
Biography of the actor Zamansky Vladimir. Films with his participation

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Biography of the actor Zamansky Vladimir. Films with his participation
Biography of the actor Zamansky Vladimir. Films with his participation

The biography of the actor Zamansky has been of interest to the public for many years. Vladimir Petrovich became famous even during the existence of the USSR, his name forever went down in the history of Russian cinema. “While the man is alive”, “Check on the roads”, “Mistress of the orphanage”, “There was a war tomorrow”, “Front without flanks” - these are just some of the famous paintings with his participation. What is the story of this amazing person?

Actor Vladimir Zamansky: biography of the star

Vladimir Petrovich was born in the Poltava region, it happened in February 1926. The biography of the actor Zamansky indicates that he grew up without a father. A family consisting of a mother and a son desperately needed money. The child had to wear someone else's clothes, often in the house there were not even basic necessities.


At the age of 15, the boy lost his mother, who died at the beginning of World War II. Soon after this, the young man went to the front. He was not yet 18, so the commission had to be deceived.

Participation in the Second World War

The biography of the actor Zamansky says that he fought heroically during the Great Patriotic War. In 1944, the young man became a participant in the battles near Orsha, performed the duties of a radio operator. Vladimir was wounded in the head, but this did not stop him from saving his own commander from certain death.


Zamansky spent some time in the hospital, he needed to recover from a severe wound. Then he returned to the front, took part in the hostilities. The crew of his self-propelled guns managed to disable the German tank, eliminate fifty enemies and for a long time defend the intersection, which was of strategic importance.


The biography of the actor Zamansky tells that in his youth an unpleasant story happened. After the war, the young man remained to serve in the army. In 1950, the future actor and his colleagues attacked his commander. The reasons for this act remain a mystery, it is only known that this man was beaten.


Vladimir fell under the tribunal. He was sentenced to nine years in a labor camp. Together with other prisoners, Zamansky was engaged in the construction of high-rise buildings. This work was considered dangerous, so Vladimir reduced the time. He was released in 1954.

Study, theater

The biography of actor Vladimir Zamansky claims that he became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School shortly after leaving prison. He successfully graduated from an educational institution, and then joined the creative team of the Sovremennik Theater. The actor did not get much pleasure from working in this theater, he was not satisfied with the atmosphere of envy and jealousy reigning there.


Eight years later, Vladimir Petrovich moved to the Theater Studio of the film actor, in which he worked for about the same. He had a chance to serve in the Yermolova Theater, however, the actor did not stay there either. Work on the set began to take up too much time, in the end Zamansky focused on the film career.

The beginning of a film career

Zamansky Vladimir Petrovich first appeared on the set in 1959. The actor made his debut in the drama "Lullaby", which tells the tragic story of the pilot Losev. In this picture, he embodied the image of the episodic character Andrei.


The key role went to Zamansky in his next tape. In the drama “Skating rink and violin”, he brilliantly played the young worker Sergei, who protects the young violinist from yard boys. The actor embodied the image of the chairman of the village council in the drama "Lyubushka", in the film "On seven winds" he played the role of senior lieutenant Vasilyev.

60s movies

Thanks to the paintings listed above, actor Vladimir Zamansky quickly became popular among directors. Films with his participation began to be released one after another:

  • "In difficult times."

  • "Sinner."

  • "Three days after immortality."

  • "Employee of the Cheka".

  • "As long as a person lives."

  • "A man without a passport."

  • "A bridge is being built."

  • "Not a good day."

  • "Goodbye".

  • "Exodus".

  • "The First Russians".

  • "Case from investigative practice."

  • "Quarantine".

  • “Search and find.”

70s-80s paintings

In 1971, Vladimir Petrovich starred in the military drama "Check on the road." The film was an incredible success with the audience, and the actor woke up famous. He brilliantly coped with the role of policeman Alexander Lazarev.

What other famous films with the participation of the actor were presented to the audience during this period? A list of tapes is given below.

  • "The only …".

  • "Here is our home."

  • "In the area of ​​special attention."

  • "There was a war tomorrow."

  • "Criminal Investigation Inspector."

  • "Anthracite".

  • "Eternal Call" (TV series).

  • "Front without flanks."

  • “Two Captains” (mini-series).

  • "Stalker."

  • "Vacation Krosha" (mini-series).

  • "Eclipse Days."

What else to see

The biography of actor Zamansky indicates that the peak of his fame came in the 70-80s. In the 90s, cinema plunged into the abyss of the crisis, which was reflected in Vladimir Petrovich. He starred in only two films, unfortunately, did not have much success with the audience.