
Ex-husband of Julia Nachalova lost the court to Starhit in the case on the protection of honor and dignity

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Ex-husband of Julia Nachalova lost the court to Starhit in the case on the protection of honor and dignity
Ex-husband of Julia Nachalova lost the court to Starhit in the case on the protection of honor and dignity

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised by the act of Dmitry Lansky. The ex-husband of a recently deceased star has filed a lawsuit against StarHit, accusing the publication of defaming his honor and dignity. The artist was actively attacked by haters, who appeared after the publication of several articles that presented him as a traitor and a scoundrel. Spouse Yulia Nachalova failed to win the trial.


Article about cheating

The publication StarHit wrote about the betrayal of the husband of the late star and his psychological pressure on his wife. Three months after her death (in June 2019), an article was published on the journal’s website stating that the ex-vocalist of the Prime Minister group brought the girls to his wife’s apartment.


Information about the changes was provided to the magazine by producer Olesya Sazykina. Among other things, the article reported on the dissatisfaction of the performer with the appearance and weight of the spouse.


What is the essence of the dispute?

According to Dmitry Lansky, the journalists of the StarHit publication discredited his dignity and honor. The ex-vocalist demanded that some fragments of the publication be invalidated. The singer tried to assure the court that during the existence of his marriage with Nachalova, he was never interested in other women.
