
Bykov Oleg Rolanovich: adopted son of Rolan Bykov

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Bykov Oleg Rolanovich: adopted son of Rolan Bykov
Bykov Oleg Rolanovich: adopted son of Rolan Bykov

Bykov Oleg Rolanovich - the son of a famous actor and director. The name of this person was hardly interested in anyone, if not for kinship with a brilliant filmmaker. What did Oleg Bykov do? What kind of relationship did he have with his father?

Lidia Knyazeva

With his first wife, Rolan Bykov lived for more than fifteen years. In the movie, Lidia Knyazeva played the role of the Chichi monkey in her husband’s film Aibolit-66. At this work, her career ended. But the actress-travesty worked for more than forty years in the Youth Theater. The couple did not have any children. Oleg Bykov was the adopted son, whom they took from the orphanage.


From his first wife Rolan Antonovich left more than once. He was a man of a wide soul. At home, feasts were often held, noisy companies gathered. Lydia did not like all this. And one day they broke up.

Oleg Bykov in childhood infrequently met with his father. Lidia Knyazeva forbade them to see each other. The second adopted son of the director is known throughout the country thanks to the bestseller “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard”. The author devoted this book to a man whom it is difficult to call a stepfather. Rolan Bykov was a real father for both Pavel Sanaev and Oleg Bykov.

Circus school

The director’s son grew up and began to communicate with his father. It turned out that Oleg Bykov did not have a special thirst for knowledge. Rolan Antonovich identified him to the circus school. Oleg was educated, but did not want to work by profession. And then he was called up by the army, where, however, also could not have done without adventures, the consequences of which his father had to eliminate.


Returning from the army, Oleg got married. But the family needed to be supported, but he had no work. Then Rolan Antonovich arranged it for Mosfilm. At the famous film studio, the young man worked for a while as an administrator. And around this period he entered the VGIK at the Faculty of Economics, of course, also not without the participation of his father.


For what reason Oleg Bykov left Mosfilm is not known for certain. But when his father arranged him as a director at the Novorossiysk cinema, he was unlucky again. A year later, he was fired. They refused to reinstate their son in the regional administration even with immense respect for Rolan Antonovich.