
Bezrukov Ivan Sergeevich - the son of Sergei Bezrukov

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Bezrukov Ivan Sergeevich - the son of Sergei Bezrukov
Bezrukov Ivan Sergeevich - the son of Sergei Bezrukov

Video: Как Живет Сергей Безруков И Сколько Зарабатывает Актёр 2024, July

Video: Как Живет Сергей Безруков И Сколько Зарабатывает Актёр 2024, July

Bezrukov Ivan Sergeevich - illegitimate son of a famous Russian actor, theater director, producer and screenwriter Sergei Bezrukov. His mother is St. Petersburg singer Kristina Smirnova.

Biography of Sergey Bezrukov

The actor was born on October 18, 1973 in the capital of Russia - Moscow. Parents named their son in honor of their father’s favorite poet, Sergei Yesenin. Papa Bezrukova - Vitaly Sergeyevich served in the capital's theater as an actor and director, and my mother worked for almost the entire life as a store manager. Now engaged in housekeeping.


The famous actor studied at the capital's school number 402, after which he studied at the Moscow Art Theater School at the acting department. From the age of 20 he served in the theater under the direction of O. Tabakov.

After training at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, a talented actor for 5 years was involved in the TV program "Dolls", which was broadcast on the NTV channel. In the program, Sergey Bezrukov was engaged in dubbing many political figures, among whom were: B. Yeltsin, V. Zhirinovsky, G. Zyuganov, A. Kulikov.

The first role of Sergei Bezrukov took place in 1990. The actor gained wide popularity after entering the television series "The Brigade" on a wide screen, where he played the role of Sasha Bely. Then there were such films as "Plot", "Master and Margarita", "Yesenin", "Life is One" and others.

A couple of years ago, Sergey Bezrukov took the post of artistic director of the Moscow Regional House of Arts "Kuzminki", and also became the artistic director of the Moscow Provincial Theater. The theater has a lot of performances staged by a famous actor, including “Pushkin” - Alexander Pushkin; "Bully. Confession ”- Sergey Yesenin; “Found a scythe on a stone” (based on plays by A. N. Ostrovsky); “Dream of Reason” - Aksenty Poprishchin and many others. Also Sergey Bezrukov is engaged in painting.

Political Views

A talented actor since 2002, is a member of the party "United Russia". During the presidential election in the Russian Federation, Bezrukov refused to appear in videos on the activities of Vladimir Putin. Motivating his decision by the fact that he does not want to influence the choice of most people with his actions and thoughts. In April 2013, Sergei Bezrukov joined the Army Public Council of Russia under the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

A year later, during the events related to the Crimean peninsula, the people's artist signed an appeal from activists in support of the policy of the President of the Russian Federation - Vladimir Putin. In turn, representatives of the Security Service of Ukraine entered the artist on the list, according to which Bezrukov is one of the cultural figures who pose a threat to the national security of the Ukrainian state.


Marriage with Irina Livanova

The first time a folk artist married at the age of 27. His chosen one was Irina Livanova, who was previously the wife of actor Igor Livanov, and was engaged in the upbringing of Andrei’s son.

Sergey met Irina during the filming of the film “The Crusader”. During a flight on an airplane, he wrote and handed the girl his phone number in the hope of a call.

For a long time, Irina doubted whether to call the young actor, but after a while she called the friend she liked and was pleasantly struck by his joy about the call. They began to meet, and after several months Bezrukov asked for Irina’s hands. Bezrukov lived in the union for 15 years. But many believe that this was far from a cloudless time. According to official figures, the couple broke up after the tragic events associated with the death of Irina’s son from their first spouse. However, the union cracked when Sergei had illegitimate children: Ivan and Alexandra.


Ivan Sergeevich Bezrukov - the son of Sergei Bezrukov

A talented artist about 12 years ago was busy filming the Yesenin tape. In extras, the St. Petersburg singer Kristina Smirnova tried her hand. The effective girl did not go unnoticed, she was noticed by the director of the picture and offered to try to play in the episode with Sergey. The novel of the famous star and St. Petersburg actress began with an innocent kiss on the set. Subsequently, Christina gave birth to children from Sergei Bezrukov: Ivan and Alexander. For a long time, the actor hid his illegitimate children. But the journalists got information from which it became known that Sergey Bezrukov had a second family in St. Petersburg. And Bezrukov Ivan Sergeevich and Alexandra Sergeevna are his children.


Secret disclosure

Sergei divorced his first wife in 2015, and a year later Anna Matison became his wife - a young director, whose relationship with which Bezrukov had previously tried not to advertise.

Sergei Bezrukov had known Anna since 2011, but their close communication began after Anna Matison suggested that Sergei play in her film "The Milky Way". During the filming, talking with Anna, Bezrukov noted that they have a lot in common, and already in the fall of 2015, they began to often notice the couple in public. The wedding of Sergey and Anna took place in March 2016, and after a period of time Bezrukov became the happy father of the girl Masha.


Sergey’s father, Vitaliy Sergeyevich, even before the birth of Masha’s granddaughter, told the Ukrainian TV channel that her son has two children. Daughter Sasha and the boy - Vanya Bezrukov. Vitaly Sergeyevich did not give details, saying that he could not do this without the consent of his son. However, according to journalists, at the moment, the boy, Ivan Sergeyevich, is 6 years old, and Alexandra Sergeyevna is 9 years old.