
Anastasia Pozdnyakova: biography and photos

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Anastasia Pozdnyakova: biography and photos
Anastasia Pozdnyakova: biography and photos

Video: Miss Pasha 2024, June

Video: Miss Pasha 2024, June

Anastasia Pozdnyakova is a talented and gifted athlete, thanks to her strength and skill, she became the winner of several world competitions.

What prompted this fragile girl to devote herself to big sport? What peaks did she reach? And what is doing now?


Meet: Anastasia Pozdnyakova (biography, records, awards).


The future athlete was born in December 1985, in the beautiful industrial city of Elektrostal (Moscow region). At that time, Elektrostal was a city with a population of one hundred and fifty thousand people, with a well-developed infrastructure and social life.

From early childhood, little Nastya loved to play sports. Fortunately, there were plenty of opportunities for this. Elektrostal was famous for its sports complexes, pools and stadiums.

Anastasia visited several sections at once, constantly being in a difficult situation: what to choose? What sports goal to devote your life to?

Finally, the girl decided. She felt great in the water element, she was admired by the elastic movements in the pool, her height attracted and excited. Therefore, what should she become, if not a dive into the water ?!


The goal was set, now the main thing was to achieve it.


Young Nastya gave a lot of time and effort to training. For the sake of this, she sacrificed sleep and study, communication with family and friends. She experienced everything - pain from sprains and bruises, from failures and disappointments. But, no matter what, the girl passionately longed for victory and records, recognition and admiration.

First trainer

She was lucky with the first coach. It was a teacher from God who loved his work and loved coaching budding teens.

It was A. Vinogradova who considered the necessary talent and determination in Anastasia. She told the novice athlete about all the intricacies of the water craft, constantly encouraged and assured of support, forced her to seriously train and work hard on herself.

After long, tiring preparations Pozdnyakova Anastasia Yurievna was ready to take part in junior competitions.

Carier start

Youth competitions became for Nastya a springboard to high sport. She established herself on them as a strong and skillful athlete, able to control her body, able to focus and manage the situation.


By the way, already during the youth competitions Pozdnyakova Anastasia secured a certain role for herself - she began to perform in synchronized jumps, since she reached the highest skill in them.


Synchronized diving is not only beautifully performed acrobatic stunts during the flight, but also the similarity (synchronization) of movements between partners. For this, it is important not only to have a flexible, plastic body and smooth, graceful movements. It is necessary to have internal accuracy and punctuality, jewelry scrupulousness and pedantic accuracy.

To achieve a clear coordination in movements, partner athletes should train a lot together, precisely feel each other and be able to work in pairs.

First victories

After the youth competitions, Anastasia Pozdnyakova confidently declared herself to all Russian water sports.

At the age of seventeen, she was sent to the International Junior Tournament, held in Germany (Aachen), where, together with Julia Ionova, she took a worthy seventh place.

After that, young Nastya became interested in coaches from adult sports. She was entrusted with representing the Russian Federation at international competitions among experienced athletes. Thanks to numerous intensive training and enormous determination, the girl began to confidently take leading places, persistently striving for victory.

The most striking performances of young Pozdnyakova took place in Daegu (South Korea). It was the twenty-second International Summer Competition, where Anastasia took fourth place (together with Natalia Umyskova). It is also necessary to mention the eleventh world championship held in Montreal (Canada). There, young Nastya (paired with Zaitseva Yana) took eleventh place.

What distinguished Anastasia Pozdnyakova? Diving in the Russian athlete was characterized by a bright, colorful performance, clarity of movement, smooth immersion in water, a high coefficient of complexity and accuracy of technology.

The athlete specialized in performing synchronized dives from a three-meter springboard.

New partner

By 2007, the Russian jumper became quite popular thanks to its victories and successes. She began to be invited to various sports and social events. Many domestic fans had hopes for her. Abroad, girls responded approvingly and commendably about sports achievements.

It was evident from everything that Anastasia Pozdnyakova, whose photo was decorated with many covers of glossy magazines, became more experienced and more skillful in her work, that she was ready for new brilliant victories.

At this time, Nastya begins to work with a talented and legendary jumper, multiple Olympic champion Julia Pakhalina. Despite the age difference (Julia was eight years older than Anastasia), the girls became very friends. This had a wonderful effect on their duet - Russian jumpers began to win one medal after another.


Pozdnyakova learned a lot from the more experienced Pakhalina. Her strength, skill and dedication served as a vivid positive example for beginner Anastasia.

Way to the Olympics

The main thing that the girls achieved (in addition to victories in domestic competitions) is that they lit up on the world sports arena. Their bright, harmonious performances were breathtaking and delighted the imagination.

Here it is necessary to mention the World Series of diving, where beautiful sportswomen took second places in Nanjing (China) and Sheffield (Great Britain), third place in Mexico City (Mexico), and also won in the Diving Grand Prix (USA, Fort Lauderdale)

The girls won gold at the Russian Championship and went to conquer the Olympics.

Olympics 2008

The most prestigious sports competition was held in Beijing (China), from August 10 to 23.

It was the first Olympics of Anastasia and she became crowned for her.


Paired with Pakhalina, Nastya took second place and was awarded a silver medal. The joy of the girl knew no bounds, but behind her, seemingly easy victory, there were intense, daily training and exercises.

In the same year, Pozdnyakova received the European Championship for her excellent synchronized performance in Eindhoven (Netherlands).

Subsequent victories

The following year 2009, Anastasia continued to work in tandem with Pakhalina. The girls took third place at the World Aquatics Championships, held in Rome (Italy), and also became multiple winners of the World Cup.