
Refugees in Germany. How many refugees are in Germany?

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Refugees in Germany. How many refugees are in Germany?
Refugees in Germany. How many refugees are in Germany?

Video: Refugees in Germany | Easy German 107 2024, July

Video: Refugees in Germany | Easy German 107 2024, July

Of the two and a half thousand diverse concepts, experts from GfdS (German Language Society) chose the word most often used during 2015. And this word is “refugees”. In Germany, this topic was prevailing. By the way, for experts it was interesting in this case, not only one topic. They carefully sorted the word itself into components and came to a disappointing conclusion.


What is the load der Flüchtling

From the point of view of German scholars, the word "refugees" initially cannot carry a positive meaning. The first part, the root of the word Flücht, is translated in different ways, depending on usage, but the suffix itself is interesting in its semantic coloring. Sometimes it makes the word sound neglected, for example: the occupier - der Eindringling, scribbler, journalist - der Schreiberling, and sometimes this component means something passive: the examinee - der Prüfling or the ward, ward - Schützling.

Words with such a suffix and precisely these groups prevail in the German language. That is, the phenomenon itself - refugees in Germany - initially cannot be positive. However, in some lands, for example, in Saxony, Flüchtige sounds more often, which means a fugitive. There is no derogatory suffix, but the coloring of this word does not express any particular joy to the speaker. Nevertheless, the whole of 2015 was marked by this concept, and this word was most often used by all German (and not only!) Media.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Germany

If you carefully consider the statistics provided by the Ministry of the Interior, in 2014 there were 758 thousand people who registered as refugees in Germany. The largest number of them arrived in October - 181 thousand people. In the first months of 2015, 340 thousand migrants arrived in the EU, and the lion's share settled in Germany. Here we are talking purely about official statistics. Throughout the time since the wars in North Africa and the Middle East, a huge number of people settled as refugees in Germany without any registration, illegally. Experts estimate their number significantly above 200 thousand. And they cannot predict the future invasion.

Refugees in Germany are able to radically change the country, everyone who cares about this process already agrees in this opinion, and the whole of Europe is already worried. This is a colossal challenge, and now wherever the Germans meet - in a train, on the street, in the metro or airport, in a cafe or on vacation - which mainly discusses these events for a year, no other political topic for German citizens anymore. How many refugees are in Germany today? The German Chancellor herself will not be able to answer this question.


Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel never tire of repeating: “We can!”, But can she fulfill all the promises that the refugees from Syria and other countries believed? This question is still unanswered. In the ranking of influential politicians, it is second only to Vladimir Putin and significantly ahead of Barack Obama, but no one is able to stop the war and close all Middle East and North African conflicts. So will the refugees from Syria stop flooding Europe if hostilities increase there? The answer is no.

Angela Merkel is trying to push her decisions in all the countries of the European Union, but she is pretty bad at it. The EU countries, located in the center and in the east, flatly refuse to share the problems undertaken by the peoples of Germany, Italy, Greece and Sweden, or at least to take part in them, helping refugees. Therefore, too much has to be done by Angela Merkel to cope with the very burdensome Muslim flow, to correct public opinion about her policy and not to drop the country's economy.



Germany accepts refugees who bypass the Balkan countries, crossing the border of Turkey and Greece, often without any right to cross borders. That is, the Geneva Convention calls for the protection and provision of all necessary only for those who can apply for refugee status.

If there is no war and violence in the country, a person should return to his homeland. Residents of the Balkan states have to sort people by this principle, and we must admit that they cannot cope with this at all. And they themselves willingly settle in Sweden, Austria and Germany. Therefore, the Schengen agreement has been suspended, border control has been introduced in Germany. The situation at the borders was very, very complicated.

Refugee assistance

Germany met the crisis with a strong economy. Record revenues fell in 2015 - 671.7 billion euros, so it is easy to explain the former optimism of Wolfgang Schäuble, German Minister of Finance. The situation with refugees required enormous expenses, but in 2016 the ministry was able to balance the state. budget. Germany has the lowest number of official unemployed - 2.6 million people, half a million open on the job market.

That is why experts are confident that Germany can give refugee status to everyone, since only at first it will be a problem, then the country will even have an economic gain - with the integration of fugitives into German society and successful employment. This is a huge burden on the administration throughout its structure, and on the population, which will have to show the wonders of tolerance and more than actively participating in the fate of the arriving contingent.



The speed with which refugee asylum applications are processed is not a major issue. In a very short time, throughout the country you need to find or create resettlement centers prepared for winter living conditions from scratch. First of all, for those who received refugee status. Germany is coping with this hard, sometimes not even coping. In Hamburg, for example, vacant industrial premises are confiscated, which contradicts many laws, as a result of which a rather unpleasant public discussion arose.

Why are native Germans limited in their rights when resolving the immigration crisis - this issue was not the most acute during the discussion. Urban communities and cities temporarily resettle refugees in gyms - the German Sports Union has converted over a thousand of them for this purpose. For example, in Bremen, one third of the total number of sports facilities is occupied. Teams and sports clubs have lost the opportunity to train, there are already many cases of good players leaving sports associations.

Social housing

Middle Eastern and African refugees who have settled in Germany for a long time should receive apartments, but the market for cheap real estate suitable for large Eastern families, especially in large cities, is experiencing many difficulties. The social housing provided by the state significantly decreased even earlier, in the decade from 2002 to 2013, by almost one and a half million apartments, and the demand for it was even great without an influx of refugees.

Among the low-income strata of the population, competition will inevitably arise and discontent will grow about this. The same situation is with employment: the minimum wage of 8.5 euros per hour of work may decrease if the employment of refugees is ensured, and the German Federal Association of Entrepreneurs is entirely against this state of affairs. The willingness to help refugees from the German population is in jeopardy.


To start working, migrants need to learn German. There are courses for this. Particular attention on the part of the authorities under the UN Convention is given to the rights of the child. Refugee children not only have the right to attend schools, but, as spelled out in the laws of some federal states, are obliged to do so, even if the status of their stay in the country is not completely determined. Integration work is a pain in almost every German school.

In small towns for 300-500 schoolchildren there are 70-100 children who are just about to start learning German. And these are not only Syrians, many children from the states of the Balkan Peninsula, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, whose parents managed to find work in Germany. Special classes are crowded, so many of these children have to attend regular classes, where they naturally do not understand anything, thereby distracting the rest of the class from the implementation of programs. Special difficulties await, of course, teachers, whose dedication is already on the verge of possibilities.


Whether migrants who have received refugee status will be looking for work is a question of questions. Considering the size of the material assistance they receive, we can conclude that it is unlikely. So, Germany - a refugee benefit of 400-450 euros per month per person. Denmark - 1400 euros, Sweden - about 800 euros per month for each person. If you consider that migrants settle down quickly in the European Union, writing out parents, wives, children and camels from their home country, it makes no sense to work, there is enough money.

Europe is faced with the question of choice: is it worth playing multiculturalism and tolerance if the most negative consequences are inevitable? Indeed, under the guise of refugees, members of the most radical and universally banned organizations penetrate into Germany and other EU countries; therefore, terrorism is gaining an increasingly reliable roof over their heads.



There is no question of protests among the main population of Germany, it’s nothing compared with the problems that will soon be solved: ethnic crime (“hugs” in Cologne have already taken place), the predominance of a parallel world in the life of the country, since the inhabitants of Muslim countries are too different from the Germans in mentality and, unlike them, are not at all tolerant in their customs and way of life.

They will live closed, as always and everywhere. Moreover, the indigenous population is hardly truly imbued with alien values. All this is calculated much easier than, for example, to count if refugees entered the camp. Germany does not yet control the influx of illegal migrants.
