
"I will give you cartridges": a love story of Alexander and Irina Porokhovshchikov

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"I will give you cartridges": a love story of Alexander and Irina Porokhovshchikov
"I will give you cartridges": a love story of Alexander and Irina Porokhovshchikov

He was a true bachelor before meeting Irina. She dreamed that this famous handsome man would ever pay attention to her. The age difference of 23 years did not scare young Irina. And once he appreciated her love, called that the only woman.



Porokhovschikov was known in the theatrical world of Casanova. He was never deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. Back in school years, he actively looked after girls and teachers. And in one interview, he admitted that he became a man with a geography teacher at a medical college.

In his student days, the young Porokhovschikov was addicted to alcohol, it even came to simple alcohol. Being a well-known actor, Alexander often abused strong drinks, attended entertainment venues.

In the theater named after A.S. Pushkin, Porokhovshchikov played the main roles. In general, the directors liked the textured appearance of Alexander, he had a beautiful, handsome face, he was trusted with the roles of officers, colonels, generals and governors.

Porokhovschikov often changed women, did not burden himself with marriage. For the most part, he did not do this because of his mother, Galina Alexandrovna. She was an imperious woman, to whom her son obeyed without question. In her youth, mother did not allow her son to marry a girl named Lida, in whom Porokhovshchikov was madly in love.

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Zhukova Ira got a job at the Pushkin Theater at the age of 15. She held the position of assistant costume designer, hoping that she would be accepted at the theater as an eminent actor. But in fact, the girl played the role of a "runner" - bring, give, carry, pet. Irina carried out all the orders, because she needed experience to enter a theater university.

It was in this theater that Ira first saw Porokhovschikov. The girl fell in love with the actor instantly, was ready to fulfill all his whims, but Alexander did not pay any attention to Irina at first. Once he just spoke to her, asked his age, address.



Zhukova had a long time to seek the attention and love of the artist. In general, all the actresses and fans daily revolved around Porokhovshchikov, when he after the performance, beckon one of the girls with a finger, as she instantly found herself in his bed.

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The actor did not take Irina seriously, he could call her in the middle of the night, demand this or that product, and she instantly called a taxi and rushed to him. Porokhovschikov sometimes walked around the city with Irina, for a long and tedious telling her the history of the capital, and she admired his mind. Walking became frequent. Once Irina was visiting Alexander, everything happened there. The girl fell head over heels in love with her idol.

For Porokhovshchikov, the relationship with Ira was also something surprising, because she was so young, devotedly looked at him, fulfilled all the requests and just loved. Alexander did not think that a young lady could love so faithfully. On tour, Irina secretly sneaked into Porokhovshchikov’s room, and in the morning ran away to her, thinking that no one knew anything. But the theater ladies were very perspicacious and understood for a long time.

Irina was even reprimanded at the council for relations with Alexander. She was humiliated, called names, demanded to be fired, and she only was silent and cried. Vera Alentova stood up for the girl, thanks to her, Zhukov was left in the theater.



For a long time Alexander Porokhovshchikov enjoyed Irina's devotion. He called her at night, demanded to pick her up from the tavern, she rushed, but Alexander was no longer there. At midnight, she could ride around Moscow in search of her beloved, and finding him in one of the evil places, she persuaded her to go home. All her attempts to persuade Alexander ended with one phrase: "You have no right to tell me."


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But everything was decided thanks to one conversation. Alexander had a test with which he checked the loyalty of women to his person. The actor asked the ladies what they would do if he was arrested, because he is from a repressed family, he does not intend to give up, he will kill anyone. The women were horrified, laughed, joked, only Irina said that she would stand behind him and serve cartridges. This phrase has changed everything.

He realized that this woman was perfect. Now he cannot live without her. Alexander met his beloved at the school door, searched for friends when she was late, and called him his woman. But Irina was not going to make an offer of a hand and heart, because there was another woman in his life - mother.

The suffering of Porokhovschikov

In 1997, Galina Alexandrovna, the mother of Porokhovschikov, died. All his life, the son idolized his mother, considered her the most wonderful person in the world. Alexander gave her all his love, affection and tenderness, what other women wanted from him. He suffered the death of his mother very hard.

During her lifetime, Galina Aleksandrovna could not stand the chosen ones of her son; She also disliked Irina, and for what she was loved - a provincial, without a dowry, from a family of alcoholics. Galina Alexandrovna did not allow her son to formalize a marriage with Irina. But the only time in his life he disobeyed his mother and signed with Ira in 1995. Young lived with Irina's parents.


After the death of Porokhovschikov’s mother, she kept talking about her, saying that she saw the image of her mother in a dream and in reality, that she heard her voice and steps. Gradually, it began to seem to Ira that the mother-in-law was really somewhere nearby. Many years later, Alexander admitted to Irina that she had saved his soul and heart, supported him in difficult times.


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“Irina became very close to me. Not me, but she became for me a wall that covered from all misfortunes. Her fragile shoulders endured much, ” admitted Porokhovschikov.

Dog instead of a child

The Porokhovshchikovs had no children, but they found a solution - they brought a dog named Auden. The family continued to huddle in the tiny apartment of Irina's parents. The German Shepherd became a favorite in the family, she was cared for and cherished. Alexander and Irina considered Auden their child, and parents tried to fulfill any whims of the shepherd.

Sasha spent hours telling friends about his pet, often taking him to the theater. The family rebuilt a beautiful mansion on Rublevka. Soon they moved there. For Alexander and Irina, these were the best years of life.

When Oden died, the couple lost heart. Irina was depressed, constantly sobbing, and Sasha was absolutely shattered. They buried their beloved pet in the country, and then daily lit a candle on the grave.

House of Porokhovschikov


The mansion of the famous family is a separate issue. This is a large old house where Chaliapin once rehearsed his roles, and Sergei Rachmaninov played the piano. Once Svyatoslav Fedorov, a friend of Alexander, suggested he rent a family home.

Porokhovschikov decided to make a museum out of the mansion. They attacked the house many times, set fire to it, and broke glass. Several times Alexander was offered to demolish this old house, build a skyscraper in its place, but were refused.
