied the image of Lieutenant Piltetskiy in the film "Eagle", which also did not bring him fame.


The melodrama “The Last Day of Summer”, which has gathered many prestigious awards, has made itself known to the Pole. In this picture, Makhulsky played the main character. His character was a young man whose future was predetermined by the war.


Thanks to the melodrama "The Last Day of Summer" Jan Makhulsky became a favorite of directors. The filmography of the Pole began to actively replenish with film and television projects.

  • "Modern history."

  • "Visits of the President."

  • "The road is far away."

  • "The Diary of Mrs. Ganka."

  • "A manuscript found in Zaragoza."

  • "Island of criminals."

  • "Doll".

  • "The game".

  • "Neighbors".

  • The Girl's Conspiracy.

  • "In pursuit of Adam."

  • "On the other side of the rainbow."

  • "Decoy duck."

  • "The most important day of life."

  • "Polish roads."

  • The Secret of Enigma.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the picture "Lodger". In this film, Makhulsky brilliantly coped with the role of a young scientist. The hero is forced to shoot a picture in a house whose inhabitants are single ladies with oddities.

Father and son

With his freedom, Jan Makhulsky, whose photo can be seen in the article, broke up in his youth. His chosen one was an actress named Khalina, who can be seen in the films “Island of Criminals” and “Kingsize”, as well as in the mini-series “White Tango”. The wife gave the star a son, who was named Julius.


Heir Yana grew up, also decided to connect his life with cinema. Father and son began working on joint projects in 1981. The first brainchild of the family tandem was the famous crime comedy “All-in”. Makhulsky Sr. in this picture embodied the image of one of the key characters. His hero was the noble and romantic criminal Henryk Quinto. Perhaps this is the most famous role of Jan. The actor played this character in the continuation of the sensational comedy.

Father and son enjoyed working together, so their collaboration continued. “Kingsize”, “Deja Vu”, “Killer” - in these paintings of Julius, his father got vivid roles.

New century

In the new century, Jan Makhulsky began to appear less often on the set. The biography of the Pole indicates that this was due to health problems. Nevertheless, from time to time, films and series were released with his participation.


  • "Town".

  • "Superproduction".

  • "The Teutons go to war."

  • "What the sun saw."

  • "Alley of jerks."

  • “There is no such number.”

  • The Deliverer.

  • "Last promotion."

The talented actor played his last role in the film “The Invisible Orchestra of Instruments”. The drama was presented to the audience in 2010, this happened after the actor died.