
Anatoly Antonov: biography, career, photo

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Anatoly Antonov: biography, career, photo
Anatoly Antonov: biography, career, photo

Video: US-Russia relations: A conversation with Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov 2024, July

Video: US-Russia relations: A conversation with Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov 2024, July

Service to the Fatherland is an extremely complex and highly responsible business. Execution of special tasks by officials requires them to have certain skills: both intellectual and very often strong-willed. Each public servant of the highest rank understands that not only personal destiny, but also the quality of life of millions of compatriots depends on his actions. One of such prominent figures in modern Russia is Antonov Anatoly Ivanovich, whose biography will be studied in detail in the article.


basic information

The future Russian military and diplomat was born on May 15, 1955 in the city of Omsk. In 1978, he completed his studies at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations at the Faculty of Economic Relations. And six years later he graduated from graduate school in the same educational institution, having received, after defending a dissertation, a candidate of economic sciences degree. By the way, Anatoly Antonov, whose biography is given below, is also a doctor of political sciences. In 2012, at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Academy of Sciences of Russia, he gave a dissertation in which he revealed questions on the topic of control over nuclear weapons systems, which are a factor in guaranteeing national and world security.


Admission to diplomatic work

In 1978, Anatoly Antonov (his biography contains many interesting facts) became an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union. He was entrusted with a wide variety of positions both in foreign missions and in the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country.

Between 1995 and 1988, he worked as the first deputy head of the Department in charge of disarmament and security issues at the Russian Foreign Ministry.

From 1998 to 2002, he occupied the chair of the representative of Russia at the UN and other international structures in Geneva.

Since 2000, the civil servant has been a permanent and full member of the PIR Center Expert Advisory Board.

For seven years (2004-2011) Anatoly Antonov, whose biography can become a good example for young people, headed the Department of Security and Disarmament of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Under his direct leadership, Russian delegations held high-level talks on various military-political issues. Among the issues addressed were a ban on the proliferation of nuclear weapons, a convention banning the use of biological and chemical weapons, negotiations with the United States over the limitation of strategic offensive weapons, and others.

In 2006, the diplomat was the head of the delegation that went to the conference on the Treaty on the Armed Forces of Europe. However, the negotiations failed, and Russia was forced to introduce a moratorium on the implementation of this treaty in practice.



In February 2011, Anatoly Antonov (his biography is worthy of imitation), on the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, became deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In the new department, an experienced diplomat dealt with problems of international cooperation in military and military-technical terms. Of course, he was to prepare the corresponding agreements on the world stage. He was also responsible for the interaction and the establishment of full contacts between the defense unit of the Russian Federation and his Western colleagues. The specialist was repeatedly invited to public comments on various relevant topics, was a participant in analytical conferences in this area.

Strained relations

With whom did Anatoly Antonov (MFA) have problems? His biography says that after Crimea became again a full-fledged part of Russia, the diplomat was on the sanctions lists of the countries of the European Union and Canada, and a little later, Ukraine. And here you can’t get around a very interesting point: the US leadership did not dare to include Anatoly Ivanovich in their sanctions documents. And this is not an accident. The thing is that Antonov is a well-known person for the Americans, who is the key negotiator between the United States and Russia on a number of major military issues. Therefore, the White House administration simply did not want to further aggravate the already difficult relations with Moscow.

On December 18, 2016, a Russian statesman was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. It is easy to guess that Antonov was again entrusted with the military-political security of the country at this post.


Work overseas

After the next presidential election was held in the USA in 2016, the question of the appointment of a new ambassador to this state became acute in Russia. In the media, it was Anatoly Ivanovich who was called the most likely candidate for this position. And finally, on August 21, 2017, the hero of the article became an official representing the Russian Federation in the States on the basis of a decree of the President of Russia. And on September 8, Anatoly Antonov, the ambassador to the United States, whose biography will certainly be replenished with new facts, handed his credentials to Donald Trump.

On December 2, 2017, despite the fact that the Americans illegally seized the Russian Consulate General in the city of San Francisco, Antonov still came to this building and conducted his external examination. Then he went to Stanford, where he gave a lecture to local students about the high degree of tension between the United States and Russia. It is noteworthy that before the start of the lecture, Anatoly Ivanovich, the audience was personally introduced to the audience in the hall by the former American ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul. This man, by the way, said that he loves Russians very much and misses the time when he worked in Moscow, but he cannot get there now, since he is a persona non grata for Belokamennaya.
