
Johnson Ellsworth, American black gangster and criminal authority: biography, activity, life story and interesting facts

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Johnson Ellsworth, American black gangster and criminal authority: biography, activity, life story and interesting facts
Johnson Ellsworth, American black gangster and criminal authority: biography, activity, life story and interesting facts

Video: Bumpy Johnson 2024, June

Video: Bumpy Johnson 2024, June

Johnson Ellsworth is one of the most respected black American gangsters. This man was very respected in the gangster world, he was recognized even by notorious racists - white-skinned gangsters. He spent most of his life in prison, but this did not prevent him from being the most influential person in the underworld.

Childhood and youth

Johnson Ellsworth was born in Charleston, South Carolina. The future bandit was born on October 31, 1905.


Soon, the family changed their place of residence, moving to New York. In addition to Johnson, more children were brought up in the family. Researchers of the life of the gangster note this fact - his older brother was accused of killing a white man. Our hero was then only 10 years old, but this incident left a huge imprint on his negative attitude towards people with white skin color.

The brother, whose name was Willy, was eventually sent to live with relatives in order to save from bullying by society. And when Ellsworth Johnson reached the age of 14, his parents sent him to Harlem, to live with Mabel's older sister. The reason for this decision was the same intransigence with the whites.

Gangster's nickname

Throughout the world, Johnson Ellsworth is known as Bumpy, or simply Bumpy. This nickname he received is not accidental. From birth, the future criminal authority had a noticeable growth on his head - a lump. It is this defect that served as the emergence of the famous nickname.

Bumpy was considered a very dangerous person. They were afraid of him, because he never went out without a gun or knife. At any opportunity, he skillfully used them. The results were not long in coming: for illegal possession of weapons, he was tried in his youth.

Beginning of a criminal career

A huge role in the formation of Ellsworth as a gangster was played by Stephanie St. Clair.


This lady was known throughout Harlem as the owner of popular at that time gaming clubs. She was looking for courageous and fearless people, ready for anything for the sake of money. Bumpy was just that.

Having entered her service, over time, he began to receive the most responsible tasks. The killing of people who interfere with the business of gaming establishments is the work that Johnson Ellsworth did. The biography of the gangster from this moment began to rapidly replenish with new criminal cases.

Handsome Bumpy

Stephanie Claire was surrounded by many inveterate thugs, but she trusted Eullesworth. What conquered such a sophisticated lady Bumpy?

Witnesses say that Ellsworth Bumpy Johnson, in addition to being very strong and strong, idolized Stephanie himself. But she was captivated by the fact that he was sufficiently educated, read a lot, loved Shakespeare and listened to Beethoven’s music. Perhaps, if not for the craving for murder, Bumpy would be a famous poet. Some of his poems have even been published.


By the age of 30, a black gangster could boast of having spent half his years in prison. There he did not lose time in vain. It was being behind bars that he studied history and philosophy, wrote poetry.

In 1932, having been released, Johnson learns that during this time the situation in Harlem has changed somewhat. A new gangster has appeared in the criminal arena - the Dutch Schulz (Dutchman). His mistress, Stephanie Claire, served in prison, and now she is in danger.

Gaining credibility

The Dutchman quickly gained control of the gaming business. People who refused to cooperate with him were killed.

Johnson Ellsworth understood - in order to survive, he must seek protection from someone who can stop the Dutchman. Soon, such authority was found. It was Lucky Luciano, the then-known brain of the underworld. He was engaged in the reorganization of Cosa Nostra and turned it into a well-coordinated criminal organization.


When the Dutchman was killed in 1935, Bumpy moved on to Lucky Luciano. The fact that a black man makes deals with the Italian mafia instantly raised Johnson's authority in the criminal world.

Luciano also impressed with Bumpy's education, so he gave Ellsworth very great powers, as for a black bandit. Thanks to this, our hero took control of all the banks of Harlem. But it was this patronage that made Johnson completely dependent on Cosa Nostra. Luciano now took the lion's share of his income.

King harlem

Nevertheless, the power of Bumpy began to grow rapidly. Now he was in charge of all affairs in the territory entrusted to him, gave permission for various frauds with money in gaming houses, and controlled all income.

His powers also included control of drug trafficking. If their lot was bought too much, he could track down and capture the participants in the operation. At one time, he even had the nickname Chaser. At the request of gangs for a fee, he could deal with drug dealers without the involvement of the press.

Contemporaries of the black gangster note that during his dominance in Harlem, the ideal order reigned there. He completely controlled prostitution, gambling, and drug trafficking.

In 1951, Bumpy again went to prison. The reason was Flash Walker's testimony against him. Flash Walker is Johnson's personal driver, with whom he had a very warm relationship. But on a heroin deal to make his time shorter, the driver gave the police all the information about his boss.

Walker eventually disappeared without a trace, and Johnson was sentenced to 15 years. Nevertheless, his authority in the underworld was so high that he successfully led Harlem directly from behind the bars.

Good gangster

Being a ruthless killer, Johnson Ellsworth often proved to be a compassionate, kind person. True, only people from his closest circle knew about this side of the gangster’s personality.


The facts of his help to the poor and needy are known. He often gave money free of charge, paid for the study of young talents who were not able to pay for their education. He gave loans, was the organizer of charity events. Thanks to him, the poor, who had nothing to pay for housing, received paid bills for renting a house (it happened that a gangster had to negotiate with the landlord with a gun).

Almost no one knew anything about these sides of one of the most brutal bandits. His upbringing did not allow him to talk about his good deeds. Everything he did while helping others was done in secret.