
Anna Isaykina: biography and personal life

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Anna Isaykina: biography and personal life
Anna Isaykina: biography and personal life

Anna Isaykina is a talented actress who managed to star in more than 20 films and series by the age of 53. “Mistress of the orphanage”, “Tales of the old wizard” - paintings with her participation, which were most remembered by the audience. The television projects Dead Souls, Simple Truths, Mikhailo Lomonosov also gave the star many fans. What is known about her?

Anna Isaykina: biography of the star

The future star of domestic cinema was born in Moscow, it happened in December 1962. It is not surprising that Anna Isaykina became an actress, because she was born in a creative family. Her grandfather was a director, her grandmother played in the theater.


However, Anna did not immediately want to become an actress, despite the fact that at a young age she fell in love with the theater. The girl was engaged in a French special school, was an excellent student, the best student in the class. After receiving the certificate, she intended to become a student at Moscow State University, her goal was the Faculty of Philology. But unexpectedly for the whole Isaikin family, she changed her mind about going to a long-chosen university and announced her intention to study acting.

Admission to the University

Anna Isaykina filed documents at once in several metropolitan theater universities. As a result, the girl chose the famous "Pike". If you believe the words of the actress, she preferred this educational institution because she heard that studying in its walls turns into a real holiday for all students who were not mistaken in choosing a profession. Fortunately, her expectations were fully met.


Nevertheless, the joys of student life failed to distract the actress from her main goal - to become a star. It is not surprising that for the first time she was on the set in her first year of study at the Shchukin school.

First roles

Anna Isaykina is not one of the actresses to whom the first role played gave popularity. The debut for the girl was the short film "Your Brother Valentine, " in which she embodied the image of Lucy. Anna did not feel fear of the camera, gladly agreed to new roles, she liked to try on new images. It is not surprising that by the time Pike ended, the actress managed to play in several films.


The novice actress received a supporting role in the "Mistress of the orphanage", the girl Irina became her character. The picture tells about the difficult fate of orphans, and tells about people whose work is connected with caring for babies who have no parents. In the film adaptation of Dead Souls, Isaykina appeared in the image of Plyushkin’s daughter. The heroine Hero, who she played in the musical comedy “Love for Love”, whose plot was borrowed from Shakespeare’s play, liked the audience.

The actress was forced to temporarily interrupt her romance with film and television by problems with her studies, which appeared in the third year. When Anna found out about the threat of expulsion, she focused on the educational process and managed to become a graduate of Pike.

80s roles

Anna Isaykina is an actress who managed to become famous by the time she graduates. Already becoming a graduate, the girl received an invitation to star in "Tales of the Old Wizard". In this romantic and beautiful picture, she embodied the image of the beautiful Princess.


The audience also liked the heroine Isaikina played in Captain Frakassa. The plot of the adventure melodrama was borrowed from the eponymous work of Theophile Gauthier, which was popular at that time. Anna got the role of the young comedian Isabella, her character suffers from love for the ruined baron. The object of passion of the heroine Isaykina was played by the famous Oleg Menshikov, critics praised their creative tandem.

Of course, not all the outstanding roles that Anna Isaykina managed to play during this period are listed above. The actress can be seen in the biographical film "The Mysterious Prisoner", which tells about the misadventures of the revolutionary leader Mikhail Beideman. She also played the daughter of the forest king, starring in the fairy tale "Red Shoes".

Theater work

Anna Isaykina is known not only for roles in films and TV shows. The biography of the star indicates that she began to play in the Theater "On Malaya Bronnaya", barely becoming a graduate of the Shchukin school. Spectators approvingly met her Agafya Tikhonovna, the image of which the actress embodied in the play "Marriage", the plot of which is borrowed from the work of Gogol. The audience also liked Dina, which the actress played in the production of "Granny Blues."


The actress is not one of those who are loyal to one theater throughout their lives. Often, she went up to the stage of the Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky, and they saw her at the Stanislavsky Theater. Anna also returned to her native university as a teacher, having passed the appropriate training, began to study with students, working at the department of actor skill.

Return to the screen

Unfortunately, the 90s turned out to be a difficult period for the star, she was practically not invited to appear. However, the black bar still changed to white, it happened in the late 90s. Great luck for the actress was shooting in the TV project "Simple Truths", in which she received one of the key roles. The naive and sincere series, the main characters of which were teenagers, quickly gained a large audience.


In "Simple Truths" Anna Isaykina, whose photo can be seen in this article, embodied the image of a literature teacher. Her Evgenia Nikolaevna is a strictly positive character, however this does not make her boring. The actress made every effort to discover the zest in the character of her right heroine. Thanks to this role, Anna again acquired stellar status, already lost for several years of oblivion.

TV Shooting

The actress successfully combined work in "Simple Truths" with roles in other television projects. In "The Resort Romance" she played Olga, her character appears only in the series "School of Survival." She embodied the image of the mother of the central character in The Striped Summer, and she got a similar role in The Secret Sign. You can see the star in the television project “Investigators are leading experts. Ten Years Later ”, in which she played Rimma Anatolyevna.

The actress was absolutely not confused by the fact that she was offered mainly supporting roles. Anna managed to give each of her characters a vivid personality, even if she was allocated a small screen time. One of the most striking roles of Isaykina is Empress Maria Alexandrovna, she embodied this image in the series “Institute of Noble Maidens”.