
Alexander Plushenko: biography, photo, personal life

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Alexander Plushenko: biography, photo, personal life
Alexander Plushenko: biography, photo, personal life

Video: Alexandra Trusova / MatchTV Documentary 2024, June

Video: Alexandra Trusova / MatchTV Documentary 2024, June

Plyushchev Alexander Vladimirovich - Russian journalist, blogger, television and radio host. Among other things, he is a well-known figure in Runet, an employee of the radio "Echo of Moscow". Usually uses the alias Plushev.

Biography of Alexander Plyushchev

Alexander was born on September 16, 1972 in the city of Moscow. His mother is from the Ryazan region, his father is a native Muscovite. He worked all his life as a foreman at a factory, his mother tried herself in various fields, although she is a teacher by training.

Alexander studied at school No. 751, then enrolled in the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology at the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Silicates. Initially, he was attracted to this path, but soon the future journalist realized that he had chosen the wrong profession.

When he studied at the university, he began to earn extra money in an institute newspaper called Mendelevets, was the head of the youth editorial office, and quickly gained popularity as a very talented and creative young employee.



In February 1994, he was hired as a news anchor for the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

His career grew at an amazing rate, three years later he was appointed editor of the morning news on NTV.

In 1998, Alexander Plyushchev created his own program, which was called EchoNet and was dedicated to the Internet. This broadcast received the Popov National Prize in 1999 as the best special program, and in 2001 was awarded the “National Internet Prize”.

In addition to working on the radio, as a journalist, Alexander Plyushchev, for more than ten years, led the column “Site of the Day” in the newspaper “Vedomosti”.

In October 2001, the six-hour night program “Silver” appeared on the Echo of Moscow radio station (later it was renamed, it became known as “Argentum”), one of which was headed by Alexander.

Also until 2003, he was deputy chief editor of Axel Springer Russia. In 2003, he was accepted to the post of chief editor in the online publication "Lenta.ru".


Since 2006, he began to broadcast on the channel "Russia-24". In 2007, he was a member of the jury at the blog contest "The BOBs-2007". In the same year he published his book entitled "Full Plushev."

Currently, she is regularly the host of the Wiki Award ceremony.

Personal life

Alexander Plyushchev met his wife Valeria at the university. The wife told how she came to study on her first day and immediately saw Alexander, who was standing in the company of several girls who were enthusiastically listening to his story about how he worked on Echo of Moscow.

Future spouses almost immediately fell in love with each other. They met for some time, in 1999 they had a daughter, Barbara. At first they were at a loss, but later, as they themselves admitted, they began to receive good support and help from their colleagues.
