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Air-to-air missiles: key features

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Air-to-air missiles: key features
Air-to-air missiles: key features

Video: Amraam, Sidewinder etc. How do air to air missiles fly? 2024, July

Video: Amraam, Sidewinder etc. How do air to air missiles fly? 2024, July

To combat air targets, missile systems of various types are intended. A huge variety of weapons are primarily classified by launch location and target location. For example: “ground-to-air” - a ground-based missile (first word) to destroy objects in mid-air (second word). This type of ammunition is most often called anti-aircraft, that is, shooting at the zenith - up. The significant speed of the ground-to-air missile, more than four times the speed of sound, allows you to effectively fight not only with airplanes and ballistic missiles, but also to hit highly maneuverable cruise missiles.

Aircraft weapons

The armament of a modern combat aircraft is an integrated high-tech complex of several systems, which conditionally consists of a control system and directly suspended and integrated weapons. Missiles designed to be launched from airborne mobile platforms and to destroy airborne aircraft are classified as air-to-air (B-B) missiles in accordance with the Russian system. In the West, for the ammunition of this class, the abbreviation AAM from the English combination air-to-air missile is used. Effective examples of these weapons first appeared in the mid-forties of the last century. The first domestic homing ammunition was copied from an American air-to-air missile. Russia is currently recognized as the undisputed leader in this area of ​​military hardware. Some systems have no analogues even among the developed foreign complexes.


Attack distance

According to the distance at which the object is destroyed in the air, air-to-air missiles are divided into several classes. Aircraft ammunition is created for use at three types of combat distances:

  • Short-range missiles are used to destroy aircraft within line of sight. These munitions are equipped with infrared homing devices. The accepted designation of NATO countries is SRAAM.

  • At distances up to 100 km, medium-range missiles (MRAAM) with a radar homing system are used.

  • Ammunition used at distances of up to 200 km, long range (LRAAM), have an integrated guidance system that uses different principles on the march and on the final attack site.

Classifying in this way according to the principle of long-range, the developers believe that at given distances the rocket will be guaranteed to hit the target. In the language of experts, this is called the effective firing range.

Targeting Systems

Measuring equipment is placed in the head of the rocket, which allows it, autonomously, that is, without operator intervention, to direct the projectile at the target and hit it. An automatic device against the background of surrounding physical fields is able to determine the target, the parameters of its movement, the movement of the rocket itself and form commands for the control system if it is necessary to perform a maneuver. Homing systems of the air-to-air missile use various types of target radiation: optical, acoustic, infrared, radio emissions. At the location of the radiation source, guidance systems are:

  • Passive - use the signals emitted by the target.

  • Semi-active heads require a signal reflected from the target emitted by the carrier aircraft.

  • The active ones themselves illuminate the target, for which they are equipped with standard signal transmitters.


Damaging elements and detonators

In the air, especially at high altitudes, the explosive action of an explosive is ineffective. Air-to-air missiles are armed with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead. Due to the high speed of movement of both the target and the missile itself, stringent requirements for the formation of an attacking sphere are applied to the warhead. The desired result can be achieved by applying a system of predetermined crushing into fragments or finished damaging elements (balls, rods). Most products use the option that forms a radial field from fragments of a cylindrical warhead, fragmentation shirt. When flying, the damaging elements form a cone with a truncated apex with the direction of movement along the rocket.

The planned separation into damaging fragments is achieved by spot hardening with a laser or high-frequency currents, by applying notches or a “mask” of inert material. Fragmented warheads are equipped with warheads of melee missiles. In medium-range missile systems, a warhead formed from rods is used. The striking elements are located obliquely around the explosive and are alternately welded to each other by the upper and lower ends. When opened, the rods form a closed ring of great damaging force. Promising developments are underway to control the formation and direction of the fragmentation field.

Undermining the warhead at an optimal distance is carried out by a radar fuse equipped with one or two antennas. Modern air-to-air missiles are equipped with laser systems that continuously track the distance to the target. All missiles have an inertial detonator in case of a direct hit on the target.

Watching the air

For our country, with its vast distances and underdeveloped ground infrastructure in the eastern and northern directions, air-to-air missiles are a key element in ensuring defense capability. Russia, having made a technological breakthrough in recent years, has a whole range of highly effective ammunition. Domestic missiles are designed not only to equip existing aircraft, but also promising manned and unmanned aircraft systems, the adoption of which is expected in the near future. Modern Russian aircraft are equipped with some types of missiles. About them will be discussed later.


R-73 short-range guided missile

The product was adopted in 1983, in the NATO classification AA-11 "Archer". Intended for the destruction of actively maneuvering manned and unmanned targets at a maximum speed of up to 2, 500 km / h day and night in all weather conditions in the front and rear hemispheres. For shooting at pursuing targets, the reverse start mode is used. The engine with a variable thrust vector and other know-how made it possible to surpass all existing world analogues in terms of maneuverability. It can be used against uncontrolled balloons, helicopters and cruise missiles. The missile is included in the standard MiG-29 and Su-27 weaponry of the latest modifications, as well as tactical Su-34 bombers and Su-25 attack aircraft. It is produced in two versions of the RMD-1 and RMD-2 modifications. Can be used to combat cruise missiles. The rocket is exported. Ammunition has the following characteristics:

  • Weight - 110 kg.

  • Length - 2.9 m.

  • The mass of the core warhead is 8 kg.

  • Launch range - 40 km (RMD 2).


RVV-MD close-range maneuver missile

The latest ammunition has all-angle infrared guidance. The use of an aerodynamic maneuvering system allows destroying targets from any direction. It is assumed that this model will arm all types of fighter aircraft and helicopters. The RVV-MD and the X-38 air-to-surface missile will form the basis of the combat power of the fifth generation fighter.

  • Starting weight no more than 106 kg.

  • The length of the rocket is 2.92 m.

  • The mass of the warhead with a rod striking element is 8 kg.

  • Range of destruction of targets up to 40 km.

Air-to-air missiles R-27

Guided ammunition was created to arm the fourth generation fighters. According to the NATO classification AA-10 "Alamo". Specific ammunition is designed to destroy enemy aircraft in close maneuverable combat and at medium distances at a maximum target speed of up to 3, 500 km / h. A new control concept and solid fuel engine are applied. Accelerators are used on some modifications. The speed of the R-27 air-to-air missile is four and a half times faster than the speed of sound. Characteristics depending on the modification are as follows:

  • The mass of various samples ranges from 250 to 350 kg.

  • The maximum length is from 3.7 to 4.9 m.

  • The weight of the warhead of the rod type is 39 kg.

  • Range of destruction of objects from 50 to 110 km.

R-77 medium-range missile

It was designed for a fifth-generation fighter MiG - 1.42, which never went into series. Western name AA-12 "Adder". Adopted in 1994. It is equipped with a powerful engine and the most advanced radar and infrared guidance systems. Designed to destroy moving and static airborne objects of all types, including cruise missiles flying with the envelope of the terrain, against the backdrop of the earth and sea surface in all altitude ranges. The range of modifications with solid fuel boosters reaches 160 km.

  • Weight - 700 kg.

  • Product length - 3.5 m.

  • The mass of the core warhead with multicumulative elements is 22 kg.

  • The maximum range of destruction of objects is 100 km.

Based on this ammunition, a ground-to-air modification was created. A ground-based missile has a large engine diameter.


RVV-SD medium-range homing missile

The latest armament of domestic aircraft is designed to destroy targets of all types, including cruise missiles at altitudes of up to 25 km in conditions of intense enemy radar countermeasures. An active guidance complex using inertial radio correction was applied. The detonation device uses a laser proximity sensor.

  • Starting weight up to 190 kg.

  • Length - 3.7 m.

  • The type of warhead is a multicumulative rod, weight is 22.5 kg.

  • Launch distance up to 110 km.

RVV-AE medium-range missile

This version of the missile was created to equip fourth-generation ++ fighters and is designed to combat all existing types of aircraft, including cruise missiles. Ammunition can be used at any time over land and sea in the coastal zone. The developers have provided for installation on foreign types of aircraft. A non-contact laser fuse is used as a detonator. For maneuvering, lattice rudders with electric drive are used - the technical device has no analogues in the world.

  • The maximum starting weight is 180 kg.

  • The greatest length is 3.6 m.

  • The warhead is a core multicumulative, weight - 22.5 kg.

  • Firing range up to 80 km.

Long-range guided missile R-33

Intended for arming fighter-interceptors of territorial air defense with underdeveloped ground infrastructure. In NATO reference books is designated as AA-9 "Amos". In combination with the MiG-31-33 was adopted in the early 80s and was one of the elements of the multi-channel interception system "Barrier". The complex allows you to simultaneously use the entire ammunition of a link from 4 aircraft. At the same time, aircraft radar equipment and semi-active GOS missiles provide the ability to simultaneously hit four targets with four missiles. R-33 is designed to destroy aircraft and low-flying cruise missiles in all weather conditions, against the backdrop of the earth in all ranges of altitudes and speeds and has the following technical data:

  • Mass - 490 kg.

  • Length - 4.15 m.

  • The mass of a high-explosive fragmentation warhead is 47 kg.

  • Launch range - 120 km, with additional highlighting of the target - up to 300 km.


"Long arm" R-37

A long-range missile R-37 was developed on the basis of the R-33 for arming the latest interception system based on the Mig-31BM. Some sources refer to RVV-BD and K-37. According to the NATO classification AA-13 "Arrow". Tests of the latest samples completed in 2012. When it was created, a new dual-mode solid fuel engine and the latest control and guidance equipment were used. During the tests, the target was hit at a record distance of 307 km.

  • Starting weight of various modifications from 510 to 600 kg.

  • The length of the rocket is 4.2 m.

  • Warhead - high-explosive fragmentation, weight - 60 kg.

  • The range of the R-73 air-to-air missile is 300 km, in the export version - 200 km.
